You,Under My Name

Chapter 269: 269

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It turns out that in order to help Li dye white, Feng Qianji held a press conference. Under the bright spotlight and numerous media cameras, he solemnly said;

Li luoran was sold into a bar when he was in a coma. Li luoran was not violated by the two men, because he drove away the two men who tried to make a strong impact on Li luoran at the critical moment

At last, Feng Qianji swore to heaven that everything he said was true, and said that he took his reputation as a guarantee for Li luoran.

As Li luoran worried before, as soon as the press conference was held, the public opinion was in an uproar.

Although fengqianshe's diehard fans still firmly support fengqianshe, saying that "they unconditionally believe any word fengdada says", "fengdada says that liluoran is innocent, they believe that liluoran is innocent".

After all, there are only a few die hard fans. The vast majority of fengqianshe's fans are "very disappointed" and "I didn't expect that fengqianshe would fall in love with a little bitch like Li luoran".

The Internet is also springing up like countless doubts about the shallow wind of public opinion.

Li Chen has been regarded as "the most respected customer" by fans

Even wangzimo was implicated.

It is reported that Wang Zimo, as Li luoran's agent and the leader of the cast of "the queen of demons", deliberately let Feng Qianji come out and help Li luoran with lies in order to protect him.

In order to help Li luoran clarify the truth, Feng qianzhen, the most popular male star at present, has attracted a lot of black people.

Li luoran got through to Fengqian.

"I haven't seen you in less than twenty-four hours. Does Princess Ai miss me?"

The phone rang out the lazy voice of the wind.

Li luoran is angry and helpless,

"Feng Qianwei, what's wrong with you? You know the consequences of this, can't you be more rational? "

"I'm very rational. I told you yesterday that I would go forward and backward with you. I just did what I decided to do." The sound of the wind was calm.

"You mdash; mdash; alas!"

The situation has developed into what it is now. Li luoran knows that it's no use blaming Feng Qianyu again,

"Qianyu, I know that you are doing all this to help me, but this is the end of it. You are not allowed to do such stupid things in the future. Even if I stand up to help you clean up, you are not allowed to come forward to refute, or I will break up with you."

"What?! Break up After being scolded as a dog by fans, Feng Qianhe kept calm all the time, but at this moment he blew his hair.

"Hey, you don't hesitate to pull yourself into the water, but you want to break up with each other. Won't your conscience hurt?"

Li luoran looks dignified, voice determined, "if you do stupid things again, my conscience will not hurt."

There came the sound of broken glass products. After venting, the wind soon calmed down,

"well, you just said that even if you stand up and help me wash white, I'm not allowed to refute. What are you going to do? Don't tell me you want to Hello Hello

Li luoran had already hung up.

She would not answer the call again.

There is no true feeling in Vanity Fair. In the entertainment circle, what the audience sees is often the most superficial, which is also the side that the propagandist deliberately presents to the audience.

In this circle, the friendship, love and even family relationship between stars are used as a gimmick to make money. When some stars are good, they have countless friends. Once they encounter something, their intimate "best friends" and "best friends" are afraid of affecting themselves. They are too busy to get rid of the relationship with them, and some even come forward to expose their shortcomings There are too few such idiots


The wind is shallow. I guess it's right.

Li luoran decided that if this time, she can't help herself to wash white, in the end, even if she uses the self black way, she should wash white.

It's just that her reputation is destroyed. She can't implicate Fengqian.

Before long, Li luoran's call bell rang again.

This time, the person calling is Jin Xintong.

Li luoran quickly picked up, "I sent you a message last night, and now you are finally willing to call back."

"I have no obligation to return your call on time. If you want to talk to me, come to me and say it face to face. I'll send you the address later." Fall this words, brocade Heart Tong resolutely hanged a line.

Without hesitation, Li luoran picked up her handbag and covered her face with a mask. She found a car in the nearest garage and drove out of the land house.

Jinxintong asked Li luoran to meet at a western restaurant not far from jinxintong's home.

When Li luoran arrives, Jin Xintong is already waiting for her in the seat by the window.

Although it's far from lunchtime, there are still many diners in the western restaurant. Now, Li luoran is on the cusp of the storm. Even after entering the restaurant, she still hasn't taken off her sunglasses and mask.Jin Xintong recognized Li luoran at a glance. She laughed teasingly, "ah, when she was red, she was afraid of being annoyed, but now it's dark, and she's afraid of being beaten like a street mouse. She wants to cover it up. It seems that this star is not so good to be."

The eyes of the customers in the next seat are attracted. So, the woman who covers her face tightly is actually a star?

Which star will she be?

Li luoran didn't want to chat with Jin Xintong. Before he sat down, he went straight to the topic, "don't talk nonsense. I know you are the one who sent my photos to the Internet and mobilized the masses to attack me."


Jin Xintong looks very surprised,

"I'm really flattered, Li luoran. In fact, when you sent me a message last night asking me what I really want, I was very puzzled. I'm just a little weak woman. How can I be so powerful and black? Do you send so many people to your crew to besiege you?"


The knife and fork in the girl's hand on the next seat fell into the plate, and her eyes were staring at Li luoran for a moment.

So, is she Li luoran, who has been setting off a storm in the entertainment industry since yesterday?

The girl silently took out her mobile phone and secretly took a picture of Li luoran.

Li luoran didn't notice the customer's behavior. He just looked at Jin Xintong coldly and said, "don't pretend, Jin Xintong. After Jin Qian and I took those extraordinary photos, we only developed two copies. I had one with others. My one had been burned a year ago. The only one left in the world is in Jin Qian's hands. He's your brother. You can easily get close to him. You must be happy You stole these photos from his album while he wasn't paying attention. "

"Is it?"

Although Li luoran unexpectedly guessed by guessing, Jin Xintong didn't show a trace of shock, only a very innocent appearance,

"sister Ranran, it's really unfair for you to take the accusation on me like this. Why don't you suspect that it was my brother Jinqian who did it? He is more capable of mobilizing so many people, isn't he? "

Li luoran sneered, "Jin qian can't do that."

"Why?" Jin Xintong's extremely beautiful face is full of surprise,

"there is a kind of hatred in this world, that is, hatred for love. He loves you so much, and you are so merciless to him. It's reasonable for him to retaliate against you. How can it be impossible?"

Li luoran no longer looked back, just across the sunglasses, sarcastically looking at this pretending beautiful woman.

For Jin Xintong, she is more than suspicious.

She didn't know how Jin Xintong did it, and there was no real evidence, but she was at least 70% sure that Jin Xintong was the initiator of all this.

"OK ~"

Jin Xintong took a breath and fiddled with the shiny spoon between her slender fingers,

"what if you knew it was me? Who will believe you if you have no evidence? Do you go and tell Shaochen that Shaochen will believe it? You go to your fans and say, will your fans believe? Then again, even if everyone knows that I sent out those photos, people will still think you are a casual dirty woman, right? "

Obviously, it means to admit it.

Sure enough!

In this world, so want to black her, so want to see her bad people, in addition to jinxintong, who else?

Didn't you expect that?

Why, at the exact moment of knowing the answer, there was still a strong loss in Li luoran's heart?

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

She looked at the most beautiful woman through her sunglasses,

"Jin Xintong, I can fully understand why you black me. In fact, the people in those two groups of photos are all me. Since I have done those things, I can face them openly after being exposed, but you incite so many people to besiege me. If Shaochen didn't arrive on time, I'm afraid I would have been killed I was killed by them. "

"I know ~" I don't know if it's because of a guilty heart. Jin Xintong lowers her head slightly and doesn't face Li luoran's eyes.

"you know I hate you, and you've beaten me more than once. I arranged someone to beat you, but it's just a tit for tat."

"All right!"

Li luoran immediately understood.

Only feel empty in the heart, also don't want to say a word more, the vision passes indifferently on the face of brocade Heart Tong, get up to walk outward.


Li luoran has already guessed that Jin Xintong is blacking her.

However, she still holds a trace of fantasy and risks being found by angry fans to ask Jin Xintong face to face.

No matter how much Li Wan and Luo Tong hate each other, it's the same reason that Li Wan and Luo Tong have a good heartSure enough, fantasy is fantasy, and it will never come true!

Jin Xin Tong is just black, and she even has the heart to incite the crowd to beat her to death

Li luoran walks out of the western restaurant in a trance.

stands outside the French plane tree outside the restaurant. Not far from the sidewalk, a middle-aged woman is laughing and walking by two young girls. They can be deduced from their similar looks. They are a mother and two daughters.

Looking at this warm scene, Li luoran can't help thinking of her mother Gu lianyue and her sister Jin Xintong.

In her life, I'm afraid she has no chance with such a beautiful life!

"I didn't tell you the truth." Behind him came a gentle female voice.

Li luoran didn't look back, and the beautiful face of Jin Xintong was hard to distract.

With the sound of light footsteps, Jin Xintong goes to Li luoran and stands beside her,

"although I hate you, I also hope you are notorious, but it's not me who comes up with this way to harm you, it's Gu lianyue."

Liluoran's fingertips trembled.

"That day, my father forced me to attend Gu lianyue's wedding. Mrs. an made a fool of Gu lianyue at the wedding. After you and Shaochen left the scene, my father forced me to comfort Gu lianyue. At that time, Gu lianyue called me aside and told me the plan to blackmail you." Jin Xintong also looks at the mother and daughter on the sidewalk,

"of course, I am also involved in this matter. The photos of you and Jin Qian are indeed taken secretly by me, but those of you in the bar have nothing to do with me. In the past, I didn't know that something like that had happened to you. In addition, the person who incited the masses to besiege you is also Gu lianyue."

Li luoran could not say a word any more.

Looking back on everything between myself and Gu lianyue, Gu lianyue wanted to kill her more than once.

This time, Gu lianyue was only a little bit close to success.

Yesterday afternoon, as long as Lu Shaochen was a minute late, I'm afraid she no longer exists in this world

Li luoran took a hard breath,

"don't you care if I hate you? Why explain? "

"I don't know why..." Jin Xintong spread out her hands,

"just like you said, when I was in the restaurant, I always thought, I don't care if you hate me, or if you hate me more or less, you think everything is done by me, whatever you think, and I didn't want to explain it to you, but I don't know when I look at you walking farther and farther and watching you standing here alone I want to tell you the truth

Li luoran looks at Jin Xintong in a trance.

Jin Xintong looked thoughtfully at the crowded street, "not long ago, I called Su Yan and told him where Bai Qingwan went to accompany customers. Later, I told Xiao Qianhua to block you. My purpose is to aggravate the contradiction between you and Bai Qingwan. I didn't expect that the situation would worsen so seriously. I also have responsibility for Su Yan's death."

I don't know why, listen to Jin Xintong say so, Li luoran heart has a kind of long lost warmth, "I didn't expect Bai Qingwan so crazy, that thing, I can't blame you."

"Oh, don't blame me? Don't get me wrong Jin Xintong smiles,

"Li luoran, don't think I'm asking you to forgive me for saying these words, but I can't say these words to anyone. It's too hard for me to hold myself in my heart. I'll be more relaxed if I say them to you."

Drop this words, step forward, head also don't return to her parking direction.

Li luoran stands in the same place, silently watching Jin Xintong get on the car and then take back his sight.

Maybe it's because Li luoran is used to the cruelty of Gu lianyue. After learning that it's Gu lianyue, not Jin Xintong, who is going to put herself to death, she feels more relaxed than when she misunderstood Jin Xintong.

Perhaps, in any case, she should still have a trace of fantasy to Jin Xintong.

It's like having an illusion that my father has let go of his obsession with pity moon.

They are all poisoned by love, holding a love that can't be put down, hurting others and themselves

After Jin Xintong drove away, Li luoran stood in the cold wind, thinking carefully about what to do next.

She keeps the phone number of this pity month.

However, Gu lianyue put Li luoran's mobile phone number on the blacklist a few years ago. Li luoran couldn't get through to Gu lianyue, so she could only send her a message,

"what do you want?"

Li luoran waited for nearly five minutes, but he didn't answer.

When she got into the car and started the car, Gu lianyue came back with a picture of the painting mdash; mdash;

Li luoran had seen this painting mdash; mdash;

it was the picture that Gu lianyue sent to her father when she sent her wedding invitation. On the white paper, it was clearly painted with one hand and middle finger upright, and several prominent English letters: "lucky you" were written in the blankLi luoran can't laugh or cry.

Then Gu lianyue sent another text message,

"I just want you to die"!

Li luoran left his mobile phone in the car shelf, leaned on the seat and sighed deeply. Finally, he started the car silently.

The car didn't drive far away, but Li luoran felt a little uncomfortable.

I parked near the public toilet and ran in.

When you're done, stand in front of the sink and wash your hands carefully.

"She! That's her! This shameless little watch

Behind him came this clear call.

Liluoran suddenly had a bad feeling. She subconsciously wanted to look back. However, at this moment, one hand suddenly grabbed her hair.

"Ah ~"

the pain from her scalp made Li luoran lose control of her voice, and her eyebrows wrinkled painfully.

"Call, you call is really ugly, you sell to men in the bar when you call it!"

Another shrill voice scolded, while the other hand forced her right arm behind her.

, whose hair was caught, was unable to turn back. She could only see two people in the mirror. Her hair was a girl dressed in a hole denim dress. She wore earrings, nose rings, and her hair dyed a tall grass green. She was holding a high lean teenager with a strong eye liner than most girls, and lipstick, and the two of them looked all alone. He was about fifteen or sixteen years old, but he was taller than Li luoran.

A sudden pain came from the root of the ear. It was Li luoran's mask that was torn off by the boy.

"Ha, that man didn't cheat us. It's you, garbage, bitch!" Then he slapped Li luoran in the face.

Liluoran's ears were buzzing for a moment.

It was also at this moment that Li luoran understood that these two people were instructed by others, otherwise, they would not recognize her under the premise that Li luoran covered her face so tightly with masks and sunglasses!

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