You,Under My Name

Chapter 271: 271

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Li luoran shook his body.

At this moment, she obviously saw her father's tall figure shaking.

Li Qingtian's voice is hoarse. He grabs Gu lianyue's wrist and his right hand trembles faintly. "In your heart, Ranran is so redundant. Do you really have no feelings for her?"

"Ha ha!"

Gu lianyue laughs sarcastically,

"don't be silly, Li Qingtian. In my heart, she is just a tool - a worthless tool. As long as I can use her to revenge you, I am willing to inflict all the cruel torture on her."

Shaking off Li Qingtian's hand, he twisted his waist forward.

Li Qingtian didn't chase him any more.

He didn't say a word more, but quietly watched the enchanting white shadow of Gu lianyue get into the car gracefully. At the moment when Gu lianyue started the car, his legs were soft and he sat down on the cold ground.


Li luoran ran forward with a scream, looking at Li Qingtian's face without a trace of blood color, his eyes were in a panic,

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Li Qingtian's lips were closed tightly, as if he could not hear Li luoran's voice. He was still staring at the red Bentley driving farther and farther -

Gu lianyue in the driver's seat. After seeing Li Qingtian fall to the ground in the rearview mirror, he didn't even look back.

"Dad, don't scare me. Can you say something? Dad Li Qingtian's heart is dirty. Li luoran cries anxiously while rubbing Li Qingtian's heart.

"Dye..." Li Qingtian looks at the vanishing position of Gu lianyue's car, his eyes gradually lose focus,

"to tell you the truth, your mother is always so cruel to you, do you hate her?"

Li luoran smiles bitterly,

"even if I hate her, what can I do? She is my biological mother, and her blood is flowing in my bones. Even if I hate her again, the most I can do is slap her in the face just like I did at her wedding that day. If I treat her more, in case she has any problems, I won't feel at ease like I retaliated against my enemy, but I will be full of remorse in my heart... "

Even if Gu lianyue never took Li luoran as her daughter, even if Li luoran would rather not have Gu lianyue as her mother, and the fact is the truth after all, and no one can change it. Gu lianyue can be merciless to me with peace of mind, but Li luoran can't revenge Gu lianyue with peace of mind.

Li Qingtian sighed heavily.

Li luoran, who sits on the ground with Li Qingtian, holds Li Qingtian's arm tightly in her hands, and her tears twinkle in her eyes,

"Dad, up to now, I realize more and more what you said to an Jiaren. This is our life, which can't be changed by anyone. I can see it. Since none of us can change others, let her go From now on, I will treat her as a stranger. She will never hurt me again


Li Qingtian stares at Li luoran with deep meaning,

"my daughter, it's because of my father's stubbornness and persistence that you have suffered so much in your mother's place. Over the years, you have been wronged with me, but not in the future!"


Li luoran's eyes brightened, "Dad, why do you say that?"

Li Qingtian stood up, raised his hand and pointed to the end of the street where Gu lianyue drove away.

"I fell in love with your mother at first sight. In order to get her, I even forced her to marry me by dishonorable means. The man she thought of committed suicide, and your mother hated me to the bone. Since then, she began to humiliate me and revenge by all means I've been humiliating and retaliating for more than 20 years. Even innocent you have become a tool for her to retaliate against me. I feel ashamed of her, because I'm infatuated with her and blindly tolerate her. I always think that maybe one day she will come back to us when she's tired of retaliation. I always think that she will accept your daughter one day... "

in a flash, Huaili knew that she was born with tears in her eyes! She is so cruel to you, which shows that her hatred for us has gone to the marrow, and she will never look back in her life! "

Li luoran was surprised and happy, "Dad, you finally wake up."

"Yes, I feel that I have been living in an unreachable dream for the past few decades. I will never get her in the dream. What a painful awakening!" Li Qingtian and Li luoran talk and walk,

"Yueyue just depends on my love for her to hurt you. She knows that no matter what she does to you, I can't bear to investigate her responsibility. Ranran, you are the only one in the world who is really good to me. You are my only precious daughter. From now on, I will never allow her to hurt you again."

Lilo's head is like a rattle.

Although Li Qingtian's mood has returned to calm, he was so angry by Gu lianyue that he still feels uncomfortable.Li luoran took his father to a nearby hospital.

Before the doctor gives Li Qingtian physical examination, Li Qingtian calls Li luoran aside and whispers, "Ranran, can you call the beautiful woman?"


Li luoran was so surprised and happy that she nodded her head and agreed to go out of the examination room in a hurry. She found a quiet place and got through to Lu Shaochen for the first time.

Although she has been at odds with an Jiaren, her mobile phone number has not been stored in her mobile phone. After getting an Jiaren's mobile phone number from Lu Shaochen, Li luoran has no hesitation to get through the number.

"Hello? Who is calling, please

Anjia's quality is still very high, even when she receives a call from a strange number, her voice is gentle and graceful.

Li luoran, "it's me."

"Li luoran? What are you calling me for? " Anne, who heard Li luoran's voice, immediately became cold and mean.

Li luoran was not surprised at all. He still said naturally, "my father is in the hospital."

"Ah?! What happened to Optimus? Is he ill What's wrong with him Is it serious? " She was so nervous that she was incoherent.

Li luoran laughs in his heart, "he's OK, but he's a little uncomfortable. He hopes you can come to the hospital to see him. I think he should miss you?"

"Is it?" Angie's voice could not help shaking,

"does he really want me to see him? Does he really miss me? This How could it be How is that possible? Li luoran, are you deliberately teasing me? "

Li luoran rolled his lips. "I'm not as vulgar as that. I use this kind of thing to make people laugh. However, my father is also a person who is introverted and wants face. Although he wants you to come to see him, he doesn't want you to know that he wants you to come to see him. I also try to use his words to make his heart heard. Therefore, you must not say this to him after you come to the hospital to see him "Stubble."

"Of course! Understand? Ranran, which hospital is your father in and which ward is he in? "

Not long ago, Li and his father named the ward of Luokai hospital.

Mrs. an over there forgot to hang up the line and threw down her mobile phone in a hurry. Li luoran faintly heard the excited cry of Mrs. an over there,

"gentle, don't stink, get ready for the car and take me to the hospital."

"Ah?! Mom, what's the matter with you? Why go to the hospital? " Lu Wanyue's worried voice came from afar.

Li luoran hung up.

Before long, the doctor finished the physical examination for his father.

"Miss Li, your father's health is OK. Because he is tired and in a bad mood, he will be dizzy for a moment. Go back and let him have a good rest and keep a good attitude. Don't get angry when something happens."

That's what the doctor said.

Li luoran was also relieved.

Looking back on my father's tiredness after accepting Su's job recently, he was humiliated by Gu lianyue frequently, and he was physically and mentally exhausted. It's time for him to have a good rest.

Considering that Mrs. an would come to see her father, Li luoran did not take her father home as the doctor ordered, but insisted on arranging her father into the ward.

Soon, an Jiaren, who arrived in a hurry, pushed open the door of the ward,

"Qingtian, are you ok?"

Li Qingtian light look at her, "OK."

Li luoran stroked her stomach with her right hand,

"my stomach suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. I'll go to the bathroom."

Lu Wanyue, holding an Jiaren's arm, follows Li luoran's figure with an inexplicable expression.

Anne stares at her, "didn't you say you were sick just now? Don't you go to the bathroom? "

"Er..." Lu Wanyue suddenly realized,

"yes, yes, I'm also upset. I'll go to the bathroom."

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Release Anne's arm and quickly walk out of the ward.


of course, Li luoran didn't go to the bathroom. She just found an excuse to leave the ward to make room for her father and Anjia.

She went straight to the back garden of the hospital.

Lu Wanyue came to her and said, "what the hell are you doing? Is your father going to marry my mother? "

Li luoran shrugged, "I also hope they get married, but who knows such a thing?"

“……” Knowing that the relationship between the two people is not controlled by others, Lu Wanyue no longer cares about it,

"yesterday, after the photos of you and Jinqian were published on the Internet, my brother called me to ask if I did it. Even if I denied it, he would not believe it. He gave me an angry rebuke and warned me that if you can't whiten them in the end, she would give it to me Good looking. "

Oh, my God!

Li luoran was frightened, "you didn't do it."

"Of course I didn't do it!" Lu Wanyue laughed anxiously,

"but what's the use of believing that I didn't do it? The key is my brother. He doesn't know what's wrong with him. He believes that the person who does it is me. He is a proud person who thinks that what he thinks is the truth. No one can say that. ""Maybe I can make sense." Li luoran smiles,

"this matter has nothing to do with you. Next time I see him, I will tell him the truth."

"The truth?" Lu Wanyue was puzzled, "so you already know who did it?"

Answer Luo Li but not dye.


Of course she knows.

The person who posted the photos of her and Jinqian on the Internet was jinxintong.

She is not going to tell Lu Wanyue.

I will not tell Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaotong never believed that she would do that.

Lu Shaochen also believes that Jin Qian will not sell li luoran. A year ago, Li luoran once gave Lu Wanyue the album. Therefore, Lu Shaochen believes that Lu Wanyue took the photos in the album with her mobile phone at that time, so she misunderstands Lu Wanyue.

"I hold the time, but it doesn't care. Is there anyone else who wants to be comforted like me..."

The phone rings.

Li luoran answers Shu Xinshuang's call quickly.

"Ranran, is there something important to do now?" he said

Li luoran said, "well." It's important to be with dad in the hospital

"Listen, Wang Zimo and I have arranged a press conference for you to explain the" bar door "incident to more than 30 media at the same time. As long as what you are busy with is not important to life and death, you will come to attend the press conference in half an hour. Three times, it is very, very, very important, understand Have you seen it? " Shuxinshuang's voice is seldom excited.

Li luoran was a little confused,

"please, my goddess Shu! Now I have been black into a dog, OK? In the morning, you also called to remind me to keep a low profile, not to accept any media interviews, not to send any micro blog. You asked me to stand up in such a high profile at this time, not afraid that I was killed by the black powder with rotten eggs? "

"Er..." There was silence for a long time, and then he said helplessly,

"you don't know what happened, do you?"

Li luoran looked confused, "what happened?"

"Special!" Shu Xinshuang is crazy,

"go to the Internet, no! Come here now and watch while you're on the way

Finish saying, there hung up the line.

One second later, send Li luoran an address for holding a press conference by wechat.

Li luoran opened a well-known news network, and the next second he saw Jin Qian -

to be exact, it was a heavy banner related to Jin Qian. In the banner, Jin Qian in a black suit was surrounded by reporters, her thin lips were open, and she didn't know what to say.

The headline in scarlet letter is particularly eye-catching -

"the mysterious hero who filmed with the female star appeared, but he was a well-known tycoon.".

Li luoran entered the headline news interface.

There is a short video at the top of the graphic report. Li luoran clicks on the video first. Jin Qian stands in the bright spotlight and says faintly to the microphone,

"yes, I am the hero in the photos. Those photos are the art photos taken when Li luoran and I fell in love."

Immediately a reporter asked, "Mr. Jin, you said it was an" art photo ", but don't you think that kind of" art "has gone too far?"

Jin Qian's face is thin and cool, and his mouth is slightly crooked.

"the reporter who asked this question, I want to ask you, what century do you live in? Why are you so conservative? It's the 21st century. Girls with exposed clothes can be seen everywhere on the streets and on the Internet. As long as they are over 20 years old, who hasn't worn sexy clothes and who hasn't had close contact with the opposite sex, according to your logic, every girl in the world has gone too far. "

The reporter was stunned by the rhetorical question.

Another reporter asked, "just now, Mr. Jin said that Li luoran is your girlfriend. No wonder Li luoran, as a newcomer, can take on such a blockbuster as" the queen of demons "and become popular. It turns out that Mr. Jin is the backstage for her."

Jin Qian looked serious. "I just made it clear that Li luoran used to be my girlfriend. She and I broke up a few years ago. I'm not her backstage. Her performance in" the queen of demons "is obvious to all. Her popularity is by no means accidental. Any star can become popular with her acting skills."

One reporter was speechless.

Jin Qianwei raised his stifling face and looked directly at the camera,

"I want to clarify again that those photos were taken by Li luoran and I during the period of our love. I guarantee that Li luoran is innocent by my personality and my family reputation. I hope that the media concerned will not speculate and maliciously distort the facts, or it will be slander, and I will investigate his legal responsibility. ”

the video ends here.

Li Ran is the general description of luoqian in the video.Jin Qian's public clarification seems to have dropped an atomic bomb in the circle of public opinion.

Like Lu Shaochen, Jin Qian's position in the business circle is as important as Feng Qian's in the entertainment circle, but he has always kept a low profile and never appeared in public -

therefore, although there are many folk rumors about this rich man, few people have seen him;

therefore, his public appearance immediately set off a double show in the entertainment circle and the business circle Wave.

Who is Jinqian?

That's a man who cherishes his feathers, promises his gold, and is more famous than Mount Tai!

If the person who stands up to guarantee for Li luoran is someone else, it will certainly lead to innumerable doubts. But Jin Qian has said that he and his family's reputation will guarantee for Li luoran. Then, no one in the world will doubt it!

Li luoran was shocked.

She never expected to be seen by the world. Jin Qian made an exception for herself.

"I can't think of it. I always don't want to expose my Jinqian. All of a sudden, I'm known all over the world. Alas! I thought he was a man with principles. What bullshit principles! In front of love, his principles are not worth mentioning at all

Lu Wanyue peeks at Li luoran's mobile phone on her right side and makes strange comments,

"however, he helps me by doing so. After he whitens you, my brother will not be so angry with me even if he still thinks that I sent your photos to the Internet."

Li luoran didn't know what to say.

When she pressed the return button on her mobile phone, the news returned to the front page interface. At this moment, she was surprised to find that the front page had changed -

what just occupied the front page headlines was Jinqian's guarantee for her, but now it was replaced by a "Li luoran incident has been thoroughly found out, it was maliciously hacked".

Oh, my God!

Li luoran nervously opens this new headline. After reading this news, she immediately understands why Shu Xinshuang is so anxious to arrange a press conference for her.

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