You,Under My Name

Chapter 246: 246

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Even trivial matters related to stars will be particularly eye-catching, not to mention such a big "star killing incident".

Although the police did not release the results of the investigation, the circle of public opinion has become a sensation. Recently, the affair between Li luoran and Bai Qingwan has been making a lot of noise. Many media have also stripped out the "love triangle" relationship between Li luoran, Su Yan and Bai Qingwan.

Bai Qingwan was surrounded by reporters from all major media after Parkour.

A reporter asked her straight to the point, "Miss Bai, now the city is full of rumors about your cruel killing of Su Yan. Is this true?"

“……” Bai Qingwan was extremely helpless. She stared at her pitiful eyes,

"I also heard these rumors. I was surprised. I didn't know where the rumors came from, and there were so many people who didn't know right from wrong mistakenly thought that the rumors were true. Even the police came to me for questioning. I really want to ask, my God, what's the world like What happened? Why do you want to do such a wrong to an innocent person? "

Reporter, "so the rumor is false?"

"Of course!" Bai Qingwan has a strong sense,

"the police have come to me. If I really am a murderer, the police can't let me go, and I can't come to the entertainment show tonight with peace of mind. I suggest those who still doubt me ask the police, and the police will give me a fair answer."

All right!

The reporter breathed a sigh of relief.

Other reporters also cast praise to Bai Qingwan.

After all, Bai Qingwan is the pronoun of "bringing no time". If we say that this girl who is like the Virgin Mary is a murderer, who will believe it?

I really don't know which brain damage created such an unreliable rumor.

They would rather believe that Wanqian was a murderer than a murderer.

"But..." A reporter hesitated for a moment, but bravely asked,

"however, according to the rumor, you reported to the police that it was Miss Li luoran, the most popular female star recently, who killed Su Yan."


Bai Qingwan seemed to scream in surprise. Even LV handbag that he had held in her hand fell to the ground, but she didn't care to pick it up. Instead, she stroked her heart with her hands,

"my God! Where do these rumors come from? It's ridiculous! Everyone knows that Ranran and I are close friends like sisters. When I was misunderstood by my fans a while ago, Ranran stood up and helped me clean up. She couldn't have framed me like this out of thin air. It must be that some media maliciously created rumors to attract traffic. "

The reporter glared at his confused eyes,

"is it a malicious rumor that you and Su Yan used to be lovers?"

"Su Yan and I used to be lovers, but..." As if someone had uncovered the scar, Bai Qingwan's voice was hoarse and her eyes were glistening with tears.

"in order to take care of Su Yan's image, I originally wanted to rot these things in my heart for a lifetime, but now if I don't tell the truth, everyone will misunderstand me. I'm afraid I can't wash it out even if I jump into the Yellow River, Su Yan He... "

Choking with pain, tears instantly covered her face, as if it was difficult to say a word.

Looking at her like this, the hearts of the reporters around Bai Qingwan and the fans outside the reporter circle are almost broken.

And everyone has a premonition that Bai Qingwan will explode next, so he looks at her with heartache.

It seems that after a long time, Bai Qingwan's mood recovered a little calm, and she bit her lips wrongly,

"when Su Yan and I were together, although they were good to me on the surface, he often had a good night with some women behind my back, and I loved him foolishly. Therefore, I had been wronged silently, and I endured his flower heart, but I didn't tolerate it Instead of arousing his conscience, he didn't cherish me any more. Later, he began to abuse me and brutalize me. Once, I was beaten to death by him and lost my breath. After being rescued, I finally realized that if I didn't have a complete ending with Su Yan, maybe he would kill me next time, so I can only I can only bear to break up with her Wu... "

"Sorry to let you see my tears, Wu..."


Bai Qingwan, while trying to bear it, could not help crying. Her beautiful body was crumbling under the spotlight.

The scene was filled with sympathetic eyes.

Many fans shed sad tears with Bai Qingwan, and two little girls rushed to Bai Qingwan and helped her around, wiping her tears and crying with him


Jiang Xiaojing couldn't watch it any longer. He pressed the close button on the TV remote control and threw the remote control to the ground angrily.

"Bai Qingwan is too shameless. I really want to go into the TV and slap her in the face!"

Li luoran, who stood side by side with Jiang Xiaojing, was also pale with anger.Lilo dye to Bai Qingwan must not only do not admit his evil deeds, but also shamelessly in front of the public in his face gold, but Lilo dye less, Su Yan has been killed by Bai Qingwan, Bai Qingwan even maliciously tarnish Su Yan's reputation!


If Su Yan was still alive, Bai Qingwan would not dare to speak so blatantly about Su Yan.

Now there is no proof of death, we will believe what Bai Qingwan said, and no one will come forward to refute!

"Dye..." Jiang Xiaojing gently pulls Li luoran,

"Su Yan is not only blind, but also merciless to you. He deserves to die in the hands of such a villain as Bai Qingwan, but I can't stand that Bai Qingwan, a scheming bitch, even wants to kill you after killing Su Yan. What's so special! I must avenge you

Li luoran reluctantly smile, "how to report?"

Jiang Xiaojing said, "of course, it's the most simple and direct way to fight violence with violence!"

Li luoran, "..."

Jiang Xiaojing continued, "if you ask her out, we will strip the white lotus and tie it to the chair just like she does to you, and then kill her with a dagger!"

"No! A knife is too cheap. I'll stab her one by one. Every knife will stab her to the point where it's not enough to kill her. She'll be in agony until she dies! "

“……” Li luoran took a cold breath and experienced Su Yanzhi's death. She didn't sleep last night. Now her face was haggard, but she tried to smile and pat Jiang Xiaojing on the shoulder,

"mirror, I know you want to help me revenge, but you must promise me that you will never take part in the affair between Bai Qingwan and me, OK?"

Jiang Xiaojing said with a dull smile, "you are really boring. Is Bai Qingwan so terrible? I'm not afraid of her

Li luoran looks at Jiang Xiaojing solemnly, and his smile becomes dignified.

"Well, well! Don't look at me like a devil. Do you think I don't care about you? I promise you, I won't take part in the affair between you and that scheming whore But also a small mirror.

Li luoran is reluctant,

"you must swear."

"You are so strong!" Although Jiang Xiaojing is not willing, she can't bear to worry about Li luoran's haggard appearance, so she can only compromise and sigh,

"yes, I swear, is it all right now?"

It's a relief.

Li luoran knows that Jiang Xiaojing is a girl who is jealous of evil. There is nothing Jiang Xiaojing dare not do in the world. If Li luoran doesn't force Jiang Xiaojing to swear like this, the girl may cut Bai Qingwan to pieces like she said

Li luoran doesn't cover up Bai Qingwan.

If you can, Li luoran would like to cut Bai Qingwan to pieces.

But that also means she has to pay for her life.

Scum like Bai Qingwan is not worth Li luoran and her death.

And now Bai Qingwan has gone mad, Li luoran must not let Jiang Xiaojing involved in this resentment.

There was a knock at the door.

Jiang Xiaojing immediately cried out, "who is that?"

"I don't know."

Although the voice is light, but because of the kind of penetrating magnetic, even through a thick security door is still clear into the room.

Jiang Xiaojing shrugged and looked at Li luoran with curved eyebrows, "looking for you."

Li luoran returns to Jiang Xiaojing with a smile, walks to the door quickly and opens the door.

Also at the moment when the door was opened, a very handsome face came into her view.

Lu Shaochen, of course.

He was dressed in his trademark black suit, with no radian around him. He was as spotless as a piece of jade. He was more outstanding and eye-catching in the dim light of the corridor.

This is the first time Li luoran saw Lu Shaochen after su Yan's accident.

I don't know why. The moment I saw him, Li luoran's eyes suddenly got out of control, and her calm heart suddenly became restless. The sadness and grievances that had been suppressed by her soon rushed out like a flood.

Lu Shaochen also looked at her.

When Li luoran's eyes were wronged, his heart suddenly stopped beating. He felt very sad. All the words he wanted to say to her disappeared

Two people, one inside the door and the other outside the door, looked at each other silently across a threshold.

"Hello! Are you looking at each other so affectionately to kill me, a single dog? Will you be struck by thunder like this? "

Jiang Xiaojing looks at Lu Shaochen with a look of disgust,

"you either come to the house to sit down or take Ranran home. What's Mr. Lu standing outside my house like this?"

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“……” Lu Shaochen just recovered. Instead of looking at Jiang Xiaojing, he raised his eyebrows at Li luoran and said, "go home?"

Li luoran opened her haggard lips, "good..."Lu Shaochen didn't come back, but held Li luoran's slender waist by tacit understanding.

Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing bid farewell and went out with Lu Shaochen.


The door has been closed. Jiang Xiaojing is still standing in the same place, staring at the position where Lu Shaochen just stood.

Lu Shaochen -

that's a rare good-looking man in the world. Even Jiang Xiaojing, who is extremely picky, can't help being attracted by Lu Shaochen every time he sees him.

However, Jiang Xiaojing looks at Lu Shaochen purely because she appreciates beautiful things. Lu Shaochen is Li luoran's husband, and she will never have any idea of Lu Shaochen.


knowing that Li luoran was heavy hearted, Lu Shaochen didn't take the elevator with Li luoran, but accompanied her down the stairs of the fire escape.

Lu Shaochen did not say some words to comfort her, but quietly accompanied her.

But Li luoran found that as long as he was around, his mood would be much better, as if no matter how big the negative emotions would disappear in the invisible.

Lu Shaochen's International Limited Edition Black Rolls Royce stops quietly downstairs.

Seeing them coming, Chu Xingchen in the driver's seat opened the door early.

Before Li luoran got on the bus, Lu Shaochen said faintly,

"Ranran, I'm sorry."

Li luoran, who was about to drill into the car, was so surprised that he stood up straight again,

"what's the matter?"

Lu Shaochen, who looks like a crown of jade, stands in the night behind her, and his eyes like black gems are interwoven with remorse and affection.

"if I had gone home early last night to accompany you, maybe this would not have happened."

Lu Shaochen didn't say the second half of the sentence -

what he thought in his heart was that if he was with Li luoran last night as usual, he would accompany Li luoran to shoot Bai Qingwan's "secret". In that case, even if it is inevitable that he will be caught, he will also be caught with Li luoran.

In that case, even if Li luoran didn't get away with her death, he could at least die with her.

"So it is..."

Li luoran was so moved that she turned around and Lu Shaochen was close to her. She looked up at him with her little face,

"what I want to say is that if you didn't go home last night because you were out fooling around with other girls, of course I'll blame you. But if you are busy working, you don't have to apologize to me. You don't have to blame yourself at all."

Lu Shaochen, "..."

Since Su Yan's accident, Li luoran's haggard face finally shows the usual evil and brilliance,

"you should not be fooling around with other girls?"

Lu Shaochen shook his head.

Li luoran winked, "so, what can you blame yourself for?"

Lu Shaochen looked at her in a daze.

Li luoran gently pulled his arm, "get in the car."

Lu Shaochen got into the car with Li Luo.

After the car started, Lu Shaochen asked, "if you had the chance to retaliate against Bai Qingwan now, what would you do to her?"

Hearing the name of Bai Qingwan, Li luoran's eyes became sad. She looked at the retrogressive scenery through the translucent window in a trance,

"I haven't thought about it yet. In fact, what I want most in my heart is to cut her like the mirror says, but Alas

Li luoran sighed heavily,

"what's the use of saying this? Bai Qingwan is careful in her work. She will watch out for me everywhere. From now on, she will not give me any chance to retaliate against her. "

"Is it?"

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows were slightly raised, his thin lips were light brown, and he wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Chu Xingchen's heavy cough,

"cough, cough, cough! Well, my Lord, my sister-in-law must be in a mess now. Should you let her be quiet for a while? "

Lu Shaochen suddenly understood, "well."

I'd better leave it as a surprise for her.

Li luoran's thoughts were complicated, and he didn't notice the difference between Lu Shaochen and Chu Xingchen.

The car became quiet.

Li luoran thought about last night.

When Su Yan asked her to shoot a video of Bai Qingwan "accompanying customers", she mentioned that someone told him in advance where Bai Qingwan was going, and soon after she and Su Yan finished shooting the video, they were intercepted by Xiao Qianhua -

everything was so coincidental.

Skillfully, as if someone deliberately manipulated the general behind!

Although Su Yan is dead and there is no way to verify everything, Li luoran knows that someone must have set a trap for Su Yan in advance

When the car drove out of the residential area where Jiang Xiaojing lived, there was a ringing of mobile phone in the car.

The bell kept ringing.

Until Lu Shaochen poked Li luoran on the shoulder with his finger, "don't you answer the phone?"Li luoran realized that the ringtone was his own.

It turns out that Xiao Qianhua and her mobile phone changed last night. Although she has received several calls with this mobile phone since then, she has not been used to the ring tone of this mobile phone until now.

Li luoran answers the call from a strange number.

"You must be Miss Li, aren't you?"

There was a strange female voice on the phone.

Because Li luoran left her phone at the police station, she was not surprised that there was always a strange policeman calling her today,

"what's the progress of the case?"

"Progress?" There was confusion at first, and then he suddenly opened up the road,

"Miss Li must have misunderstood. I'm not a policeman, but Su Yan's lawyer."

This time it's Li luoran's turn to be confused.

The other side continued, "well, although the police haven't come to a conclusion yet, I think Mr. Su is more or less in danger now. He specially entrusted me, no matter what happened to him, no matter he disappeared, died or disappeared As long as I can't get in touch with him after 24 hours, I'll give you something right away. "

Li luoran was surprised, "what is it?"

"Something very important." There was a heavy sigh,

"Miss Li, is it convenient for you to come here now? Let's talk face to face!"

Li luoran said busily, "where are you? I'll find you now."


in the dead of night.

Jin Xintong is half sitting and half lying on the princess chair beside the children's bed. On the bed, Lu Mingyue, with Lu Shaochen's miniature face, is sleeping peacefully. Her beautiful eyelashes are fanning slightly with her steady breathing.

For more than a year, Jin Xintong is used to watching this lovely baby sleeping quietly by the bed when she can't sleep.

Jin Xintong doesn't understand that he likes this little cute baby so much because he is adorable, or because he is too much like Lu Shaochen?

"Sister Xintong..."

A low voice came from the door, as if for fear of disturbing Jin Xintong.

Jin Xin Tong light sees to that slender figure, "Su Su, those matters all handled?"

"Don't worry, sister Xintong. I've dealt with it without fail. Absolutely no one can find out that you called Su Yan to inform him, and Mr. Xiao won't know that you called anonymously to tell him that Su Yan and Li luoran secretly photographed Bai Qingwan." With these words, the girl comes to jinxintong step by step.

Jin Xin Tong light should voice, "know."

At this time, the girl has come to jinxintong.

The light in the room is dim, and you can still see that this is a girl who only looks sixteen or seventeen years old. She has a small face that can be covered with a slap. Her face is exquisite, and her skin is white and delicate. Although it is beautiful and delicate, it is covered by an eye mask because she is blind in her right eye, as if there is a crack on a priceless antique bottle. It's a pity

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