You,Under My Name

Chapter 245: 245

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"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

It is difficult to stop the laughter of Su Yan, clear eyes smile tears.

After a long time, he stopped laughing and looked at Bai Qingwan teasingly,

"don't be paranoid, Bai Qingwan. I'd rather go to the night show and take a real lady as my wife than marry you as a prostitute."

Bai Qingwan had a clear expression of pain,

"I'll give you another chance, will you marry me or not?"

Su Yan's eyes were more resolute,

"go to hell!"

“……” Bai Qingwan's body was obviously trembling, and her tears came down again after she had just stopped,

"brother Su Yan, would you rather lose your life than make do with me?"

Su Yan's unruly eyebrow picking, handsome as a prince's face, shows the charm and evil spirit,

"if you really want to do it, do it quickly, otherwise, I will be disgusted to death by you before you do it."

Hearing this, Bai Qingwan's heart seemed to be seized by a cruel hand, and her haggard face showed pain.

And, only in the next second, Bai Qingwan tears suddenly burst out of the light of resentment.

Suddenly, the knife fell.


There was a dull movement in the air.

The sharp dagger stabbed Su Yan's heart accurately, and there was no handle.

Excessive accident and fear made Li luoran petrified.

In any case, she did not expect that Bai Qingwan really used a knife to Su Yan, and her hand was the most lethal one, so fierce and sudden.

It's not just liloran.

Even Xiao Qianhua and the three masked people changed their faces.

Everyone thought that Bai Qingwan said that he wanted to kill Su Yan in order to intimidate him. No one thought that this crazy woman really moved her hand.

With hysterical pain all over his body, Su Yan couldn't believe staring at Bai Qingwan, and then, with weak ridicule, "Bai Qingwan, you are really a poisonous snake ~"

Bai Qingwan, who is in a hurry, has a venomous face.

No longer give Su Yan a chance, cruelly pull out the knife from Su Yan's heart.

The red blood splashed out of Su Yan's heart, flying like a flame.

Su Yan suddenly broke his breath, and his strong body collapsed on the chair.

Bai Qingwan squats on the ground, resenting Su Yan's death, grieving over his killing Su Yan, and the pleasure of killing Su Yan for the first time The complex emotions made her ferocious face more distorted.

She holds a dagger in one hand and caresses Su Yan's handsome face with the other hand. She yells at Su Yan with her eyes closed,

"brother Su Yan, is this what you want? Forcing me to kill you is the result you want?! Now, are you satisfied? "

Everyone is discolored by it.

Bai Qingwan suddenly stood up and turned to face Li luoran,

"Ranran, it's your turn."

Liluoran's body trembled.

Bai Qingwan smiles ferociously,

"Oh, Li luoran, are you afraid? In the past, when you faced me, you were always so aloof and arrogant, like a high queen. Now, do you finally know that you are afraid? "

"Ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Her bright and luxurious pearl white skirt and delicate silky skin are stained with red blood. The painting style of white and red is like a fierce ghost who only wants to seek someone's life. With her shrill and crazy laughter, her skirt can't stop shaking.

"it's ironic, Li luoran, you used to say that sooner or later I will get retribution, and you always want to see me get retribution. Unfortunately, you can't help me Can't wait for that day, even if one day I really will get retribution, you will die to see!

"Li luoran, between you, me and Su Yan, you and Su Yan are both losers, and the final winner is me Ha ha "

" it's me who laughs to the end, and I'm the winner! "

"I'm the winner! Ha ha ha

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Crazy smile.

He stabbed Luo Li with blood.

Lilo ran closed his eyes in despair.

The point of the knife was getting closer and closer to Li luoran. When he saw that he was about to poke Li luoran's clothes, a powerful hand tightly grasped Bai Qingwan's wrist.

Bai Qingwan, who couldn't continue to stab, was stunned,

"Mr. Xiao, what are you doing Ah

I was interrupted by my own scream.

Because Xiao Qian's painting kicked her in the chest.

The strength of this foot was so great that Bai Qingwan was kicked up and fell two meters away.

The whole body seemed to be scattered, and the bloody dagger fell on her side, cutting a wound about three centimeters long on her arm.Although she couldn't stand up, she still looked up at Xiao Qian's painting and said, "why don't you let me kill Li luoran?"

Xiao Qianhua looked at Su Yan with a heavy heart, motionless is the body, "Su Yan is right, you are really a cruel snake, Su Yan is your ex boyfriend, a knife to kill him, you don't even blink an eye."

Bai Qingwan looked upright. "I've given him a choice, because he refused to accept the conditions and wanted to die. So did Li luoran. Li luoran must die!"

Xiao Qian's painting was shocked.

Even though he is known as the "black king of hell", although his reputation is frightening, he will have to take his life only when he has no choice, and the people who died in his hands are all heinous people -

even song Zilu, who was killed in order to help Jin Xintong hide his secret and buy a killer, is no exception -

Xiao Qianhua's heart is calm I feel that killing that kind of person is also acting for heaven.

Xiao Qianhua can't imagine that Bai Qingwan, who looks gentle and kind on the surface, is so poisonous on the inside. Killing Su Yan and Bai Qingwan is as casual as killing two ants

Xiao Qian's eyes are cold. "You can't kill her."

Bai Qingwan, "why?"

Xiao Qianhua, "because if she died, it would make Lu Shaochen angry. Lu Shaochen would revenge for her by all means. At that time, you and I would not escape. Even Xiaojin would be involved."

"Ha ha ~" Bai Qingwan laughs sarcastically,

"what Lu Shaochen will avenge for her, what you and I can't escape, these are secondary, only you are afraid that it will affect your Xiaojin is the most important."

Xiao Qianhua, whose eyebrows were deeply locked, didn't return. He just said in a cold voice, "I don't need to explain to you, Bai Qingwan. Remember your own identity. After all, you are just a chess piece that I can play with. What I say is the imperial edict for you, and you have to obey."

Bai Qingwan was struck by lightning. Her lips were open, but she couldn't say a word.

Xiao Qian turned her face coldly and said, "remember, without my permission, you can't dye a finger automatically. From now on, even if she stabs you with a needle, cuts you with a knife and hits you with a stick, you can't fight back, otherwise, I'll make you lose your reputation."

Bai Qingwan was stunned.

Xiao Qianhua turns and looks at Li luoran. Looking at her pale face and blank eyes, he sighs in his heart,

"send her away!"


A masked man came over and covered Li luoran's face with the original head cover.

It's dark again.

Her hands and feet were untied, and a powerful hand held her arm. A low voice said in her ear, "Miss Li, let's go."

Li luoran stood up with the upward force of this hand and walked mechanically like a puppet under the pull of the masked man.

Su Yan is dead -

this is the only thought in Li luoran's mind.

Even though it was dark in front of her, she could still see the picture of Su Yan sitting on the chair with blood all over her body.

All kinds of sounds came from time to time.

I don't know how long later, she was pushed out of the car.

The mask was removed, and the light reappeared in front of her eyes. Now she was standing outside a strange driveway, empty and lonely. There were only a few unfinished buildings in the huge open space, and occasionally there were a few cars passing by on the driveway.

The man left liluoran by the side of the road and drove away quickly.

Li luoran didn't know where it was.

She didn't have any money with her, and her mobile phone was taken away by Xiao Qianhua, so she couldn't take a taxi.

She just wants to keep walking.

The sky was overcast with dark clouds, and there was no star in sight. There was no direction sign in the nearby road. She was wandering alone on the strange road like a ghost.

Su Yan!

Bai Qingwan!

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Bai Qingwan!

Su Yan!

It was as if a voice kept repeating the two names in her ear.

Since breaking up with Su Yan and Bai Qingwan, Li luoran once excluded these two people from her life circle. She thought that these two people no longer matter to her. These two people can no longer make waves in her life. However, at this moment, her mind is full of these two people.

Something hot and humid hit the back of your hand.

It's tears.

Li luoran found that he had been in tears since then.

Li luoran doesn't know why. Su Yan has let her down, but Su Yan's death still makes her very sad.

Her hatred for Bai Qingwan also deepened.


there was a screeching brake sound behind him.

Then, a black Weihang stopped beside her.The door opened and closed, and the next second, a tall figure stood in front of her,

"do you know how far it is from the city? If you keep walking like this, it will take at least three hours to get home. "

The sound is magnetic, pleasant and penetrating.

Li luoran looks away with tears.

the man as like as two peas in Lu Shaochen's face is handsome and handsome. It takes a lot of courage to look straight ahead. Today he is wearing a black suit in a normal way. If he hadn't spoken so deeply, Li Luo could not tell whether he was Lu Shaochen or Xiao Qian.

"There is a clear video in your mobile phone. I can't give it to you. I can only put your mobile card in my spare mobile phone and call a car to go back."

A mobile phone is handed to Li luoran.

Li luoran naturally took it, but did not look at the mobile phone, but looked at Xiao Qianhua indifferently, "although you let me go, I will never thank you, because all this is because of you, if it is not for you to help Bai Qingwan, Su Yan and I have already let Bai Qingwan get retribution, and Su Yan will not die."

Thinking of Su Yan's death, it seems that Su Yan's handsome face like a prince appears in front of his eyes. From now on, that face will forever become a memory, and tears will fall down again.

Xiao Qian picture expressionless, "I will always stand on the side of Xiaojin, as long as she does not turn enemies into friends with you one day, I will be your enemy one day, I do not need you to thank me."

Sure enough

Xiao Qian's painting is for Jin Xintong to help Bai Qingwan.

The tearful Li luoran felt cold in his heart. "Then you should be very clear. Although the person who directly killed Su Yan is Bai Qingwan, you are also an accomplice. If I call the police, you can't get away with it."

"Just call the police."

Xiao Qianhua spread out his hands without explanation. He never thought of killing Su Yan,

"I promise the police will find nothing. As long as I protect him, Bai Qingwan will be safe."

Li luoran trembled excitedly, "you are helping the tyrant."

Xiao Qian said with a smile, "I said, I will always stand with Xiaojin. I don't care what kind of person Bai Qingwan is. I only know that helping Bai Qingwan is helping Xiaojin."


Li luoran has nothing to say but tearful teasing,

"the power of love is really great. Then, Mr. Xiao, I wish you and your little brocade a lover will get married and have a noble son early."

Li luoran's voice is as thin and cool as water.

For Xiao Qian's paintings, it seems that he heard a thunder, and his eyes like black Qushi suddenly hurt.

There is only Lu Shaochen in Xiaojin's heart. Is it possible for him and Xiaojin to "get married"?

In order to break up Lu Shaochen and Li luoran, Xiaojin has lost her fertility. Even if he can walk with Xiaojin, can they "have a noble son early"?

Li luoran walks by Xiao Qianhua indifferently.

Before long, Xiao Qianhua, who gradually recovered, said to her back, "we can make a deal."

Li luoran did not look back, but said faintly, "you say."

Xiao Qianhua looked at the weak woman standing in the flickering light from a distance of a few steps,

"I know you hate Bai Qingwan. I have a lot of evidence against Bai Qingwan in my hand. As long as you leave Lu Shaochen, I can not only help you make Bai Qingwan disgraced, but also let her get legal sanctions."

Ha ~

Li luoran gave a sneer from the bottom of his heart,

"what a tempting condition. I can't imagine that the cruel and merciless" black hell "in the rumor is actually a woman who sacrifices herself for her true love. If I leave Lu Shaochen, Jin Xintong will have a chance to be with Lu Shaochen, and you will never get true love, will you?"

"As long as she's happy, I don't care." The silver face of the man was very handsome in the light.

Li luoran did not return.

Step forward again.

Xiao Qian's thrush room reveals doubts,

"you haven't told me the answer."

Li luoran still does not return.

He just stepped out of the sight of Xiao Qian's painting step by step.

Of course she would not make such a deal.

Uncomfortable because she doesn't want Bai Qingwan to get what she deserves. Now, Li luoran hates Bai Qingwan more than before, and can't wait to let Bai Qingwan pay for his blood.

However, she must not sacrifice her love for revenge.

She not only wanted to let those crazy people get what they deserved, but also had a good harvest in love and career -

she wanted to let those bad people get what they deserved, and at the same time, she also wanted to watch her get better and better with envy and jealousy.

And this is her revenge on those people!


the mobile phone Xiao Qianhua left to Li luoran has no password.

The first thing for Li luoran was not to call a car home, but to call the police.Because she was taken into and out of the warehouse where Su Yan was killed, she was masked. She didn't know where the accident happened, so she could only tell her current position.

The police car arrived at the scene soon.

Because it was late at night, the policeman on the night shift only took notes of what Li luoran said, and then sent Li luoran home in a police car.

It was more than one o'clock in the morning when Li luoran returned to the house.

The luxurious villa is empty. Lu Shaochen has not come home yet because of his busy work. Li luoran thinks he should live in the company.

Li luoran was tired both physically and mentally.

Walking into the bedroom, he was lying on the bed, even his clothes didn't want to take off. His wet eyes were looking at the ceiling with exquisite patterns.

She recalled the scene of Yingye dying in front of her.

Even after more than a year, the scene is still vivid.

Since breaking up with Su Yan, Su Yan's status in Li luoran's heart has become a passer-by, so alienated that he can't even count as a friend.

Li luoran couldn't tell her feelings for Su Yan.

Li luoran once hated Su Yan because of Bai Zhinian's death.

But Su Yan's death still makes her feel very sorry.

It's a pity that her tears can't stop.

She can't tell whether Su Yan's death makes her so sad because she can't help Bai Qingwan killing Su Yan in front of her eyes, or because Su Yan has been trying to make up for her disappointment after seeing Bai Qingwan's true face clearly

Li luoran lay like this all night.

Lu Shaochen did not return overnight.

The next day, Li luoran was called by the police to the station to take a confession.

Because Su Yan is well-known in Yucheng, the police attach great importance to it.

On the same day, police from many police stations in the city were dispatched one after another.

Soon, the police found the warehouse described by Li luoran, and the police took Li luoran to the warehouse to confirm.

However, before Li luoran was brought to the scene, the warehouse "accidentally" caught fire. The fire was extremely strong and could not be put out. By the time Li luoran arrived at the scene, the warehouse had already turned into ashes.

Li luoran knew that the fire was not caused by accident.

Someone must be deliberately destroying the evidence.

The police know that, too.

But the more principled the police are, the more they pay attention to evidence. Even if they believe that everything Li luoran says is true, they dare not jump to the conclusion that Bai Qingwan is guilty.

The police have been looking for Su Yan.

However, they searched every corner they could, but they couldn't find Su Yan's body.

Since they can't find the body, they can't listen to Li luoran's words and conclude that Su Yan is dead. So they can only record the matter and continue to search for Su Yan.

At the same time, Bai Qingwan was also called by the police for questioning.

Bai Qingwan was innocent, and even several actors from the original "imperial concubine" crew testified to her that Bai Qingwan had a birthday party with them for an actress last night.

There was no progress on the case.

After leaving the police station, Bai Qingwan, who was whitened by Liluo dye, immediately went to participate in the star Parkour program that night, playing the holy goddess.

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