You,Under My Name

Chapter 266: 266

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"OK ~" Feng Qianji said at the right time,

"did Su Yan die to save you?"

Li luoran shook his head. "Why do you ask that?"

The wind shallow Mi wears the blue eye like ice soul, "not why, just feel that kind of possibility."

Li luoran fell into silence.

Su Wan was killed in front of her for a long time.

In retrospect, although Su Yan didn't die to save her, since she went with Su Yan as a partner, she had the responsibility to protect Su Yan. Su Yan's death was her dereliction of duty.

"You know, I always feel that it's a great honor for a person to die for the one he loves. In this way, the person who died for him will always remember him, better than that he doesn't have a sense of existence in the heart of the person he loves even if he lives." The wind shallow and meaningful say, this moment, the expression is clear, very serious.

Li luoran was very surprised. "What's the matter with you? How can we just say some pessimistic nonsense today? " Put your hand on Fengqian's forehead,

"my dear sister, let me see if you have a fever?"

"Hei hei ~" Feng qianzhen gently pushed Li luoran's hand away,

"don't worry, labor and capital are better."

Li luoran still looked at him suspiciously.

Although fengqianhe is rebellious and always looks like he can't fight to death, he occasionally says some strange things.

Li luoran remembers that a year ago, after she was forcibly occupied by Lu Shaochen in the program group of song and dance Shengping, Feng qianshe expressed a similar feeling. At that time, Feng qianshe told her that he had a girl he really liked, and after more than a year, Li luoran still didn't know who the girl was

Feng Qianji seems to be afraid that he will continue to be asked by Li luoran. He slowly stands up, "in the sequel, I have been upgraded to villain No. 1. In the next year, we have a lot of opponent plays to shoot. You'd better adjust your state as soon as possible, otherwise, I will be replayed again and again by you in the future."

Li luoran took a deep breath, "have a try."

The wind is shallow and tacit to her right hand.

Li luoran naturally caught him and was pulled to his feet.

The two men walked side by side to the shooting site in the bright sunshine.

At a certain moment, Feng Qianyi gazed at her beautiful side face and said in silence,

"girl, it's nice to be with you."


the people who saw Li luoran and Feng qianzhen returning to the production group threw surprised eyes at them.

Feng Qianji raised his eyebrows. "It's nothing strange. When I first came to the production group, I was a little out of line with Li luoran's words and deeds, so I went out of my way to find her and apologized to her, and by the way, I had a fight with her."


The more professional the drama staff are, the more they understand that if a couple of actors have conflicts in private, it's easy to bring their emotions into the play when they are shooting. In the sequel of the queen of demons, Mr. Feng and Li luoran have many rival plays to shoot. It doesn't matter that Mr. Feng takes the overall situation into consideration and apologizes to Li luoran, which makes sense.

Other people are coaxed by the wind, but Shu Xinshuang looks disdainful. She doesn't want to look at the wind, but goes to Li luoran's side,

"has Ranran adjusted her mind? Can you try again now? "

Li luoran nodded.

Li luoran figured it out. At the beginning, Shu Xinshuang's teaching of Li luoran really worked, but it didn't apply to Fengqian.

Therefore, this time, Li luoran did not think of Feng Qianchen as Lu Shaochen.

Fengqianshe is fengqianshe, who is in love with her sister and experiences countless joys and sorrows with her.

In the end of "matchless queen of demons", Li luoran plays Hua Moli and Mr. Mo, who make a mess of the Imperial City, and then elope on a white horse. Now the scene is Hua Moli's first meeting with the "emperor" after fleeing the imperial city.

There was love and hate between the two people, and the argument was very fierce. Later, the "emperor" who was completely infuriated pulled out his sword and wanted to kill Hua Moli. After all, he couldn't do it and threw his sword into the moat.

Although Feng qianshe and Li luoran always seem to be "masochistic" when they are together, only to be beaten. Li luoran can't find a scene of him and her glaring and tit for tat when she goes through all the memories with him, but she tries her best to imagine the picture of her falling out with Feng qianshe because of something and the violent conflict between them.

Sure enough, it went well this time and won everyone's applause.

Afterwards, Wang Zimo came to Li luoran and patted her shoulder encouragingly, "I know you can."

Li luoran looked down shyly and said, "thank you ~"

Wang Zimo was far away from her, but he took a step closer to her. Her thin lips were almost close to her earlobe,

"I decided that we would still split the sequel like the top half."


Li luoran, who couldn't believe his ears, almost screamed out.Wang Zimo lowered her voice. The magnetic voice was blowing in her ear like a breeze. "Yes, as you said, what's the use of asking for so much money? I didn't come to you to make money. "

A gold medal agent is not making money, but for what?

What's your name?

But Mr. Wang is already famous.

Lilo was confused.

And the son Mo obviously don't want to explain, to her wink a smile, turn around to arrange other things.

Li luoran stood in a trance, her elegant chivalrous costume swaying with the wind from the blower.

"What did Wang Zimo say to you?"

When the gentle female voice sounded in her ears, Li luoran's thoughts were pulled back to reality.

She followed the sound and looked at Shu Xinshuang, who had already held her arm. Because of her complex mood, she didn't know where to start.

Shu Xinshuang lowered his voice to the decibels that only Li luoran could hear. "Hasn't he told you the truth yet?"

The truth?

Li luoran's curiosity suddenly exploded, "what truth."

"Nothing..." Seeing that Li luoran's eyes were confused, Shu Xinshuang stopped talking about it and said wisely,

"it's time to change clothes. Let's go."

Li luoran walks mechanically into the dressing room in a trance and comfortable mood.

As early as a year ago, Li luoran saw her picture in Wang Zimo's wallet, and Wang Zimo had done something extraordinary to her. Shu Xinshuang's words just made Li luoran's doubt again.

Li luoran got rid of his costume and changed it back to his original one.

Before tying his shoelaces, Qin Weijie was furious. He pushed open the door of the dressing room and burst in, "no, Ranran, you are black."


Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang widened their eyes at the same time.

"This is the news that has just spread all over the Internet. Isn't the crew not allowed to bring mobile phones into the theater? When shooting the news, a person in charge of our website used his laptop to record My God You're black as a dog now, don't you know? " Because of anxiety, Qin Weijie was incoherent.

Li luoran hurried out of the dressing room.

At the scene where Li luoran and Feng Qianji were filming before, a group of people were talking about something around a laptop computer. When they saw Li luoran, they were all quiet.

Li luoran went over and looked at it, but he was also silly.

It turns out that a person with a pseudonym of "exposing the stars" released some photos through a large flow network platform -

to be exact, it was Li luoran's photos.

At least 20 of them are photos of Li luoran and Jin Qian together. In the photos, she and Jin Qian are dressed in exposed clothes, and their posture is intimate and charming. They are the photos in the album she gave to Lu Wanyue to save Jiang Xiaojing last year.

Lu Shaochen, who was in Luochen, forced her to take the bus. Later, Lu Shaochen stopped her in Luochen and forced her to take the bus

Later, Lu Shaochen burned the album and took Li luoran to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get her marriage certificate.

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Li luoran thought that after that, the photos that made her shy and unforgettable would disappear forever in the world. She never expected that one day they would be sent to the Internet for exhibition all over the world.

These photos are just a part of it!

What makes Li Luo blush and dare not look directly at is another dozen -

the background of the photo is a famous bar in Jiangcheng. In the photo, she is lying on the sofa without covering her body, her hair is in disorder, and a man with dark skin is taking off her clothes

More than ten photos in a row, especially clear from different angles.

Anyone who looks at it will think that she is in the bar doing some business of exchanging her body for money.

Looking at these photos, Li luoran seems to be pulled back to the "Fei se bar" four years ago. She is powerless, watching you with a face full of licentious men come to her, and she has nothing but desolation and despair in her heart


Why has it been so many years, or someone wants to uncover the most painful and sensitive scar in her heart?


Shu Xinshuang, who saw these photos, immediately closed his notebook, clapped his hands and said in a loud voice,

"it's hard to avoid the envy and jealousy of other stars when they are dyed red. These photos are all forged. Our crew will investigate the truth and dye them innocent. Don't look at them!"

"That's to say, Ranran is a good girl. It's obvious to all that how she can take that kind of photos. It must be someone who wants to blackmail her. He must be found out and sued for slander."

"Well, it's too cheap to sue him for slander. The impact of this incident is so bad that we should sentence him to life imprisonment and let him spend his whole life in prison to reflect on himself.""Yes, yes, Ranran, don't worry. We all believe in you, and we will support you to the end."

A group of people are busy sending warmth to liluoran.

With a long sigh, Li luoran's eyes swept slowly over the lovely faces. "I'm not wronged. These photos are all true."


Someone couldn't hold the weight in his hand and fell to the ground heavily.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

"Ranran!" Shu Xinshuang takes Li luoran's arm and gives him a hint.

"you don't have to abandon yourself like this before the truth comes out."

Li luoran was in a trance and said with a smile, "Xinshuang, I know that you are for my good, and I also know that everyone doesn't want to see my reputation ruined, but there are some things that I have done, and there is no need to hide or lie to anyone." Even though her heart was desolate, she still raised her head stubbornly,

"you can rest assured that although the photos are true, I will never be a" whore "like what I said on the Internet. I stand up straight and I will give everyone a satisfactory explanation."

No one said anything more, only sighed silently.

In this group, if we all had some opinions about Li luoran at the beginning, after more than a year of getting along with each other, we all gradually fell in love with the girl who was indifferent in appearance and stubborn and kind-hearted in heart. No one wanted to see her so miserable.

Before Li luoran came, everyone had seen it. Now, the Internet is almost full of sarcasm against Li luoran.

Comments such as "Biaozi", "Miss's entering the performing arts circle", "hypocrisy, innocence and debauchery", "hypocrisy's coat being peeled off" are everywhere

Lilo was completely blacked out.

If Li luoran can't give a reasonable explanation convincing the public, I'm afraid she will bear such a curse all her life!

From the beginning to the end, Wang Zimo did not make any comments, just asked everyone to calm down.

Li luoran was in a state of confusion.

Accompanied by Shu Xinshuang and Qin Weijie, she went out of the "imperial palace" and stood under the tall city wall, looking up at the blue sky and buried all her emotions.

"When I saw you, you were lying on that sofa. I don't remember anyone taking pictures."

The sound of the wind is from far to near.

Qin Weijie looks at this beautiful man in surprise. What is teacher Feng talking about?!

Shu Xinshuang is not surprised at all. Although Li luoran always shows a strange appearance with Feng qianshe in front of others, Shu Xinshuang has long seen that the relationship between Li luoran and Feng qianshe is far from ordinary -

even, the relationship between Li luoran and Feng qianshe is deeper than that with her (Shu Xinshuang).

First of all, Li luoran regards shuxinshuang and Qin Weijie as good sisters, and there is no need to hide the relationship between her and fengqianshe from them;

Second, fengqianshe speaks frankly in front of Shu Xinshuang and Qin Weijie, and she doesn't have to hide it.

Her weak lips, "this matter is very bad, if you participate in it, it will only ignite the upper body, I don't want you to be infamous with me, so, in any case, you are not allowed to participate."

Oh, my God!

Is Li luoran talking to Feng Qianji?

Don't they just pinch each other when they meet?

Why do you suddenly feel that they are old friends?!

Surprised, Qin Weijie looks at Shu Xinshuang like a ghost. Shu Xinshuang smiles back at her, implying that she will understand everything as long as she observes quietly

The wind is shallow, the legs are long and the steps are big. In a twinkling of an eye, he comes to Li luoran. He slightly squints his charming blue eyes and looks at her with profound meaning.

"as you know, I have a stubborn spirit in my bones. Sometimes, I just want to do something that others don't value and don't want me to do."

Li luoran's ears hummed, "I repeat, it's my own business, you don't care!"

"If I don't even stand up for you, who can help you? So, I'll say it again, I'm in charge! "

All right!

Fengqianshe is such a product that doesn't listen to advice and only knows how to beat. If Li luoran beat him, fengqianshe will obey his orders. But Li luoran can see from fengqianshe's resolute eyes that this time, I'm afraid that even if she beat fengqianshe in front of Qin Weijie and Shu Xinshuang regardless of her influence, she can't make him obey.

Li luoran sighed helplessly, "shallow, you are an adult. You should think rationally like an adult, instead of acting impulsively. Now I am notorious. If you stand up and speak for me, you will destroy your own reputation and cause a lot of abuse."

"Is it?" Feng Qianji laughs calmly and pointlessly,

"then, let's be infamous together!"After that, he walked to the rest room with his long legs.

Qin Weijie stares at Feng's back and says, "Ranran, I'm more and more confused. What's the relationship between you and teacher Feng? Why do you want him to stay out of it? Did the photos have anything to do with him? "

Li luoran closed his eyes and recalled the unforgettable past, "about..."


Is that her answer?

Although Qin Weijie was full of mysteries, he didn't ask questions when he thought of Li luoran's heavy heart.

Three people standing under the wall of silent time, the crew surrounded the wangzimo came out of the palace.

Seeing their dignified faces, Qin Weijie asked, "what's the matter?"

"Alas Director Song Yi sighed heavily,

"isn't something wrong? It's still a big deal. The army is pressing down and preparing to attack the city! "

Qin Weijie, "what?"

Director Song Yi explained, "it's Ranran's fans. After they saw the photos and the poisonous articles, they gathered in anger and surrounded the front and back doors of our shooting base. Alas! I know someone is behind the scenes, otherwise, how can these fans know where our shooting base is? I don't know what this man's heart is. This is to kill Ranran black, so that she can't even get out of the base today! "

"Alas! Evil intentions

"Evil intentions!"

Li luoran followed a group of people to the main gate.

With the main door closed tightly, they boarded the lookout tower in the city to observe the military situation outside the city. At this, Li luoran was scared out in a cold sweat.

I saw a large group of people gathered at the front gate. Looking around, there was a large area of black land. It was conservatively estimated that there would be tens of thousands of people. It was really like the ancient army pressing the border and preparing to attack the city!

Some of them hold rotten eggs in their hands, some hold bricks and stones high, and excitedly clamor for liluoran to go out and tell them a story. Photos of liluoran torn to pieces can be seen everywhere on the ground

And the back door of the gate, although the number of people gathered is not as much as the front door, but the same scene is also staged.

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