You,Under My Name

Chapter 267: 267

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"What shall we do now, Mr. Wang?" A person in charge anxiously cast his eyes on wangzimo.

Wang son Mo eyebrow micro lock, green eyes in a light cool, "alarm."

"Mr. Wang, we have already called the police, but our shooting base is located in a remote suburb, and the nearest police station is more than 15 kilometers away from here. The police said it would take half an hour to get there no matter how fast. You see, these fans are so excited. When the police arrive, I'm afraid they have already broken through the city gate!" The person in charge scratched his ears in a hurry.

I don't blame the person in charge for his anxiety.

Standing on the lookout tower, Li luoran can feel how angry the crowd outside is. Once they break through the gate and break in, they have to swallow Li luoran alive?

The so-called hate house and Wu, they will not only swallow Li luoran alive, even the rest of the crew will inevitably be involved!

Wang Zimo stares at the dark crowd outside the city. There is no better way to face such a large-scale riot.

Other people are also sighing and helpless, only sighing.

At the moment, Li luoran opened his mouth lightly, "open the gate, let me give them an account."


Everyone's here for one.

No one expected that Li luoran would dare to take the initiative to stand up at such a time when he could not hide.

Li luoran smiles calmly, and points his slender fingers to the door which can't shake because of being pushed by hundreds of hands.

"there are so many of them, and their combined strength is amazing. Look at this door, if they push it down like this, the support will collapse soon. If they rush in, everyone of us may be attacked by them Siege, they want only me, as long as I take the initiative out of the gate, they will not embarrass you

With these words, he walked to the watchtower.

"No way!" Shu Xinshuang quickly held her hand,

"Li luoran, do you know what you are doing? Do you know how dangerous people are? They come here in such a big way. It's obvious that they have been maliciously incited by others. You can only take the initiative to stand out and get killed by them

Li luoran said with a smile, "Xinshuang, this is a society ruled by law. Who would be so brutal? It's not that serious. "

"It is because this is a society ruled by law that you will surely die!" For fear that Li luoran would do something stupid, Shu Xinshuang clenched Li luoran's little hand with all her strength, which made Li luoran feel a pain,

"do you know what it means that the law does not blame the public? If a person conflicts with you and kills you, most of them will be sentenced to death. If a large group of people kills you, they will be detained collectively at most. After ten days and a half months, they will be released. You will be wronged for your death. "

Oh, my God!

Li luoran took a breath of cold air.

Just now I have a fever in my head and want to take the initiative to stand out and take responsibility. After listening to Shu Xinshuang's reasonable words, I suddenly recovered my cool.

"Goddess Shu is really worthy of the name. She has a bit of brain ~" Feng Qian picks her eyebrows and looks at Shu Xinshuang with her charming blue eyes,

"I think what we are most concerned about now is how we can escape this disaster. Goddess Shu is so thoughtful that we might as well give you an idea. If they break through the gate and rush in, what should we do? Oh, let me make it clear first. Don't tell me that there are less than 20 of us, like the Wulin heroes in Wang Zimo's script, just roll up our sleeves to fight with thousands of people. "

"Poof ~"

a female makeup artist couldn't help laughing.

Although it's not suitable for joking at this juncture of "soldiers in the city", the female makeup artist can't help laughing because she's so obsessed with the wind and shallow wind.

Shu Xinshuang disdains to pick eyebrows, "cut! With one against 100? What do you do depends on the brain damage of one face? "


Just looking at the others in silence.

I don't know what the reason is. Shu Xinshuang is not happy with fengqianshe everywhere. In the past year, we've been used to seeing her and fengqianshe connect and pinch each other, and we've seen nothing strange.

The wind is shallow, and she is not angry. She just looks up at Zhang's evil face and looks at Shu Xinshuang playfully.

Shu Xinshuang pointed to the lookout tower from a distance,

"this lookout tower is at least 200 meters high from the ground, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In ancient times, such a lookout tower was designed in the imperial city. On the one hand, it can see the military situation outside the city when the enemy besieged the city; on the other hand, it can be used as the last straw to save time after the enemy attacked the city, waiting for the rescue They just stand on the lookout tower and wait for them to rush into the city. Once they want to climb up the lookout tower, we will roll down the stairs with stakes and sandbags to see who can climb up. "

The wind is shallow and silent.

The others nodded silently.

Li luoran looks around in the direction of Shu Xinshuang's fingers -

it turns out that the steps leading to the lookout tower are narrow and steep, and the width can only accommodate one person at a time, while the lookout tower is surrounded by piles and sandbags. It can be imagined that if these piles and sandbags roll down from the top of the lookout tower, the people along the steps will be blocked.Although the number of piles and sandbags is limited, if each pile and sandbag can delay for one minute, it can also delay for at least 20 minutes.

I hope the police will arrive in 20 minutes!

When Li luoran was thinking, he heard a loud bang.

It turned out that the "city gate" could not resist the joint force of many people outside and fell to the ground.

The dust broke the wooden door in two.

Because today is the first day of the cast, only some important personnel are present, and wangzimo only arranges three security guards to maintain safety.

Seeing that the door was pushed down, the three security guards quickly stopped, but they were pushed open by crazy people. In a flash, a group of people poured into the gate like a flood, raised countless dust and ran to the lookout tower.

"I - day!"

Looking at this scene, the wind can not help but aphasia.

All the others were silent.

It seems that in the blink of an eye, the lookout tower is full of people. The lookout tower is surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside. The scene is more spectacular than Hollywood blockbusters.

At the same time, the people at the back door have also successfully broken the door. They have gathered with the people who originally gathered at the front door, and thousands of people have blocked the "imperial city".

Li luoran looked at these crazy people in a trance. She didn't notice. She didn't know when wangzimo was standing in front of her.

"Li luoran, you have been surrounded by us. You'd better see the situation clearly and take the initiative to come down from the stage, or we will never forgive you!"

Someone looked up and yelled.

Some people continued to shout,

"Li luoran, you shameless little watch, you cheat our fans' feelings, we are very angry, you come down, we promise not to kill you."

"Come down!"

"Come down, little bitch!"

"Shameless dangfu, you come down and see that we don't strip you naked and show you around the street!"

People's shouts came from afar.

Li luoran is aggrieved. She wants to explain, but Shu Xinshuang shakes her head. "Don't waste your efforts. Now it's useless for you to say anything."

Qin Weijie also cast helpless eyes to her.

Li luoran could only sigh in silence.


Now, Li luoran is more sure that the riot was incited and planned by someone with ulterior motives. The planners first released those photos to ruin her reputation, and then gathered so many people to besiege her.

Shu Xinshuang said that if she fell into the hands of these crazy people, she would be killed

"Wangzimo, I know you can hear me. Listen to me. If you hand over liluoran, we promise not to touch you and the rest of the crew. If you blindly protect her, we will be rude to you!"

Wang Zimo turned a deaf ear and just looked at the watchtower indifferently.

The lookout tower is over 200 meters high, and there are many people below. Almost all of them raise their heads and can't tell who is speaking. They just hear the voice continue to shout,

"wangzimo, you'd better know better. This matter has nothing to do with you. You don't have to connect yourself with the whole drama group for the sake of that bitch Li luoran. You'd better hand her in now, I'll give you ten seconds Clock's thinking time... "




Wang Zi Mo is still.

"Oh! Can't you see that! He is determined to protect the goblin. Maybe the goblin is his underground lover. Don't talk about it. Let's go

Someone rushed up the steps.

Immediately someone followed him, a group of people in a long line, excited to the lookout tower running, noisy footsteps shake the whole lookout tower can not stop shaking.

The wind was the first to pick up a stake and roll it down the stairs.

Wang Zimo made a stop sign,

"and so on."

The wind stopped.

About ten seconds later, when the person in front of him had reached the height of nearly 100 meters from the top of the observation tower, the wind waved his hand again.

The wind is shallow and the pile is released by tacit understanding.




The pile made a series of dull movements on the steps. Under the action of the acceleration of gravity, the pile rolled faster and faster. When it hit the leader, it was irresistible.

"Ow -"

the man who was hit in the chest by the barrel screamed, fell on his back on the steps and rolled down with the stake. More than twenty people behind him fell down like dominoes and rolled down to the ground under the observation tower like a ball.

Under the lookout, the crowd was in a commotion, and many people showed fear.

"Tut tut!"

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Feng Qianji picks his eyebrows with pride and looks back at Li luoran,"How's it going?"

Li luoran's smile.

Feng Qian's eyes turned to Shu Xinshuang, "I didn't expect that there was a little ink in the heart of Goddess Shu. This move worked very well."

Shu Xinshuang didn't open his face with disdain, "ha ha ~"

"the wind is shallow!"

There was a girl's scream from the lookout tower,

"I'm your loyal fan. We love you so much. I beg you, don't help Li luoran that little bitch, OK? Please

Feng Qianji raised his voice and said, "is that right? Is it? I also love my fans. I beg you, Li luoran is not a little bitch. Don't fight her, OK? Please


The sound of heartbreak seemed to come from the lookout.

On the lookout tower, everyone looked at each other.

Shu Xinshuang's small hand holding Li luoran's arm can't help shaking.

Oh, my God!

Why does Li luoran have such a friend as Feng Qianji?!

Feng Qianji said that it worked.

Sure enough, another clear girl's voice said, "brother Qian, we all love you. We will live up to your expectations, and you should not let us down!"

After that, a small number of people came out of the crowd, most of them were young boys and girls, mostly girls.

"Don't be afraid. Their stakes are limited. They won't last long. Let's go on!" With this cry, someone rushed up the steps again.

Just like the first time, this wave of people was hit by the wind and fell back one after another.

However, this time, there was hardly a second to stay in the middle, and the third wave of people rushed up.

It's smashed down again

Again and again

Although there are more and more injured people in the crowd, people are also more and more angry. The following curses and shouts come and go one after another. It seems that there is an invisible fire burning in the crowd.

Time goes by.

The stakes on the lookout tower have been used up for a long time, and the wind is shallow, so we have to replace them with heavier sandbags, and the number of sandbags is becoming less and less, but the crowd is still coming in waves, and people are becoming more and more angry

Finally, the last sandbag was thrown out by the wind.

After that wave of people rolled down one after another, the people under the lookout tower quickly regrouped and rushed up again.


At this moment, Li luoran suddenly broke away from Shu Xinshuang's hand and strode to the front of the steps. She tried her best to raise her voice to the highest level,

"you don't have to trouble, I'll go on by myself!"


Shu Xinshuang anxiously wanted to stop her again, but she refused with her eyes,

"now there is no way, they will never let me go anyway, why do you also catch up?"

See her eyes determined, Shu Xinshuang can only sad and she looked at each other, did not say words of dissuasion.

Li luoran turned back and looked at the audience, "what you want is only me. It has nothing to do with them. Don't embarrass them!"

Voice down, still step forward.

However, the left foot just fell into the first step, but can no longer move forward.

Because a powerful hand held her wrist so tightly.

She looked back in surprise. The next second, she said, "what do you mean, Mr. Wang?"

Wangzimo slightly pick eyebrows, extremely handsome face means a bit of joke, a bit serious, "don't forget, but we agreed never to give up, live and die together, stay, I won't let you go alone."

Li luoran's eyes suddenly hurt badly.

Never give up, live and die together. This is what master Mo said to Hua Moli in the matchless queen of demons. Wang Zimo's saying outside the play also shows his determination to share the hardships with Li luoran.

Feng qianzhen also walked forward and laughed at her evil spirit, "Aifei, our boss has said that, and I can't let you go alone, can't I?"

Shu Xinshuang, a knowing smile.

Qin Weijie shrugged.

Director Song Yi said with a smile, "Ranran, our crew is a big family. You are an important member of this big family. No matter what happens, we will face and bear together."

"Yes, face and bear together!"

The others said in unison.

For everyone's sincere appearance, Li luoran can no longer control himself, tears can not help falling down.

"Hello! What's the matter with you? Do you want to come down or not? "

"That's it, special! Are you kidding us? "

People roared from the lookout tower,

"don't be fooled by her, this little bitch is deliberately delaying time, let's go!"



The sound of heavy steps crashing on the stairs.

Then, there is no follow-up.

Because, a gunshot suddenly rang out at this moment.

The man suddenly petrified like a sculpture on the steps leading to the lookout tower and looked back at the gunshot.



With the sound of the gunfire, some people outside the crowd fell to the ground, and the enchanting blood gradually flowed and spread under them




The gunfire continued.

Every time it rings, someone gets shot and falls to the ground.

Originally, the noise made people suddenly become as quiet as death.

Even Li luoran and others on the lookout tower were silly.

The shooters were more than a dozen tall men in white shirts, black suits and sunglasses. It turned out that just at the time of extreme chaos, two long black Lincoln cars quickly drove into the "imperial city". Each of the dozen men who came down from the car had pistols in their hands. They looked cold and didn't say a word. They just kept shooting at the crowd.


There was another shot.

This time, it was a young girl with yellow hair who fell to the ground, holding her bleeding abdomen in her hands, struggling in pain on the ground.

"My God! Is this the legendary killer? "

Someone screamed in a panic. He didn't care to besiege Li luoran. He left the stone he wanted to use to smash Li luoran and ran to the gate of the city.


The guns went off again.


"Here comes the murderer!"



As if to hear the sound of the shotgun birds, people panic scattered and fled.

They also rely on a large number of people to dare to besiege Li luoran. No one expected that a group of Desperado would suddenly rush out to kill like the devil. Who dares to risk his life?

Even those who had been injured by piles and sandbags and hurt their legs and feet before, now they can't care about the pain of their legs and feet, and they have to bear the pain and run out of the shooting base.

The men in black are still shooting into the sky.

Only three minutes later, all the people who could escape were left, only those who had been shot and countless banana peels, stones and rotten eggs all over the floor

The men in black stopped shooting.

Everyone on the lookout tower looked at the scene under the lookout tower in panic as if they had been cursed.

At this moment, when they were just besieged by thousands of people, they were not as afraid as they were at this moment.

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