You,Under My Name

Chapter 268: 268

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"I hold the time, but it doesn't care. Is there anyone else who wants to be comforted like me..."

The mobile phone in liluoran's pocket rings at this time.

"Husband" calls, she picked up.

"Come down to me." A very magnetic sound was ringing in my ear.

Li luoran was stunned, "what are you talking about? Where do you want me to find you? "

"I'm in the long Lincoln under the lookout tower. Don't make a noise. I'll come down to me alone." The voice dropped, and the line hung up over there.

Li luoran put away his cell phone in a trance.

Qin Weijie immediately cast her eyes for confirmation, "Ranran, your expression is more nervous than just now. Who called you? Did you send those killers down here? Did he threaten you? "

Li luoran nodded, "right..."

"Right? What do you mean by that? Did that man threaten you? Who is he and what does he want to do to you? " Jet Qin's questions hit her like pearls.

Other people also looked at her with the eyes of seeking answers.

Li luoran said with a smile, "don't worry, no one is threatening me. He just wants me to I'll see you tomorrow. I'll see you right away

Voice down, a head into the stairs, ran down, leaving only a group of people standing on the lookout tower looking at each other.

Li luoran got off the lookout with the fastest speed.

Two black Lincoln cars are parked in the open space not far away.

Seeing Li luoran running down, one of the men in black with a gun pointed to one of the Lincoln cars. Almost at the same time, the door in the middle row of the Lincoln car opened. Li luoran walked over and saw Lu Shaochen sitting in it, and Chu Xingchen was sitting in the driver's seat.

Li luoran got into the car and lost his voice immediately.

"Lu Shaochen, explain what's going on?"

Lu Shaochen, "I'm saving you."

"Help me?" Li luoran could not laugh or cry,

"ha ha, yes, thank you! You did save my life just now, but in order to save me, do you find these killers to kill people at will? "

She looked out through the dark gray window. The five people who were shot and fell to the ground not long ago still didn't move. Even the girl who was shot in the abdomen and was still struggling also didn't move. She thought she was dead.

Lu Shaochen said, "this is the only way to save you. There are a large number of them. If I don't make an example, I can't let them disperse."


I understand.

The mood of the masses is so excited. If Lu Shaochen wants to save Li luoran by "peace" and "Persuasion" only relying on him and the dozen people he brought, the masses will never buy it, or even fight together because Lu Shaochen and Li luoran stand together.

In that critical situation, the most direct and effective way to rescue Li luoran is to kill a few people and scare away the crowd


"Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing so..."

Li luoran breathed a long sigh,

"in front of so many people, he openly let the killers rob and kill people. This is a heinous capital crime. This matter will soon be spread by those fleeing people, and no one can cover it. At that time, even if you have great ability, you can't escape the punishment of the law."

If I had known that this incident ended in the end, I would have escaped a disaster, but let Lu Shaochen because he violated the law. It would be better for me to take the initiative to step down from the lookout platform in spite of everyone's obstruction at the beginning -

at least, I would have suffered.

"Who told you they were killers? Who told you they robbed and killed people? " The man's cold voice reverberated clearly in the car.

Li luoran's expression turned into shock.

The next second, I watched Lu Shaochen slide the car window by about a third, and I reached out to snap my fingers.

At the moment when the finger fell, the five people who had fallen to the ground and didn't move stood up at the same time. They all looked at the location where Lu Shaochen was. Some were winking, some were laughing, and some were responding to Lu Shaochen in the same way.

Oh, my God!

Li luoran couldn't believe his eyes.

At the same time, Wang Zimo and Feng Qianji, who are walking down the steps of the observation platform, are also shocked.

"Don't forget, this is a regular shooting base. It's illegal for me to find someone to play a play here? Are you going to be punished by law? " Lu Shaochen's cold voice sounded again.

Li luoran suddenly realized.

She was glad it was just a play.

She also has many questions. For example, just now there are a large number of people here. How did Lu Shaochen put the five "shot dead" mass actors in the crowd in advance? For example, how did Lu Shaochen know that she was besieged by the masses

But before she had time to ask, Lu Shaochen said ahead of her, "I've explained it. Now it's your turn to explain it."Well

In fact, after Li luoran got on the bus, he found Lu Shaochen's face was very bad. He spoke to her coldly and his eyes were very thin.

Of course she knows why.

Li luoran took a deep breath, "four years ago, I had a car accident after I gave birth to my child. After I recovered my life in the car accident, I was afraid that my father would worry about me, so I kept it from her all the time. In those days, the mirror was always with me and taking care of me. You have seen the mirror. She is my best friend. In my heart, she is just like my own sister."

"Well, that's it!" Chu Xingchen looks like a great understanding.

At the beginning, after receiving more than 500 million yuan, Li luoran immediately went to spend nearly 400 million yuan to buy a car for Jiang Xiaojing. Chu Xingchen mistakenly thought that Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing were secret lovers. It turned out that he misunderstood them!

Lu Shaochen's handsome face was as black as Yama's, "what I want is your explanation, not to hear you talk about your sisterhood."

"I know. I'm talking about it..." Li luoran fully understood Lu Shaochen's mood at the moment, and she laughed,

"later, when I was about to recover, I still didn't know how it came to my father's ears. It was a Rainstorm Day. My father came to see me from the suburb to rent a house in the urban area in a storm. He was distressed, angry, worried and didn't have a good rest. He was seriously ill, He had a high fever in his hospital bed and had been in a coma for three days. He kept saying the word "lianyue" in his mouth. I was very worried. The doctor told me that if I could call the person he was reading to him, maybe I could wake him up, so... "

Speaking of this, Li luoran sighed a long time,

"although my mother has never been soft hearted to me, I decided to ask her for my father's sake. At that time, she was often with Su Jinnian. I waited for her at the door of Su Jinnian's mansion. I asked her to save my father. She refused, so I knelt down and begged her. At that time, it was still raining cats and dogs, and she took my umbrella away She told me that if I could kneel still in the heavy rain for two hours, she would promise to save my father

Lu Shaochen looked more dignified.

Chu Xingchen was so angry that he patted the steering wheel, "especially, sister-in-law, are you sure she's your mother?"

“……” Li luoran laughs bitterly,

"if she just let me kneel in the rain, it's OK. It rained all the time that day, but I refused to stop. As a result, I didn't hold on for two hours, and then I fell into a coma in the mud. When I woke up, I was in a bar, which is a kind of chaotic bar with many girls exchanging their bodies for money."

Chu Xingchen, "..."

Lu Shaochen, "is that the bar in the picture?"

Li luoran nodded,

"my consciousness was not very clear. I was lying on the sofa and my clothes were in a mess. A man with bare upper body and tattoos came and took off my clothes. I screamed for help, and people around me ignored me. He told me that I had been struggling all the time. My mother sold me to him and another man for 600 yuan, he said They could have invaded me when I was in a coma, but they thought it was too boring, so they waited until I woke up... "

There was a clucking of the joints in the air.

Li luoran, who was shrouded in the shadow of that period, did not find that Lu Shaochen's deep and bottomless eyes were colder than the ice that had not melted for thousands of years.

"I've tried my best to shout and struggle, but it's useless. That's an occasion like this. Everyone is used to it. My voice is getting hoarser and hoarse, and gradually drowned by the rock music in the bar. People around me are just looking for fun. When I'm so desperate and helpless that I give up struggling, the wind appears."

Thinking of the moment when Feng qianshe appeared, Li luoran's sad eyes showed a trace of joy,

"Feng qianshe threw a stack of money to each of the two men, bought me and helped me out of the bar. It was then that we met. Later, we became intimate sisters."

For more than four years, Li luoran never told anyone about it.

It's the first time she's ever talked about it.

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Because that kind of memory is a nightmare for anyone that she never wants to recall again. She just wants to forget her as soon as possible and keep it in the deepest corner of her heart forever.

Li luoran thought that the matter had already passed, and no one would bring it up again.

She can't imagine that after so many years, there are still people with sinister intentions who have turned out those photos and put them on the Internet, showing them to the world like exhibits

After listening to Li luoran, Lu Shaochen did not say another word for a long time.

The atmosphere of silence lasted at least ten seconds before Lu Shaochen reached out his arm and held Li luoran in his arms.

"silly girl, how much suffering have you experienced?"

Li luoran coolly rolled his lips, "anyway, it's all over. It's nothing."

Lu Shaochen focused on looking at her, feeling not relaxed at all, "similar things, how much do you still hide from me?"

Li luoran said with a smile, "no more."It's really gone.

That's enough for her to digest for the rest of her life.

What's more, the people who blackmailed her had ulterior motives. If she had any other "peach past", she would have been dug out

"Well ~" Lu Shaochen gently pinched her chin with his fingers, and her eyes were shining like black gems, like tears,

"darling, tell me the name of that bar."

Li luoran closed her eyes, and at last, she said the name that she would never forget in her whole life, "Fei color bar."


Wang Zimo, Shu Xinshuang, Feng Qianji and others successively stepped down from the observation tower.

The lengthened Lincoln on liluoran has left the shooting base, and the remaining lengthened Lincoln, a dozen people in black and the five "actors" covered with blood are still standing in the same place.

"Hello Feng Qianji grabbed a man in black and asked, "who told you to act like this?"

The man shook his head. "Sorry, our employer told us that it must be kept secret, especially to you."


It's just a secret. Why especially for him?

Feng Qianji looks awkwardly at other people, who are either silent or shaking their heads in response to him, obviously deliberately concealing the truth.

"Tut tut ~"

the wind is shallow and the thrush is high,

"I can guess who he is now. Hey, he's gone. Why don't you go with him?"

"He said there was so much rubbish in the base and the gate was destroyed. We needed help to take care of it and repair it. He asked us to stay and help." One of them returned.


The wind is shallow and he sighs in his heart -

godfather is really thoughtful.

"Mr. Wang, do you think our acting skills are OK?" The young woman who had just been shot in the abdomen and fell to the ground looked up at wangzimo.

Hope son Mo light opens thin lip, "OK."

For Wang Zimo, who has a high demand for actors' acting skills, "OK" has been a full affirmation.

It has to be said that in the shooting scene, even wangzimo's eyes were cheated. If the last five people didn't stand up from the pool of blood, wangzimo thought it was a real murder.

"Ha ha ~" the woman smiles,

"so, Mr. Wang, can we stay in your troupe? Hehe, don't get me wrong, Mr. Wang. Although we are not professional actors, we are all enthusiastic amateur actors. You just need to arrange some unimportant plays for us, such as passer-by a, passer-by B, soldiers, dead bodies and so on. We don't want to pay for the film. We just need to get a box lunch every day in the crew as well as other staff members. "

More than a dozen other people are also looking at wangzimo with the eyes of request.

Wang Zimo said, "well, all of you stay here. Your treatment is like that of other extras. The lunch box will be taken and the salary will be paid. The person in charge of Liu will arrange for them."

"Ah?" Although the person in charge of Liu was shocked, he knew that wangzimo could not make fun of this kind of thing, and immediately nodded,

"OK, Mr. Wang, I will deal with it."

He murmured in his heart -

What's the matter with Mr. Wang today? Who doesn't know that Mr. Wang never uses actors he doesn't know. Even every unimportant mass actor must ask the person in charge to know his background thoroughly before he is willing to use them. How can he promise to add so many strangers without considering today?

Most of the rest of the cast have such doubts.

Shu Xinshuang chuckles to himself -

Wang Zimo is really resourceful. He saw that Lu Shaochen was the one who rescued Li luoran. He also knew that Lu Shaochen wanted to put these people in the production team as undercover agents. Wang Zimo left them in the production team on purpose. In the future, he asked them to send false news to Lu Shaochen


the next day, Li luoran did not go to the shooting base.

First, the gate of the base needs to be renewed and reinforced; second, and most importantly, the incident of Li luoran's two groups of photos continues to ferment on the Internet and has a bad impact. The crew is worried that there will be similar incidents like mass siege and so on, and decides to turn it on after the storm subsides.

After Li luoran became popular, the number of her micro blog fans had soared to 93 million. After the photo incident, the number of her fans soared to 150 million overnight -

however, most of the extra fans were "black fans".

They used all kinds of insults, slanders, sarcasm and obscenities in Li luoran's microblog

Even most of the fans who supported Li luoran in the past began to attack Li luoran. Although there were still some fans who supported Li luoran, the number of these people was too small compared with the black people. Their voice of supporting Li luoran was drowned in the sea of curse like raindrops.

Li luoran is afraid to open his microblog.

I dare not turn on the TV.She can't even look at her cell phone.

Because the news about her can be seen everywhere in the media related to the Internet, she seems to have become a street mouse, everyone yells.

Since leaving the shooting base yesterday, Li luoran has been looking for a solution to whiten himself. However, after thinking about it, he can't find a perfect solution.

After all, when she and Jinqian took those fantastic "hot" photos, she was willing to. The scene she was photographed in the bar was also her own experience. If there was not enough convincing evidence, she stood out and said she was innocent, which would only cause more ridicule.

"I hold time, but it doesn't care..."

The call is ringing now.

Li luoran's mobile phone had been stranded on the balcony of her bedroom on the second floor. After hearing the bell, she ran up the revolving stairs.

When you get the phone, the line has been automatically hung up because of the connection timeout.

Li luoran was about to dial it back. She called back and picked it up.

"Ranran, did you ask teacher Feng to do this? Otherwise, I can't figure out why he, the most popular male star nowadays, would be so stupid as to wade in this muddy water regardless of his own influence. " Qin Weijie's voice clearly spread into Li luoran's ears.

Li luoran suddenly remembered that when she was in the production group yesterday, Feng qianzhen said that she would help her wash white regardless of the consequences.

He won't really do that, will he?

Very bad premonition immediately shrouded Li luoran's whole body, "what did he do?"

"Ah? So he did it on his own initiative? Why is he so stupid, alas Ranran, I don't mean you. You don't know anything about such a big accident. For half an hour, Yucheng entertainment channel has been reporting on it in turn. Please have a look! "

Li luoran turned on the TV by remote control without hanging up the phone.

Quickly tune in to Yucheng entertainment channel.

On the 76 inch large screen, there is a cool blonde hair, ice blue eyes and a beautiful face.

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