You,Under My Name

Chapter 247: 247

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The girl suddenly looks at Jin Xintong, "Su Yan is dead."

Jin Xintong doesn't look at the girl either, just staring at the sleeping little cute, "I know."

The girl looks at Jin Xintong's expressionless face through the thin and cool light, and her delicate but incomplete face shows surprise,

"sister Xintong, is this your answer? When an innocent person dies because of you, your answer is to understate "I know?"

Jin Xintong, "you know my original intention, I just want Bai Qingwan to hate Li luoran more. I didn't expect Bai Qingwan to be so crazy."

The girl was speechless.

She also knows that Jin Xintong's words are true. Bai Qingwan killed Su Yan, which is beyond everyone's expectation. But after all, Jin Xintong designed all this to indirectly kill Su Yan

She didn't expect that Jin Xintong didn't feel guilty or blame herself, but was so indifferent.

"Besides, Su Yan's death is a good thing for me."

Just listen to Jin Xintong continue to light way,

"Su Yan's death, Li luoran's hatred for Bai Qingwan will be worse, they will fight more fierce, and I can take advantage of it, right?"


The girl can't believe what jinxintong said. She looks at jinxintong, and is shocked in her only water eye.

"I know what you are thinking. You must think that I am not as kind as before." Say words, brocade Heart Tong slowly stand up.

The girl didn't cover up and nodded, "yes..."

In her mind, sister Xintong is not only the most beautiful girl in the world, but also as beautiful in heart and appearance.

Xintong elder sister is the tallest and most holy idol in her heart. She doesn't want Xintong elder sister to go bad!

"Su Su!"

With a heavy sigh, Jin Xintong's little hand was patted on the girl's thin shoulder,

"you know, I want to be the same as you think, always be the simple and kind girl before, but what did my simple and kind get? At that time, I couldn't bear the humiliation of an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue. I threw myself into the river with dignity. I didn't die, but I lost my memory. I suffered like a walking corpse for three years. Finally, I recovered my memory. I came back to find Shaochen for the first time. However, he didn't wait for me. He was someone else's husband. "

Listening to Jin Xintong talking about this, the girl shed tears sadly,

"sister Xintong, can't you stop torturing yourself? I know god treats you unfairly, but there's no way to do it! "

"Ha ha, God treated me unfairly! At first, like you, I also complained about God's unfairness to me. I was disappointed that God had arranged all this. I was destined to have no relationship with Shaochen, but later I came to understand that it was not God who was unfair to me, it was people who caused all this! "

Su Su painfully looks at Jin Xintong's painful appearance,

"sister Xintong, do you mean Mr. Lu, an Jiaren, Lu Wanyue and Li luoran?"

"No! It's not them

Jin Xintong smiles bitterly, tears in her eyes,

"Su Su, it's me who caused this situation today!"


Su Su's heart is mercilessly painful, "Xin Tong elder sister, why do you embarrass yourself like this?"

"I didn't embarrass myself, but after so many twists and turns, I saw the truth thoroughly." Jin Xintong took a deep breath and let the tears dry in her eyes.

"Su Su, when I was with Shaochen, we loved each other deeply. At that time, Mrs. an strongly opposed us to be together. I thought about Shaochen everywhere. I couldn't bear him because there was a rift between his mother and me. No matter how mean Mrs. an was to me, I could bear it, even I could Despite Mrs. an's objection, she and Shaochen got the marriage certificate, but I don't want Shaochen to fall out with Mrs. an, so I didn't... "

Su Su can't help sighing, "if you and Mr. Lu got the marriage certificate then, maybe you won't end up like this now."

"Yes, as long as I was a little selfish at the beginning, instead of just thinking about others, maybe everything would be different. Now, I'm really stupid. Li luoran is much smarter than me..."

Thinking of Li luoran, Jin Xintong is filled with jealousy and resentment,

"Li luoran and I were also born by Gu lianyue, and Anjian is just as opposed to her being with Shaochen. What's different is that she doesn't think about Shaochen as much as I do, and she marries Shaochen, and she can't bear to swallow her anger. How Anjian treats her, she goes back and doesn't give Anjian any Face. "

Su Su nodded silently.

She has heard about the relationship between Li luoran and an Jiaren.

Jin Xintong said angrily, "in the past, I always couldn't understand what happened to Shaochen. Li luoran ignored his face and treated his mother so ruthlessly. He was still determined to support Li luoran. Even I couldn't escape"I let Shaochen see Li luoran hurt me again and again. I can feel that Shaochen's heart was hurt when he saw me hurt. No matter how miserable I was hurt and how sad he was when he saw me hurt, he could not bear to blame Li luoran and would ignore me for Li luoran."

Thinking of Jin Xintong's experience, Su Su is also extremely distressed,

"sister Xintong, there are many fickle men like Mr. Lu in the world. He doesn't deserve your love."

"Shaochen is not a scum man! He is the most affectionate and righteous man in the world Jin Xin Tong immediately grasps Su Su's arm, excitedly corrects.

Su Su wronged curled his lips, Jin Xintong is infatuated with Lu Shaochen to almost crazy, unexpectedly again and again by Lu Shaochen hurt and disappoint, also don't allow others to say bad things about Lu Shaochen.


If it wasn't for Xintong's deep love for Lu Shaochen, how could she do so many stupid things?

Jin Xintong gradually relaxed her hands holding Su Su's arms,

"so, Su Su, I've come to such an end today. I don't blame miss an, Lu Wanyue, Li luoran and Shaochen. I only blame myself for being too simple and kind. I only blame myself for being considerate of others. I don't blame myself and selfishness like Li luoran. ”

but in the future, she will never make the same mistake again.

Since the moment when she had to have a close relationship with Xiao Qianhua in order to break up Lu Shaochen and Li luoran, she had already died.

Since in this world, simple and kind-hearted people will not have good results, then, she is as ruthless and selfish as Li luoran.


She wants to become more ruthless and selfish than liloran!

She will be like a cold-blooded killer, unscrupulous to get back everything that should belong to her!

Because the mood is complex, Jin Xintong thin figure faintly trembles.

Feeling her heavy breathing, looking at her painful look, Su Su's heart is not taste, but do not know how to comfort.

Jin Xintong's love for Lu Shaochen is deeper than the sea.

For this love, Jin Xintong paid too much.

Although Su Su also knows that Lu Shaochen and Li luoran are innocent and helpless, many times, seeing Jin Xintong suffering from this love, Su Su also wants to separate Lu Shaochen and Li luoran.

And that's why Xiao Qianhua spared no effort to help her -

although Xiao Qianhua loves her deeply, he knows that there is only Lu Shaochen in her heart. Therefore, in order to make her happy, he would rather hurt himself

Thinking of Xiao Qianhua, Su Su can't help asking, "sister Xintong, brother Xiao Qianhua has spared no effort to help you. He will never betray you. Shall I confess to him?"

Jin Xintong, "what to confess?"

Su Su, "you call Su Yanbai anonymously and tell him..."


Jin Xintong interrupts Su Su's words in a hurry, and her eyes become flustered and severe.

"Su Su, remember, in this world, the only person I trust is you. Some things I have done are only known by heaven and earth. You know what I know. You can never tell anyone, even Xiao Qianhua and Jin Qian! Remember not

Su Su timidly lowered her head, "Xin Tong elder sister, don't be angry, I remember."

The secret that sister Xintong said must refer to the things she did in the three years when she lost her memory?

No wonder sister Xintong is so nervous.

Which girl wants to be known about her unforgettable experience?


Su's headquarters building -

the lawyer and Li luoran agreed to meet.

Lu Shaochen escorted Li luoran to the president's office all the time. After seeing Li luoran enter the office, he went to the window at the end of the corridor to smoke.

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Li luoran walks into the president's office.

"Hello, Miss Li ~"

this is a middle-aged woman with a fat figure, wearing old-fashioned black framed glasses. Li luoran can tell that she was the one who called her before.

Li luoran shook her hand politely.

The woman introduced herself and said, "my name is Zhang Luyao. I'm the lawyer of President su. You can call me sister Zhang, Luyao, Lawyer Zhang and Aunt Zhang Ha ha, in a word, you'd better call it casually. "

Li luoran didn't mean to laugh. He went straight to the topic,

"you said on the phone that Su Yan had something important for me."


I didn't expect that Li luoran would be so straightforward. Zhang Luyao first stayed slightly, then said with a smile,

"Su Yan left all his property to you."


Li luoran couldn't believe her ears. She looked at the round lawyer as if she had been frightened."About a year ago, President Su asked me to make this will Well, to be exact, it should not be called a will, but an agreement. Ha ha, when President Su asked me to make this agreement, I was just as shocked as you are now. "

Lawyer Zhang youyou came.

"Did Su Yan decide a year ago?" Li luoran can't describe his present mood.

"Yes." Lawyer Zhang found a contract in the folder,

"President Su's mother died more than ten years ago, his father was killed again, and President Su hasn't married and had children yet. President Su said that you are the one he is most ashamed of and owes in the world, so Alas

With these words, Lawyer Zhang handed a contract to Li luoran.

Li luoran took it.

On the black and white paper, there are clear statements of property, with Su Yan's signature and fingerprints below.

The contract says that as long as Su Yan disappears for more than 24 hours, no matter whether he is convicted of death or not, Lawyer Zhang will hand over Su's family to Li Qingtian, Li luoran's father, and all the luxury houses under Su Yan's name and all his savings and personal belongings will be given to Li luoran.

Li luoran's eyes filled with tears when he thought that Su Yan seemed to expect that he would have an accident, and even that he might not be judged dead after the accident.


Zhang Luyao sighed a long time,

"Mr. Su said that the Su family originally belonged to your father Li Qingtian. It was his father Su Jinnian and your mother who used improper means to take possession of them. He handed over the Su family to his father just to return it to its original owner. He hoped that your father would accept it and change" Su family "back to its original name" Li family. "

Li luoran's eyes are blurred and he has many thoughts.

Zhang Luyao continued, "Miss Li, as the lawyer of general manager Su, I have the obligation to keep all secrets for him. Therefore, many things of general manager Su are not hidden from me. When he made this agreement, I asked him why he was so frustrated when he was young. He told me that Bai Qingwan was a woman like a poisonous snake. When he retaliated against Bai Qingwan, he was also in danger And he's ready to have an accident at any time. "


Li luoran takes a hard breath with tears in her clear eyes,

"the police are trying their best to find the evidence that Su Yan was killed by Bai Qingwan. Since you know so much, can you go to the police station to testify?"

"Miss Li!" Zhang Luyao shook her head,

"sorry, please believe me. As a lawyer, I know more about the law. I believe that Bai Qingwan killed Su Yan completely on the basis of trusting you. We can't get any evidence. At least now, we don't know where the body of President Su is hidden, and we can't even hold a funeral for him!"

Li luoran was stabbed in tears, and tears fell down,

"is Bai Qingwan so free?"

Although Zhang Luyao didn't want to face this fact, all she could do was nod her head heavily,

"from a legal point of view, no one can do anything about it now."

Thinking that Bai Qingwan not only killed Su Yan, but also spoke ill of Su Yan in tears in an interview, Li luoran felt even worse.

Because Su Yan has a lot of property, it takes a lot of procedures to transfer Su's family out. Today, Zhang Luyao just has a simple communication with Li luoran, and the rest will be dealt with slowly in the following days.

When Li luoran was about to leave, Zhang Luyao patted her head,

"look at my memory, I almost forgot the most important thing."

Li luoran can't help but stop.

Zhang Luyao picked up a recorder on the table, and then quickly walked up to Li luoran, "President Su asked me to tell you that if he had an accident, he hoped you would not take revenge for him."

Li luoran was slightly stunned at first.

Zhang Luyao's gentle voice continued to ring in her ear,

"Su Yan said that the grudge between him and Bai Qingwan has nothing to do with you. If he had an accident before revenge, the grudge between him and Bai Qingwan would return to dust and earth, and he didn't want you to participate."

What did Li luoran understand.

It's not that Su Yan doesn't want Bai Qingwan to get retribution.

Just know Bai Qingwan is very dangerous, don't want to let Li luoran involved in it.

However, Su Yan ignores that even if Li luoran only wants to take revenge on Bai Qingwan for the sake of Yingye.

What's more, Su Yan left everything to her. As long as she inherited Su Yan's legacy, she would certainly inherit Su Yan's hatred and help Su Yan continue to avenge what he didn't avenge before he died!

At this moment, Li luoran's eyes, which were always cool and cool, showed unprecedented ferocity and ferocity, as if he wanted to kill people.

"Suyan said he would leave you a song after listening to it."

With Zhang Luyao's voice falling, an MP3 is put into Li luoran's hand.

Li luoran turns on the MP3 while walking out of the office. There is only one song in the MP3, which is Mayday's time machine.Although it's an old song, Li luoran, who likes to listen to female voices, has never heard of it.

She put on the earphone and played the song -

the sunshine broke in the familiar scene, so quiet, how many memories can one recite? It's really not light. Whose smile, whose warm palm I am fascinated, scars seem to have become once

Good regret, good sad, want to start over, OK, once again I will not go to such an end.

Good regret, good sad, who put me back, I am willing to pay all for a time machine.

I'm sorry to reverberate in the air alone, no one listens, and finally I'm lonely until dawn

Real pain always comes very light, no sound, slowly holding me from behind, just like you.

Why don't you and I sit here in a lot of ridiculous places

Listening to this song, Li luoran seems to see Su Yan sitting alone in the dark house in the middle of the night until dawn. Every word of the song is like Su Yan's heart.

Li luoran, who walked out of the president's office, suddenly couldn't step out. In her trembling right hand, she held the MP3 that Su Yan had left her. Every sentence echoed in her ears like the lyrics of Su Yan's inner confession.

Su Yan asked her to finish listening.

So she stood outside like a puppet, hearing the last sound.

After the music stopped, there was a sound that Su Yan recorded. Wearing headphones, she could hear it very clearly,

"Ranran, I'm sorry, I love you."

The sound stopped abruptly, and then there was silence.

Li luoran suddenly seemed to be exhausted. She squatted in the cold corridor, holding her head in her hands, and suddenly lost control of crying.


later, Li luoran didn't know how he was helped out of the Su family by Lu Shaochen.

In the past, she always worried about being betrayed and cheated by Su Yan. She thought that no matter how much Su Yan regretted, she would never shed a tear for her.

Li luoran did not expect that after su Yan died, she would shed so many tears.

In the past, she always deliberately did not recall everything she had with Su Yan. Now in retrospect, there were many unforgettable good times between her and Su Yan. She thought that if Su Yan could really get his time machine, what he most wanted to go back to was the good time when he fell in love with her.

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