You,Under My Name

Chapter 265: 265

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"You are just as mean as Anjian. You never want to improve your quality and self-cultivation. You just want to harm others in this way!"

Although the fight was so heavy, Lu Wangyuan's anger didn't diminish at the thought of Gu lianyue's complete reputation.

Lu Shaochen's eyes are cold and his smile is bloodthirsty and charming.

"speaking of harming others, who is qualified to teach others in front of you? In this world, what a bastard man would not only not avenge his daughter, but also perjure her to help her get rid of her crime after watching a woman deliberately bump into her own daughter, saying that everything is the responsibility of his daughter! "

Because of the most sensitive pain in the center of being poked, Lu Wangyuan's Scarlet eyes slightly show remorse,

"people can't come back to life after death, graceful is gone after all, how can I bear to catch the moon again because of graceful death?"

"Tut ~" Lu Shaochen laughs,

"you really don't recognize each other for love."

Lu Wangyuan looked at him helplessly.

Lu Shaochen opened the door and was about to get into the car.

Lu Wangyuan grasped his arm with his big hand. "What you have done today is cruel enough. Yueyue is very painful. Even if you have a big revenge on her, you will be avenged. From now on, you will be clear, and the enmity between you and her will be written off."

"Write it off?" Lu Shaochen just thought it was ridiculous,

"you graduated from a famous university. Can't you even calculate such a simple account? She killed my sister. I'm just making her look a little ugly. That's all. It's going to be written off. "

Lu Wangyuan's brow was locked and his face was not worried. "Wanyue is my own daughter. I don't blame her. What else do you want?"

Lu Shaochen's eyes were deep and his expression was cold. "I want her to pay for her life. I want her to go to hell with you and apologize to my sister!"


Lu Wangyuan lost control again and hit Lu Shaochen in the face with another blow.

Lu Shaochen clearly can easily block or dodge, but once again, he got the punch. His handsome face had a clear punch mark, and the blood flow at the corner of his mouth was even more fierce.

"Lu Shaochen, if you dare to hurt Yueyue again, I will be the first one to finish with you."

Lu Shaochen's roar came down from his face.

"Well, I'm waiting for you and me." Lu Shaochen, whose lips and chin are stained with blood, laughs so coldly and desolately,

"these two fists are for me to repay your fertility. From now on, I won't show you any affection for father and son. If you hit me again, I will."

Lu Wangyuan couldn't laugh or cry angrily, "you hate Yueyue so much. Besides your love for graceful sister and brother, it's not because she died for you!"


Isn't Lu Shaochen's sister killed by Gu lianyue? Why does Lu Wangyuan say that she died of Lu Shaochen?

Li luoran looks confused.

Lu Shaochen looks miserable.

Lu Wangyuan continued to sneer, "it was you that Yueyue wanted to bump into. Your sister pushed you away in order to save you, and she died miserably under the wheel. Lu Shaochen, in fact, I was very sad. I couldn't figure out why she wanted to save you all these years? Why wasn't you the one who was killed? "

"Lu Shaochen, if she lives gracefully, I will try my best to win her custody. But for you, I will leave you to Anjian without hesitation. I can't wait to draw a line with you all my life. You are so similar to Anjian. It's a shame for me to have a son like you."

Leaving these words behind, Lu Wangyuan left Lu Shaochen angrily.

Lu Shaochen looked at his bright red back in a trance, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth and tears in his eyes.

Finally, he hid all his emotions, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, and got into the car.

"Hello, are you ok?"

With this clear voice, a bottle of mineral water came to him.

He took it in his hand, and when he looked at Li luoran, it was still the evil spirit and uninhibited appearance. "Good, my husband was beaten, I feel sad?"

Li luoran, "..."

Lu Shaochen said, "don't worry, his two fists are like tickling to me. I'm ok. Don't worry about me, eh?"

Li luoran knows.

Lu Shaochen is a proud and strong man. No matter how painful he is, he doesn't want to let Li luoran see him. Therefore, he only shows an indifferent appearance in front of Li luoran.

Li luoran couldn't bear to tear him down. He just said with a submissive smile, "um ~"

watching Lu Shaochen open the mineral water bottle and wash the blood in his mouth, Li luoran's heart seemed to be pricked one by one by the tip of a needle, and her eyes also hurt badly.

Lu Shaochen is a person who is used to burying all the pain in his heart and digesting it alone. He has never told Li luoran about the relationship between him and Lu Wangyuan.

In the past, Li luoran always took it for granted that since Lu Wangyuan had such a good son as Lu Shaochen, even if he had divorced an Jiaren, he would still be very kind to Lu ShaochenLi luoran did not know until now that Lu Wangyuan was as cruel to Lu Shaochen as Gu lianyue was to her.

She quietly looked at Lu Shaochen and thought in her heart -

Lu Shaochen, we are really in love with each other!


soon it's time for the sequel to the queen of demons to be launched.

Li luoran found that many excellent people are superstitious, even wangzimo is no exception. He went out of his way to find a feng shui master to watch the day and chose an auspicious day.

On this day, the sky was clear and the sun was shining. Jiangcheng had not had such fine weather for several weeks.

Because it was the first day, the crew only invited a few important actors, directors and key personnel to the scene.

When Li luoran arrived at the opera group, the people were almost there. A group of people were asking questions around wangzimo, the big boss in the palace.

Li luoran walked over and saw her shuxinshuang. He immediately met her, took her arm and poured bitter water on her.

"the first thing someone did when he came to the crew was to ask me about you. I perfunctorily told him that he didn't know. He pretended to be calm at the beginning and took flattering medicine in a few minutes. He couldn't bear to ask me again. I perfunctorily told him that he was like a fly I'm going to be fed up with him if I'm constantly "buzzing" about me. If you come more than ten seconds late, I'm afraid I can't help but shoot him to death myself. "

Li luoran was surprised, "who is so upset?"

"Who else, the idol who lives on his face." Pick eyebrow to not far wind shallow Piao one eye.

Li luoran smiles in his heart.

In the past, it would be true to say that Feng Qianji was an idol who only depended on his face, but Shu Xinshuang now wrongs him by saying that.

Although Feng Qianji's performance in "the queen of demons" did not last more than ten minutes, he was unprecedentedly involved in his performance. After the release of "the queen of demons", Feng's acting skills were unanimously recognized by the audience, and those black fans who used to criticize him for his "bad acting skills" had nothing to say. His fans were really elated.

Who said that the wind is so bad?

In the past, Feng dada has always maintained his strength in order to wait for an outbreak time and make a big splash, OK?!

Feng Qianji had already seen Li luoran. With long legs, he came to Li luoran in the twinkling of an eye, squinting his icy blue eyes and staring at her,

"haven't seen me for such a long time, do you think about me day and night?"


Liluoran's face suddenly became very bad.

He didn't mind Feng shallowly talking to her like that.

Feng Qianji's goods are just this kind of immoral virtue. When he is alone with Li luoran, no matter how shocking the words are said in his mouth, Li luoran will not be surprised.

Li luoran just didn't expect that the goods would say this to her in public.

"Cut! Shameless Shu Xinshuang disdains the white wind shallow, let go of Li luoran, far away from the wind shallow.

Feng Qianji didn't care about Shu Xinshuang's reaction at all, but still laughed brightly and evil, "I miss you very much. If you want me, you can say that it's nothing to be embarrassed about."

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Then he stretched out his long arm and took Li luoran into his arms.

It's also the moment when Li luoran is held in his arms. A sharp pain suddenly comes from the heart hit by Li luoran's heavy fist, and he screams.

The others looked at them in bewilderment.

Li luoran looked up at her delicate face and said, "what's wrong with you? Are you sick? "

The wind, which is as beautiful as a demon, covers his heart with pain in his hands. He can't speak but groans.

"My God! Dye dye

How can the hero of the seque

Li luoran looks angry on the surface, and looks at the miserable appearance of Feng Qianji, with deep guilt and affection in his eyes.

She is used to playing with fengqianshe. She has played with fengqianshe countless times. In retrospect, she can't remember how many times she has been playing with fengqianshe too much. After she told herself in silence that she should be restrained and don't make fengqianshe so painful. This time, she lost her hand again

Wen Wanling, the fashion master of fengqianshe, is busy holding fengqianshe carefully, "Mr. Feng, are you ok? Do you feel any pain? Do you want to go to the hospital? " While speaking, you resentfully looked at Li luoran.

"I'm not a weak girl that can be blown down by a gust of wind. Didn't I get a punch? Do you want to be so pretentious? "

Wen Wanling, who didn't know how she lay down and was shot, was aggrieved.

Almost everyone looked at the wind with surprise.

Feng Qianji has a pretty face like a demon, and a perfect corner of his mouth makes him smile awkwardly,

"ha ha, you don't have to be nervous. I play li luoran as a couple in" the queen of demons ". I'm too involved in the play, and I haven't come out yet. Cough! So I can't help seeing Li luoran. "ok

The degree of teacher Feng's involvement in "the queen of demons" is obvious to all. He is too involved in the play, no problem!

This explanation, perfect!

The suspicion in people's eyes faded away.

Li luoran breathed a sigh of relief.

The wind is shallow, and she is also quietly relieved.

After the completion of "matchless queen of demons", he only met Li luoran once, or at the celebration meeting of the crew.

Since then, he has not seldom called and sent wechat messages to Li luoran. However, when Li luoran talks with him, he always tries every means to end the topic as soon as possible. No matter what excuse he uses to ask Li luoran to meet him, Li luoran says that he will always be those three words -

"no time!"

Feng Qianji knows that Li luoran is deliberately keeping a distance from him.

because, according to his secret investigation, Li Luo dye has plenty of time. She often meets Jiang Xiaojing and Shu Xin Liang.

In Li luoran's mind, although Feng Qianji is also a "good sister", his real gender is male after all. Therefore, Li luoran tries to keep a distance from him for Lu Shaochen's sake

In those days, the wind was shallow, anxious and helpless, and every day seemed to be suffering.

At last, the sequel started. Feng Qianyu came to the crew early and chased Shu Xinshuang to inquire about Li luoran like a dog skin plaster. Shu Xinshuang refused to say anything. He was even more anxious. As soon as Li luoran appeared, he rushed on excitedly, forgetting that so many eyes were staring at him and Li luoran. He was pretending to live with Li luoran Divided


"let's go, everyone is waiting for you." Qin Weijie leads Li luoran to the crowd.

Almost all the people have arrived.

Just like the filming of the queen of demons, the sequel did a good job of confidentiality. Only Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang had seen the complete script. Even Feng qianshe only got part of the content related to her own shooting, and some other actors haven't even seen the shadow of the script.

Next, Wang Zimo is mainly working for the person in charge and the actors.

In the matchless queen of demons, Hua Moli, who is forced to be a princess in the palace, turns the imperial city upside down, and finally leaves the palace and forgets Mr. mo.

Because the emperor played by Feng Qianji is very popular with the audience, so in the sequel, Wang Zimo adds to the drama of Feng Qianji, making him black and become the villain No.1.

In the sequel, Shu Xinshuang, who plays the villain Sheng Fei in the queen of demons, has died. In the sequel, Shu Xinshuang takes on a new look and turns into Sheng Fei's twin sister and makes a comeback.

Later, Wang Zimo arranges a mirror scene for Li luoran and Feng Qianji to shoot a confrontation.

Feng Qian is very involved in the play, but Li luoran's performance is quite regular, which is not as amazing as when he made the first film.

After repeated shooting for several times, Wang Zimo called Li luoran to the corner alone,

"I know that you have experienced many things recently, and it's hard for you to enter the state for a time, which is also within my expectation, but anyway, I hope you try your best to adjust your mind and get involved in the filming as soon as possible, OK?"

Li luoran bowed her head apologetically, "OK ~"

in fact, the reason why she was able to put so much effort into making a play was mostly due to the "unique skill" taught by Shu Xinshuang. She imagined the person who made the opposite play as Lu Shaochen, so she could easily enter the play.

However, she was too familiar with Feng qianshe.

When Li luoran is faced with fengqianshe, it's hard to imagine fengqianshe as someone else. Fengqianshe is very funny and cynical. Wangzimo arranges a very serious confrontation at the beginning to let her shoot with fengqianshe, which is really a difficult challenge for Li luoran.

But Li luoran didn't make excuses.

As an actor, she is still known as the "strength group" by the audience. If she can't make such a simple play well, she is not qualified to continue to be sought after.

"Now, it's time to talk about your pay." Wang Zimo stares at her beautiful face in the bright sunshine,

"like the last movie, after the sequel is released, after all costs and expenses are removed, we will split half, you should not have any objection?"

Li luoran raised his head, "still can't, you treat other actors like, give me fixed pay."


"if you don't get more than a billion points in the first sequel, you'll be surprised if you get more than a billion points in the second sequel Why don't you drive to 200 million and make more money? "

Li luoran said with a smile, "although I'm not as rich as Mr. Wang, what I have now is enough for me. I'm satisfied. Even if I'm given ten or 100 times more money, it doesn't mean anything to me."

Wang Zimo was even more shocked.

In this world, who does not want to have money when they have no money, and then want to get more when they have money? Is there a girl like Li luoran who is so contented?He was determined that the bright green eyes of Ye Sheng Hui, "in this case, I'll give you 200 million."

Li luoran's smile is as cool as water. "You really don't need so much, and you don't need to treat me as a star. Just treat me as a little Mengxin who has only made one movie and pay for it."

Wang Zimo's eyes are like a picture. He looks at her stupidly. He can't get back to God for a long time.

Li luoran turned around and said, "I want to find a quiet place and think about it alone. How can I get involved in filming?"

Wang Zimo opened his thin lips in a trance, "you can..."

Without looking back, Li luoran walked out of the shooting site alone and came to the river outside the palace.

The river is covered with thick green grass. For more than a year, Li luoran went to the river alone to think about it every time he had trouble shooting.

She sat quietly.

I don't know when, behind the gentle footsteps, a clear male voice with the wind, "I know you will come here."

Li luoran didn't look back, just looked at the sparkling water and said, "I'm sorry, when I first came to the crew, I laid too heavy a hand on you."

"I don't blame you. I asked for it. And we haven't seen each other for a long time. I miss being beaten by you." The beautiful man, with blue eyes and a smile, sat beside her,

"I think you have been deliberately alienating me. Don't you always treat me as a sister? Is it necessary to keep me away? "

Li luoran said with a smile, "although the sisterhood between us is very pure, Shaochen doesn't think so. I don't want him to misunderstand."


No wonder Lu Shaochen thinks wrong.

It can only be said that Lu Shaochen's eyes are too poisonous. He can hide Li luoran, but he can't hide Lu Shaochen

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