You,Under My Name

Chapter 270: 270

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There was a squeak.

The boy turned the tap to the maximum and the outlet of the pool was blocked.

Looking at the water in the pool becoming more and more full, Li luoran was more and more flustered. "You are still young. You can't tell right from wrong. Someone takes advantage of your impulsive psychology to revenge me. Don't be fooled. Let me go Woo

I can't say the rest.

Because Li luoran's head was pressed into the pool -

so hard that her face was close to the bottom of the pool, and her whole head was submerged.



"Wu -"

she struggled desperately, but it was useless. The hand pressed her head tightly, as if she would drown her. Li luoran was gradually weak in the endless cold and suffocation.

People who saw this scene were afraid of getting into trouble. They avoided it one after another and looked on coldly from a safe distance.

I don't know how long it took for that hand to relax and pull Li luoran out of the water.

Li luoran, who was weak all over, was sitting beside the washing table. He couldn't help spitting water in his mouth. His shaking hands caressed his anoxic lungs and couldn't recover from suffocation for a long time.

"Well! What I can't stand most is the white lotus, which is pure and pretends to be a saint! You're lucky that you didn't drown today. Next time I run into you, I'll strip you naked and tie you to the lamppost so that everyone can see you

The girl's hands pinched Xiao Manyao and pointed to Li luoran's face angrily.

"I Pooh!"

The boy spits the gum in his mouth on liluoran,

"it's really dirty our hands to move this kind of rotten goods. Be quiet, let's go, let her rot in the toilet alone."

"Well! Go

The girl flapped her long grass green hair and rolled her eyes at the onlookers,

"what are you looking at? I haven't seen anyone beating a dog!"

The onlookers made way, and the girl and boy walked out of the bathroom hand in hand.


Just as the two boys and girls came down to the last step outside the bathroom, Li luoran's voice rang out behind them.

At this time, Li luoran had already stood up. She stood in the dark bathroom and approached the boys and girls step by step. Her beautiful face was covered with cold water. In the silver light, her cold eyes were shining with fierce light.

"Ouch --" the boy raised his heavily makeup face,

"why, we haven't taught you enough. You are itchy and want to be beaten by us again."

The girl also laughed sarcastically, "is it really special and cheap? Do you want to die?"

Li luoran rolled up his sleeves with no expression, revealing his two slender arms, and his mouth curled up with a cold and proud radian,

"you two go together, I want to see who is itching, who is particularly cheap, looking for death."

"It's really tough. Be quiet and hit her!"

"Well, it's so cheap. This time, I'll beat her to death!"

The enraged boy and girl show their ferocious faces and rush back to Li luoran.

Li luoran walked steadily towards them.

When I was about to meet the boys and girls, I suddenly stood firm.

The boy ran fast. First, she hit her face with a hard fist. She flashed by easily. Then she grabbed the boy's empty arm with both hands and turned around to fall over her shoulder.


The sound of the boy falling on the ground seemed to shake the whole bathroom down.

With a scream of "ow --", the boy lay on his back on the wet ground. The excessive pain and fear made him stiff and his eyes straight.

Seeing this scene, the girl stops when she is scared. Her hands, which are going to catch Li luoran, are pulled back in a hurry, and her eyes turn into panic.

Li luoran ignored her through the light mist,

"come on, what did you do when you just attacked me?"

“……” The girl's lips moved, but she didn't dare to say anything more. She just screamed, turned and ran.

However, before the front foot was fully stepped out, Li luoran grabbed his right hand.

"Ouch -"

there was another heart rending scream, accompanied by a heart shaking tremor, the girl was thrown to the boy's right hand by Li luoran.

Just arrogant and domineering young boys and girls, lying side by side in the cold bathroom corridor, looking at Li luoran's eyes like looking at a cold-blooded killer.

The onlookers were also stunned.

After a long time, someone gave Li luoran a thumbs up, "sister, you are so powerful!"

Others applauded.

Li luoran turned a deaf ear.

These people are apathetic audiences.

When Li luoran was just pressed into the water, they all looked on coldly. Now, they applauded warmly because Li luoran let them see a more wonderful play. Why should Li luoran waste his feelings on such people?She just lowered her cold eyes and looked coldly at the struggling boys and girls on the ground,

"if you stand up aboveboard for the first time, instead of secretly attacking me, then you will have fallen here. Now do you know who is cheap and who is looking for death?"

The girl named "quiet" looks at Li luoran in horror.

The boy has recovered his strength and wants to get up. Li luoran kicks him in the chest and kicks him flat on the ground again.

"Ouch, it's killing me! You What kind of skill do you have? Let me get up and fight with me again The boy stares at Li luoran fiercely.

Li luoran sneered, "I am absolutely sure that as long as you stand up once, I will throw you back again. If you are not afraid of pain, you can try now."

Thinking of Li luoran's effortlessness when he fell to the ground, if he stood up again, it would be the same result. The boy immediately gave up the idea of getting up.

The girl who wanted to get up was lying on the ground.

Li luoran looked down at them, "you give me the honest lie, before the police come, no one is allowed to move."

The voice fell, and she took out her cell phone.

Li luoran called the police.

Then he put his arms around his chest and leaned on the washing table, silently guarding the young boys and girls.

Although the boys and girls are not reconciled, they are afraid of being beaten by Li luoran again, so they can only lie down.

The police arrived at the scene soon.

Li luoran and the couple were taken to the police station. Cameras were installed in the corridor of the public toilet. The police could easily find out the truth by checking the surveillance video.

Therefore, the police quickly gave the result -

because the young man and girl maliciously attacked Li luoran in public places, if Li luoran chose to forgive them, the police would let the young man and girl go, as if it had never happened;

if Li luoran investigated their responsibility, their parents not only had to apologize to Li luoran for compensation, but also the people's livelihood after the event The police will take the boys and girls to their school to see their headmaster

When the police asked the couple to apologize to Li luoran, the girl pursed her lips with disdain,

"cut! I'll never apologize to my watch even if I die! "

The boy looked up at his heavily makeup face,

"little bitch, next time I see you, I will kill you."

Li luoran picks his eyebrows coldly and arrogantly,

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"I'll wait for you."

The parents of young boys and girls came here in a hurry.

When Li luoran walked out of the police station, a man and two women stopped her. One of them, a middle-aged woman in gold and silver, begged, "Miss Li, who hasn't been impulsive during the Spring Festival? Although she has done too much quietly, if the police take her to the school to find the principal, the school will dismiss her. Although she beat you, you are not She fell to the ground, too. You're even, aren't you? Why don't you hold on to her? "

Li luoran can't get back to God.

She thought that the mother came to apologize to her instead of her child. Unexpectedly, she came to ask her for a crime.

She was attacked by villains and almost drowned in the sink. Is it her fault?

"That's it! Miss Li, as an adult, how can you not be generous at all, but be so small hearted? Tong Tong is still a child under 16 years old. You are an adult. What do you do when you fight with him? Let's call it a day. Tong Tong will take the senior high school entrance examination next year. If he is expelled from school because of you, can you feel at ease? " The middle-aged man said.

Another woman said,

"that's it! Although Tong Tong is rebellious, he can't clap his hands. How can he find someone to fight? You must have provoked him. Even if he is wrong, he will not be expelled from school. Don't go too far... "

After listening to the words of the three parents and looking at their eyes full of resentment and malice, Li luoran immediately understood why the young boys and girls developed such a character.

"Well ~"

Li luoran spread out her hands and looked at the two boys and girls quietly,

"in fact, before I thought, I didn't forgive the two children. When their parents found me, how should I explain? Now, there's no need to explain. I just want to tell you the result. I don't forgive them. They deserve it. You should Thank you, because after this, you may know how to be a man. "


"You You scold us for not being human? "

"Hey, stop! You make it clear to us, Hello, Hello

Li luoran walked out of the police station without looking back.

Standing on the side of the street, looking at the yard of the police station from a long distance, the police brought out the couple. The three parents argued with the police, asking the police not to bring their children to school.In the end, the couple will be taken to the school to see their principal, and they will be expelled from the school.

Li luoran thought that if she had been four years ago, she would have forgiven the couple.

At that time, she was so kind, so simple and so stupid.

After many experiences, Li luoran gradually learned that he should never be soft hearted to those who hurt himself maliciously.

Li Luo dye out of the mind, a tall figure slowly came to her.

It's Li Qingtian.

Because the police station she went to was near Su's, Li luoran called Li Qingtian before walking out of the police station.

"Girl, how are things going?" Li Qingtian's right hand was lightly on her shoulder.

Li luoran didn't want to talk about it any more. He laughed with a smile and said, "it's all over."

Li Qingtian sighed, "Ranran, I've heard that the entertainment circle is very chaotic. Why do you have to enter this circle? Now it's good to make yourself so embarrassed Alas! But it's not a bad thing for you to get out of the entertainment circle now. "

Li luoran still laughed easily, "good."

But where is it as simple as dad said?

The entertainment industry is not like any other circle. When Li luoran entered this circle, she was not just willing. Once she got in and became famous, she became a public figure. Even if she announced her exit, someone would recognize her outside.

What's more, now she is destroyed and her reputation is in disrepute. If she withdraws at this time, she will bear a lifetime of bad reputation, which is equal to admitting defeat to the person who maliciously destroys her.

This time, she must not lose!

She must not let that man with ulterior motives succeed!

"Oh, so soon to admit defeat, this is about to quit?" A familiar voice came not far away.

Hearing this sound, Li Qingtian seemed to be transformed into a sculpture.

Li luoran went to the police station. As soon as she walked out of the police station, she saw a red Bentley parked in front of her right. At this time, the window had slipped and the person sitting in it was Gu lianyue.


The door was pushed open and Gu lianyue got out of the car.

Today's Gu lianyue is dressed in a tight white cheongsam. Her figure is more enchanting and sexy. Li Qingtian is staring at her.

In the twinkling of an eye, Gu lianyue came to Li luoran,

"you are very hot now, and the sequel of the queen of demons is just about to start up. It's a pity that you quit like this."

Li luoran's face became very bad at the moment he heard Gu lianyue's voice,

"you don't have to say such sarcastic words, I know what you really think in your heart."

"Ranran!" Li Qingtian pulls Li luoran hard,

"don't be so sarcastic with your mother."

"Cut!" Li luoran looked at Bai Li Qingtian disdainfully. After his eyes fell back on Li luoran's face, his expression became teasing again.

"you seem to know everything. You can tell me what I'm thinking."

Li luoran's eyes were sharp, "you want to see me ruined, you want to see me die, the more miserable I die, the better!"

"Ranran!" Li Qing's weather is changing.

Gu lianyue didn't care about Li Qingtian's reaction at all. She raised her face and said with a smile, "so, you all know?"

"Of course!"

Li luoran's lips were cold, his face was beautiful, and he responded coldly,

"you sent those photos to the Internet, you incited the masses to besiege me, you not only wanted to destroy my reputation, but also I was killed by the crowd with this reputation!"

Li Qingtian took a cold breath.

"Oh, you know that, alas! Xintong, I do all this for her good. How can she tell you all this? " Gu lianyue sighs with false sadness, and then laughs with complacency,

"yes, yes, it's me. I did everything. Everything you said is right. I just let you be disgraced and dead."

Li luoran's lips trembled, but he couldn't say a word.

She finds that she is not striving for success. She is already desperate for Gu lianyue. But every time Gu lianyue tells her the truth of bleeding, she will still feel a burst of desolation in her heart, or wave after wave of pain

"Oh, by the way, why don't you ask me why I'm here? You just came out of the police station, and I'm waiting for you outside the police station. Don't you think it's strange? "

Take pity on the moon and light a cigarette gracefully.

Li luoran's brain "hummed" and said, "you are the one who incites the young boys and girls to attack me?"

"You finally wake up!"

Gu lianyue takes a deep puff of cigarettes and shows off her proud eyes.

"when you and Xintong meet in the western restaurant, I have been following you secretly. After you go to the public restroom, I find two stars who hate you and itch their teeth to clean you up. What a wonderful scene happened in the restroom. Unfortunately, how can they do that Why didn't you drown, stupidLi luoran wanted to slap Gu lianyue.

However, after listening to Gu lianyue's words, she was pale and trembling, and could not raise her hand.

"But it's not this time. There's another time, isn't it? Li luoran, please remember that I will stare at you at any time and incite those impulsive brain damage black powder to attack you at any time. From now on, no matter where you are or what you are doing, someone may rush out and attack you like today. Maybe one day, you will die. Even if you announce that you are quitting the entertainment industry, it will not help because of you It's already notorious. No matter whether you quit the entertainment industry or not, your black fans will always hate you. "

After these words, Gu lianyue throws two mouthfuls of smoke on Li luoran and turns away with a sneer.

Li luoran is petrified like a sculpture.

At this time, she really wanted to do something to Gu lianyue when she was cruelly treated by Gu lianyue, but she could do nothing but stand like this.


With this cry of pain, Li Qingtian strode to catch up with Gu lianyue, grabbed her by the wrist behind her,

"I know you hate me and Ranran, but she is your own daughter after all. Why are you so cruel to her?"

Gu lianyue turned her back to him, and her smile was sarcastic and cool.

"is that cruel? no Li Qingtian, this result is tolerant enough for her. Four years ago, she knelt in the rain like a fool in order to ask me to see you in the hospital. I took advantage of her coma and sent her to the bar. I found two men to sell her. I was very happy after going out of the bar. Since Haige died, I have never been as happy as that moment Because I know that Li luoran is a woman who cares about her innocence very much. Once she wakes up and finds that she has been played by two men, she will be very ashamed and indignant. She will commit suicide. Even if she doesn't succeed in suicide and survives by chance, she will be depressed and dead for the rest of her life. Li Qingtian knows that her baby daughter is killed by me just to save you That way, I will live in heavy remorse and regret in the future That kind of result is cruel to you, and pleasant to me. "

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