You,Under My Name

Chapter 232: 232

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About ten minutes later, Li luoran's tears gradually stopped.

It was also at this moment that a delicate hand handed her a tissue,

"do you need it?"

Li luoran took it.

But because of the severe blockage in my throat, I couldn't even say the "thank you" I wanted to say.

"You are stronger than any girl I know. You don't want to affect others. You always bury your bad mood in your heart. Even when you are sad, you smile on the surface as if nothing happened. I've known you for more than a year, and I've never seen you cry."

Looking at this stubborn and arrogant weak woman, Shu Xin's bright and beautiful eyes show a trace of pity,

"you must have met with something very sad. Just now you met Jin Xintong, and Jin Xintong is Shaochen's first girlfriend, so I guess it's because of Shaochen."

Li luoran's heart is dead and his eyes are dull.

The cold little hands are warm.

Shu Xinshuang holds Li luoran's right hand with warm hands,

"according to my understanding of Shaochen, he has a clear love hate relationship. He is as cold as ice to the woman he doesn't love. On the contrary, he will love the woman he loves. Since he is willing to marry you, it shows that he loves you to the bone and wants to walk with you hand in hand for a lifetime."

"I know..."

Li luoran opened his heavy lips, and his sad voice was like weeping blood.

Lu Shaochen loved her -

she never doubted.

Ironically, Lu Shaochen's love for her is not single-minded. Like other scum men, Lu Shaochen embraces both sides and enjoys the happiness of all people

"Now that you know it, why are you so sad?"

Shu Xinshuang pats Li luoran's shaking shoulder comfortingly,

"I can guarantee Shaochen with everything I have. He is a good man with principles. I know how important jinxintong is in his heart. It's impossible for him to completely forget jinxintong, but since Shaochen is married to you, he will take the initiative to cut off all contacts with jinxintong."

Li Luo's cool heart can't help raising a trace of surprise.

She recalled that Lu Shaochen had said last night that he had principles, a bottom line, and would be loyal to his marriage. Unexpectedly, Shu Xinshuang seemed to have a heart to heart relationship with Lu Shaochen. Today, she also said something similar.

Lu Shaochen seldom tells Li luoran about the past between him and Jin Xintong. What Li luoran knows about Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong is mostly heard from Chu Xingchen.

And Shu Xinshuang seems to know everything between Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong.

In other words, Shu Xinshuang knows Lu Shaochen better than she does

At the moment, Li luoran doesn't want to dig deep into the secret between Shu Xinshuang and Lu Shaochen. He just takes a deep breath.

"I used to believe in Lu Shaochen, so if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would never believe it in my dreams, but..."

Li luoran didn't want to mention what she saw, but only with a smile in her tears.

"Lu Shaochen is not so principled and cheerful as you said. You were cheated too deeply by him."


Shu Xinshuang's exquisite face is full of helplessness,

"Ranran, I don't know what you experienced in jinxintong's home, but no matter what jinxintong said to you, no matter what jinxintong let you see, jinxintong is maliciously picking things up."

Li luoran closed his eyes in pain, and the tears in his eyes ran across his face.

"a year ago, I saw him and Jin Xintong holding each other in the rest room and saying beautiful love words. Since then, I was frustrated, but he refused to let me divorce. Yes, you're right. He loves me, and he can't let Jin Xintong go, so he wanted to have me as his wife, In the dark, there is jinxintong as a lover. "

Oh, my God!

Shu Xinshuang can't believe his ears,

"Ranran, don't make such a joke. Even if you kill me, I don't believe Shaochen is such a person."

"Yes, I wish I was joking, and I would never believe that he was such a person. So last night, I believed the lie he and Jinqian made up together. I wish it was true..."

Recalling the funny scene last night, Li luoran trembled and breathed heavily,

"I had a cold war with Lu Shaochen for a year. Last night, he knew that I had discovered the secret between him and jinxintong. He insisted on telling me that he was talking business with Jinqian when I saw him dating jinxintong secretly. I called Jinqian for confirmation, and Jinqian's answer was the same as what he said "Like."

Shu Xin breathed a sigh of relief,

"so, you misunderstood Shaochen, and I said that Shaochen is not that kind of person, it must be jinxintong's ghost."

"At that time, I thought so. I even blamed myself for being too arbitrary. I regretted that I had neglected him for a whole year. I also mistakenly thought that jinxintong deliberately made a misunderstanding between me and him. I came to jinxintong's house today just to ask her for a clear answer."

Li luoran pointed to the floor where Jin Xintong lived,

"as a result, when I walked into Jin Xintong's house, Lu Shaochen had already come to her house before me. He came to me from his bedroom. He put his arms around me with one hand and put his arms around Jin Xintong with the other. He said that he really loved Jin Xintong. He said that because he had no physiological reaction to Jin Xintong, he wanted to use my body to help himself After reaction, I had a skin kiss with jinxintong... "Shuxinshuang's expression was so startled that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Li luoran's words made her feel more sensational than the thunder.

So that, after a long time, Shu Xinshuang returned to his mind, "Shaochen can't be like this. Ranran, you don't take people's eyes and mistook them for Shaochen, do you?"

Li luoran shook his head in despair.

In fact, she did not think that maybe Jin Xintong found a person who was very similar to Lu Shaochen to cheat her.

However, this idea was completely overturned by the fact that I saw it with my own eyes.

In this world, there are people who look very similar.

But even if the twin brothers look similar, they will find many differences when they look closer -

when they were at jinxintong's home, Lu Shaochen and Li luoran were close at hand. Li luoran carefully observed Lu Shaochen because she felt that Lu Shaochen was a little strange, and she was sure that he must be Lu Shaochen -

because there is no way in the world People as like as two peas, a voice and a face.

This is also the reason why Li luoran firmly believes that seeing is believing.

There is only one explanation -

Lu Shaochen is a beast in clothes and a man of top quality;

last night, Lu Shaochen and Jin Qian colluded to cheat her


Shuxinshuang also collapsed.

Li luoran is not a person who likes to make a mountain out of a molehill. She believes that Li luoran, who has been sleeping with Lu Shaochen for more than a year, will never admit that his pillow is wrong. Besides, if Li luoran is not absolutely sure, she will never cry so sad.

Did Lu Shaochen always act in front of her?

Is Lu Shaochen really a scum man with different appearances?

Shu Xinshuang excitedly finds his cell phone in his pocket and makes a call in a hurry.

The call was soon put through.

Later, there came Lu Shaochen's magnetic and indifferent voice, "what's the matter?"

Shuxinshuang's voice was very cold. "I'm in the car downstairs with Ranran. I'll give you a minute to come down and see us."


Lu Shaochen's voice was slightly shocked, and then there came the sound of opening the window,

"I'm looking out upstairs, and I don't see where you are, and which downstairs are you?"

Shu Xinshuang was so angry that he trembled all over, "Lu Shaochen, don't pretend to be stupid. Is the memory of your chief executive really so bad? You just separated from Ranran ten minutes ago, and now you don't know where she is? "

“……” Lu Shaochen, standing in front of the window on the second floor of the villa, seems to understand something,

"where are you?" The voice was obviously a little heavy.

"Oh ~" Shu Xinshuang laughs,

"Lu Shaochen, you are really not to bow your head and never die until you see the Yellow River. Since you pretend to be confused, I might as well wake you up clearly. You should be very familiar with Ranran's" flowers like brocade "community. Someone named this community after his lover's name at the beginning. Er ~ I forgot, She's not your lover now, but your "extramarital lover" and "extramarital wife."

"Cough! Cough! Cough... "

Lu Shaochen was almost choked to death by the tea. Finally, he said in a deep voice,

"ten minutes, wait for me in place."

Without waiting for Shu Xinshuang to continue to blame, he crossed the line decisively.


Shu Xinshuang threw the mobile phone into the glove box and patted the window with her little hand,

"pig hoof!"

"Scum man!"

"Who knows? It takes ten minutes to go downstairs? Is he doing dirty things with Jin Xintong now, and it takes him ten minutes to get dressed? "

"Oh, by the way, how can I forget that slag man has no physiological reaction to Miss Jin? It's just right that God has eyes to let this pair of dog men and women have no love and can't let it go! "

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Learning that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong have an affair outside their marriage, Shu Xinshuang's mood is better than Li luoran's.

Looking at Shu Xinshuang's slapping and kicking in the car like an angry animal, Li luoran is also drunk.

Maybe, this is the power of friendship.

Before, when Li luoran held her mind in her heart to bear it alone, it seemed that no amount of tears could make her mood any better. After she told Shu Xinshuang what was on her mind, she felt much more relaxed.


Li luoran heard the conversation between Shu Xinshuang and Lu Shaochen on the phone.

Li luoran doesn't understand. At jinxintong's home, Lu Shaochen has told her so clearly. Why does Shu Xinshuang pretend to be innocent when he calls to question him.

She would like to see how Lu Shaochen would continue to deny later!

Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang both thought that Lu Shaochen would come out of the corridor, so the two people in the car were staring at the exit of the corridor for a moment.

In about ten minutes.

A silver Ferrari rushed into the community at a very fast speed, straight at the car they were in.With the screeching sound of braking, the anti-skid tire gave off sparks on the ground, and finally did not stop in time.


With a loud noise, the front of the car and the parking space are firmly together.

The sudden violent shock makes Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang's eyes shift from the building crossing to the Ferrari at the same time.

Li luoran's heart was very heavy. Such an accident made her angry instantly. She kicked the door open and got off quickly.

"can you drive? Do you have long eyes? Just go straight in the neighborhood... "

But after seeing the bright wine red head on the driver's seat, he swallowed the word "Chuang" back to his stomach.

At this moment, the car door in the middle row seat pops open automatically.

In the vision of Li luoran, the first is the long leg in black trousers, and then a very handsome face.

It's Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen, who is still familiar to Li luoran, is different from Jin Xintong's home. Now Lu Shaochen is wearing a black suit that is as straight as new. Although he is not as amazing as when he was wearing a white suit, he is more serious and solemn.

Lu Shaochen doesn't understand why Lu Shaochen, who is at jinxintong's home, can walk out of the stairs directly in his white suit, but has to go to great trouble to change back into a black suit and try every means to create the illusion of Chu Xingchen driving him

"Oh ~"

Shu Xinshuang, who saw this scene, also laughed angrily,

"no wonder we could arrive in one minute, but we had to wait for you for ten minutes. You used the ten minutes to act."

Lu Shaochen, a pale faced man, "what's the play?"

"Of course, it's a play that you just didn't come to jinxintong's house, but came from other places in a hurry." Shu Xinshuang's smile became more ironic. Her slender fingers pointed to the third floor,

"Ranran and I have been staring at the stairway. We didn't see you come out. Let me guess, eh! You must have climbed the back window to leave, hehe. Mr. Lu, who is famous, stealthily climbed the window to steal sunshine with another woman. When it comes out, don't you laugh off people's big teeth? "

Li luoran, "..."

Chu Xingchen in the driver's seat, "..."

Lu Shaochen Mo Mei lightly pick, "you remind me, I really climb the window into a girl's bedroom and steal love with her, and her father was in the outer room at that time."

As he spoke, he cast his eyes on Li luoran's face.

Liluoran's cheeks are red.

She remembers that one, too.

At that time, she and Lu Shaochen met soon.

Dad strongly opposes her being with Lu Shaochen. In order to prevent her from meeting Lu Shaochen, Dad rents a house to watch her. That night, Lu Shaochen sneaks into her bedroom from the window and runs away from the window with her after being sweet with her

What makes Li Luo blush is that when Lu Shaochen and she are in the bedroom, her father is watching TV in the bedroom separated by a wall.

"It's not unusual for Mr. Lu to steal women. I think you are wrong." Shu Xinshuang smiles. What

what as like as two peas clear, Lu Shaochen,

, "I don't know what happened, and I don't care about what you have done to me. I just want to say that you see someone else who is just like me."


Shu Xinshuang just thinks it's ridiculous,

"Lu Shaochen, how conceited are you to insult me and Ranran's intelligence by saying things that even children can't believe?"

This is also the voice of Li luoran.

If she had been in the past, she would have been excited to question Lu Shaochen.

However, now Lu Shaochen's image in her mind has gone to dust. She has completely despair of Lu Shaochen. She is so desperate that she doesn't want to waste even one more word on this "dirty scum man".

Lu Shaochen, "I don't blame you for not believing it. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, I'm afraid even if the person I trust most told me that, I would not believe it."

Knowing that Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang would never be convinced by his empty words, Lu Shaochen walked to the corridor.

Shu Xinshuang looked at him in surprise, "where are you going?"

Lu Shaochen, "if you want to find out the truth, follow me."

Shu Xinshuang and Li luoran look at each other and hesitate to go with Lu Shaochen.

At this moment, a penetrating magnetic sound came from the depth of the corridor,

"don't you just want to meet me upstairs? Don't bother. I'll do it myself

Lu Shaochen suddenly stopped, looking at the source of the sound, eyes color moment deep terrible.

as like as two peas, Lu Shaochen and Li Xin Liang changed their faces as well. Because

was the same voice.

If the location of the voice was not different from that of Lu Shaochen, they would definitely think that Lu Shaochen was speaking.

as like as two peas in the footsteps, the brilliant white shadows came out of the corridor. The bright sunlight illuminated the place he was in. The same face as Lu Shaochen was clearly reflected in everyone's face."Ah..."

Excessive shock made Lilo dye give a cry.

At the moment of seeing this face, Li luoran understood everything!

Sure enough, Lu Shaochen never lied.

Sure enough, everything is Jin Xintong's trick!

As Lu Shaochen said, if they didn't see it with their own eyes, no one would believe that there are two people who are so similar in the world -

so similar that they stand face to face. If they don't wear different clothes, they might even think they are looking in the mirror

No wonder Jin Xintong dares to act in front of Li luoran with this man so blatantly.

Let alone Lilo.

I'm afraid that even if this man pretends to be Lu Shaochen's biological mother, Anjian, she will never see a flaw!

Li luoran thought that if Lu Shaochen did not appear in front of her with this man, she would have misunderstood Lu Shaochen all her life!

"Ranran, pinch me hard..."

Shuxinshuang's trembling voice rang out in Li luoran's ear.

Li luoran looks at the beautiful girl who is scared pale.

Shu Xinshuang's face was dull, and her eyes were staring at the white and black figures,

"I suspected that I was dreaming."

All right!

Li luoran felt the same way.

However, the autumn wind is cold and the sun is dazzling. All the real senses remind her that this is reality.

Chu Xingchen is also shocked by this scene, his eyes are straight, and he has no master.

Even Lu Shaochen, who had seen the pictures of Xiao Qian's paintings and was psychologically prepared, was shocked when he saw Xiao Qian's paintings with his own eyes.

Lu Shaochen did not show his emotion. "Are you Xiao Qian's painting?"

Xiao Qian asked, "are you Lu Shaochen?"

And then, there's no then.

two people as like as two peas are separated from each other.

two pairs as like as two peas.

It's like a fight to the death.

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