You,Under My Name

Chapter 264: 264

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"Lu Wangyuan, this gift is given to you by me instead of our dead daughter. Since you like to marry a bitch, I will let every friend and family know that you are a heartless man who has married a bitch."

Lady ANN is very proud in people's different eyes.

"You -"

"you -"


Lu Wangyuan only sighed because of his excessive grief and indignation.

the beauty of the fox, who has not been satisfied with your pale complexion? Who, like day after day, year after year, always wants to find a man to sleep with her

Take pity on the moon, only hate staring at an Jiaren.

Once upon a time, she always got the upper hand when fighting with an Jiaren because she was more poisonous than an Jiaren's mouth, but this time it was an exception -

an Jiaren's move was so vicious that she seemed to hold the seven inches of her poisonous snake. No matter how sharp her teeth were, she couldn't bite people, no matter how deadly the poison was

People kept whispering.

Almost every word said is a mockery of Gu lianyue.

It's a happy wedding banquet, the atmosphere has already changed, and there is no more festive atmosphere.

Everyone seems to come to see Gu lianyue's joke.

The highly professional MC came to Lu Wangyuan, "Mr. Lu and Mrs. Gu, I think this wedding banquet is over. In this case, you'd better avoid it."

It took a long time for Lu Wangyuan, who was trembling and livid, to recover. He angrily took Gu lianyue's right arm, which was also trembling,

"Yueyue, we don't agree with this kind of unqualified woman. Let's go!"


Gu lianyue opens her wine red lips in a trance and takes a mechanical step with Lu Wangyuan.


With a voice of concern, Li Qingtian hurriedly blocked Gu lianyue's way. He looked down at Gu lianyue, his voice was so gentle and loving,

"I'm sorry that such an accident happened. I hope you don't forget to go to your heart. No matter what you have done, you are always a good woman in my heart, and those who like you will never leave you."

But because the heart is too cold at this time?

At this moment, Li luoran's warm eyes are filled with a trace of warmth that has not been seen for a long time.

Without waiting for the warmth to spread in her heart, she buried it deeply, only with the usual sarcasm,

"where do you feel sorry? Is that what you want to see? Did you come to my wedding to stir up trouble after discussing with Mrs. Ann ahead of time? "

Li Qingtian looks aggrieved and painful, "Yueyue, I swear to God, I never know that a beautiful woman will come, let alone that she will put your privacy on the big screen..."


After listening to Li Qingtian mention that her ugly videos were played in public, Gu lianyue becomes angry and raises her hand. She slaps Li Qingtian in the face.


The sound was so clear that even the table in the corner of the hall could hear it clearly.

Li Qingtian, whose left face is reddened, looks at Gu lianyue.

Gu lianyue sneers, her voice trembles,

"you know, Li Qingtian, in my eyes, you are as cheap as an Jiaren. From now on, you and she are far away from me. In this life, I will never see you in my sight again!"

Pull the landing telescope to go.

However, the mood is too excited, a soft foot, so one knee on the hard ground.


Li Qingtian went to help her.

Gu lianyue pushed his hand away with a sarcastic smile. "Li Qingtian, why are you so cheap? Am I not clear enough for you? Are you so shameless and dignified? "

Li Qingtian stays in the same place like a sculpture, his hands still holding the posture of supporting Gu lianyue, but he can't continue to stretch forward.

Gu lianyue stands up with the help of Lu Wangyuan.

At this moment, accompanied by fast-paced footsteps, a thin blue shadow quickly moved towards the pity moon.

It's Li luoran!

Gu lianyue has not yet stood firm, Li luoran's palm is firmly thrown on her face.


The sudden pain makes Gu lianyue scream.

Her skin is very white, and the blood red fingerprints on her face are very obvious, even her heavy makeup can't cover her.

People were stunned.

Now Li luoran is the second most popular female star after Shu Xinshuang. Everyone knows her.

After the pain, Gu lianyue gradually recovered. The first thing she did was to slap Li luoran back.However, the palm of his hand was dozens of centimeters away from Li luoran's face, and he was precisely grasped by Li luoran's wrist.

Take pity on the moon.

Li luoran raises another hand and throws it on Gu lianyue's face again.


Although this slap is heavier than last time, there is only a slap in the air. Gu lianyue doesn't cry any more. She looks at Li luoran in disbelief.

Almost all the eyes of Lori turned to their faces.

Li luoran didn't care about anyone's eyes. He just looked up at his delicate little face haughtily. The arc of his mouth was empty and cold.

"I told you at the beginning that if you hit me in the face again, I would pay you back twice. If you hit my father in the face, you hit me in the face."

Gu lianyue looked at her, her face was very embarrassed.

Li luoran breathed silently, "my father is really stupid, but he is not cheap. Some people rely on his infatuation with her and trample on her maliciously. He is cheap in dignity. Don't humiliate him any more, because you humiliate him is equivalent to humiliating me. He can't bear to return it. I will help him return it!"


Gu lianyue's lips move, and she looks at Li luoran coldly, arrogantly and fiercely, but she doesn't dare to say any more words when she comes to her mouth. She can only look at Li Qingtian resentfully,

"now you still say that you are not sincere enough to embarrass me?"

Li Qingtian looks at her wrongly.

Lost face of Gu lianyue no longer want to stay in place, throw away Lu Wangyuan, a man strode to the door.



Lu Wangyuan doesn't want to quarrel with an Jiaren any more. He runs all the way to catch up with Gu lianyue.

In the twinkling of an eye, Gu lianyue and Lu Wangyuan disappeared in the hall.

Only Li luoran, Li Qingtian, an Jiaren and others stand in people's eyes.

Li Qingtian stares at lady an and Li luoran,

"Alas! You

Fall this words, angry left.

"Qingtian..." Angie calls his name rigidly,

"I did it purely because of my personal grudge with them. I didn't mean to aim at you."

"Alas Li Qingtian sighed bitterly,

"today is Yueyue's wedding. Even if you have a big grudge with her, can't you talk about it after her wedding? What do you want her to do in the future? "



I never look at Mrs. an with a straight eye, sighing to the door where Gu lianyue left.

An Jiaren looks at Li Qingtian's figure.

Li luoran quickly chases Li Qingtian and holds his arm to go with him.

Li Qingtian threw away her, "what are you doing with me? You and the beautiful woman, their nostrils vent, you just follow them

Li luoran pursed her mouth wrongly, "Dad..."

"Dad, what Dad? I'm not your dad. How can I have such a disobedient girl like you?" Push away Li luoran and leave in a huff.

Li luoran didn't go after him any more.

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She knew that her father complained that she had slapped Gu lianyue.

Li Qingtian is afraid that Li luoran can't control the conflict between himself and Gu lianyue for a moment, so he tells Li luoran more than once on the way to the wedding. Li luoran also agrees to Li Qingtian. No matter how much Gu lianyue says or does, he will face it calmly. But Li luoran loses control when he sees that Li Qingtian is slapped by Gu lianyue The promise to Li Qingtian is forgotten


after Li Qingtian left, Li luoran, Lu Shaochen, an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue walked out of the hall together.

When Li luoran and Lu Shaochen walked to the parking position of Lu Shaochen, an Jiaren, who had not spoken since her father left, suddenly said, "I have something to ask you."

Li luoran stops.

An Jiaren and Lu Wanyue walk across from her arm in arm,

"I remember last year in Fudao, I asked you to choose a side between Gu lianyue and me in front of everyone, but you refused. Now I know that you have a bad relationship with Gu lianyue, and you even slap her in the face At that time, why don't you stand on my side like Xiaojin? Then I won't hate you so much, will I? "

Li luoran said with a frank smile, "Gu lianyue is my biological mother, and half of her blood is flowing in my bones. This is a fact that I can't change anyway. The poor relationship between me and her doesn't mean that I will break the relationship between mother and daughter in order to please you. No matter how bad she is, no matter how bad she is to me, I will always be her daughter Hate her to the bone. If you think it's right to be a mother in debt, you can hate me as you used to. This is the fate that none of us can choose. I will never have a complaint. "


The mood in Anne's eyes fluctuates violently. She seems to want to say something, but she just looks at Li luoran's face and says thoughtfully,"Liluoran, you look like Qingtian."

Li Luo dyed her lips.

Turn around and go into the car.

Anja hesitated for a long time. After she took five steps, she made up her mind and asked, "that Have you ever talked to Optimus? "

Li luoran looked confused and said, "what are you talking about?"

"Talk about..." After all, she was in a dilemma. She sighed silently,

"it's nothing. Let's talk about it later."

Looking at an Jia's tangled appearance, and seeing her face slightly blush, Li Luo ran suddenly understood what.

"You mean between you and my dad?"

Anne didn't come back, obviously she acquiesced.

Li luoran said with a smile, "my father is not an irresponsible man. I've explored his background and I'll tell you the truth. He said that he would consider marrying you. For people like him, consideration means hope."

"Really?" The graceful face of an Jia shows the same excitement and information as a girl.

Even Lu Wanyue, who is close to an Jiaren, can't help but be excited.

"It's true, of course. How can you make fun of such a thing?" Li luoran shrugged,

"however, I feel that my father is too poisoned to get out of the last relationship for a while. If you want to achieve the right result with him, why don't you take the initiative?"

"What are you talking about?" An Jiaren's eyes are wide open, and she looks at Lu Shaochen beside Li luoran angrily,

"my son of kengma has ruined my innocence. Now people who know me are making fun of me behind my back, and my face is almost lost. Qingtian refuses to be responsible for me, which makes people gossip about me. You'd better let me take the initiative to stick to him. Do you want me to be everyone Are you the butt of my joke? "

All right!

Sure enough, the rumor is not wrong. Anjian is a person who loves face more than anything else!

Li luoran smiles in his heart and says it seriously on the surface.

"I think that for a person, it's the most important thing to have happiness. What others think of you is not so important. Life is his own, not for others, isn't it?"

Anna was silent.

Li luoran's smile is secretive,

"my father is stubborn like a stubborn stone, even I can't tell him, but it's because there has never been a second woman in his heart that he has been so persistent to my mother. He has been lonely for so many years, maybe any woman will take the initiative to approach him and successfully walk into his heart and kill my mother What about the crowd? "

Angie's eyes are tangled.

Li luoran raised her eyebrows. "If you feel ashamed, just think about it. You've even done the most shameful thing to share your bed with him. What's the point of taking the initiative to get closer to him?"

An Jiaren never said a word to Li luoran.

After a long silence, he turned around and said, "mildly, it's time for us to go home."


She said so much painstakingly, the final answer of Anjia is that it's time for her to go home?

Does she want to do it or not?

But for this kind of thing, an Jiaren doesn't want to show her mind, and Li luoran is not convenient to ask. She can only look at an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue in confusion and get on Lu Wanyue's fiery red luxury car.

"I think you can be a negotiator." The sound of magnetic flute sounded in liloran's ear.

She turned her head and looked at the black gemstone like eyes.

Lu Shaochen bowed his head slightly. In the bright sunshine, the arc of his mouth was breathtaking.

"if my mother and your father finally walk together, they won't forget you, a qualified matchmaker."

Li luoran's eyes brightened, "do you mean your mother agreed to take the initiative to approach my father?"

Lu Shaochen pick eyebrows, a lazy and irrelevant appearance, "what about it?"


Is that his answer?

Drug people with despicable means, let people sleep together, and then spread the news out, so that people have no face to see people, and then let go of "whatever it is"?

Lu Shaochen, do you want to be so irresponsible?!

Li luoran's eyes turned into shock.

Lu Shaochen fingers gently pinch her face, smile evil gas amazing, "the power of love is great, they sleep, if there is love between them, who can take them apart, right?"


Li luoran immediately understood Lu Shaochen's brain circuit -

in Lu Shaochen's mind, a pair of men and women had a close relationship with each other, and then there was a spark of love between them, and they would walk together

Is the way men think about love so simple and rude?!

Li luoran lost his mind, and his body was slightly shocked. He was already taken into his arms by Lu Shaochen.

He can't help but follow Lu Shaochen's rhythm and walk to his parking place with him.Lu Shaochen habitually arranges Li luoran to get on the bus first, and then drills into the cab.

Just as Lu Shaochen opened the cab door and lowered himself to enter, a low baritone came from afar, "Lu Shaochen, stop for me!"

Li luoran in the co pilot's seat couldn't help but follow his reputation. What he saw was a face at least seven points similar to Lu Shaochen's -

it was Lu Wangyuan, Lu Shaochen's father.

Now Lu Wangyuan is still wearing the conspicuous red bridegroom's clothes, and his expression is so angry. Against the backdrop of the red clothes, he looks like a cluster of fire and walks to Lu Shaochen quickly.

Also in the moment of seeing Lu Wangyuan, Lu Shaochen's warmth to Li luoran dissipated in an instant and turned into bone chilling and chilly.

He leaned lazily on the door with his arms around his chest,

"the bridegroom didn't go into the bridal chamber with the bride. How did he come out?"

"Asshole! Don't give me too much or too little! " In front of him, Lu Wangyuan's chest heaved and his voice trembled.

Lu Shaochen picks his eyebrows playfully,

"well, by the way, just seeing that his bride is a private bus, the bridegroom is frustrated. How can he be in the mood to marry his bride?"

"You -"

Lu Wangyuan's facial features are twisted and his thick eyebrows stand upright,

"it's you who help Anjian to play those dirty videos on the TV wall!"

Lu Shaochen pretended to be surprised, "Oh?"

"Don't pretend to be innocent!" Lu Wangyuan is out of breath, even his fingertips are shaking,

"this hotel is the leading star hotel in Jiangcheng, and the network firewall used is airtight. You are the only one who can hack into the network here and transmit the video to the TV wall."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran always thought that the broadcast of those videos in front of the public was all planned by an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue. It was only at this moment that she realized that Lu Shaochen was the most important part of the plan.

Lu Shaochen lazy hook lips, "reasoning is not airtight, all you said right, it's really me."

“……” Lu Wangyuan tried his best to control his emotions that would break out at any time,

"no matter how I am your father, Yueyue is also your wife's mother, why trample on our wedding?"

Lu Shaochen said, "because you and Gu lianyue are originally cousins with dogs, because you and Gu lianyue don't deserve a perfect wedding."


Unbearable Lu Wangyuan raised his fist and hit Lu Shaochen heavily in the face.

Lu Shaochen mouth blood DC, but still cold and ironic look at the distance, the blood stained lips more and more enchanting.

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