You,Under My Name

Chapter 304: 304

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But that's not enough.

Before, Su Su was too confident to let Chu Xingchen and Li luoran get away with their death. This time, she wanted to make sure that everything was safe.

So Su Su shot at the hospital bed again and again until he ran out of bullets. Then he went to the hospital bed to check.


With this sudden sound, the room lights up suddenly. The sudden brightness makes Su Su give out a "ah" cry.

Subconsciously, she wanted to look back at the person who turned on the light. A cold gun barrel was firmly on the back of her head.

"If you move a little more, I'll shoot." A cold male voice came from behind.

The voice is so magnetic and recognizable that even Su Su, who had only heard it twice before, immediately recognized its owner Su Su couldn't help calling out the name.

Lu Shaochen stood behind him with no expression on his face. His whole body seemed to have no trace of temperature. "Keep the gun on the ground and turn slowly to face me. If you have any sudden action, I'll pull the trigger immediately."

Lu Shaochen, who knew what he said and did, said this was not a threat, so he threw away his pistol and turned slowly.

Lu Shaochen ordered coldly, "take off the mask."

The powerful man seems to have an invincible prestige. Su Su seems to be controlled by him and obediently takes off his mask.

Seeing Su Su's face clearly, Lu Shaochen was shocked for a moment.

He knew the girl.

Last year, when Lu Shaochen went to jinxintong's house to see Lu Mingyue, he saw her with jinxintong.

Seeing Lu Shaochen's expression, he said with a playful smile, "why, are you surprised? How are you, Mr. Lu

Lu Shaochen eye color suddenly cold, "why?"

Su Su pretends to be silly, "I love you secretly, I envy Li luoran, and I envy Chu Xingchen for being too close to you, can't I?"

"Ah, mdash; mdash;


Because Lu Shaochen's fist has been firmly hit on her face.

Lu Shaochen, with a gun in his right hand pointing at Su Su and his right hand clenching his fist at the waist level, uttered a voice between his lips and teeth,

"why, what!"

Su Su stubborn smile, "I said, because I secretly love you."

"Ah, mdash; mdash;

I got another blow on my face, which was heavier than the previous one. Most of my face was flushed with blood, and the blood flowed from the corners of my mouth.

However, Su Su didn't seem to know the pain. She still looked at Lu Shaochen playfully, "ha ha, I've heard that although Mr. Lu's means to his enemies are heinous, he never beats women. I can't imagine that you broke the rule because of me. At the same time, I also understand how important Chu Xingchen is to you. In order to revenge him, you even ignore the principle."

Thinking of Chu Xingchen, Lu Shaochen's cold eyes were red like two sparks. They were so charming and thrilling that they made people tremble

"Listen to sister Xintong, you are very sad after Chu Xingchen's accident. In her words, she has never seen you so sad. I think when he wakes up, you must be ecstatic..." Su Su sighed,

"Alas! It's a pity that I beat him into a sieve before he wakes up. I'm afraid he'll never survive this time. So, Mr. Lu, if you're sad, you can cry. Don't try to bear it. If you're short, your beautiful wife will be sad. "

Lu Shaochen doesn't answer Su Su's words, but just stares at this beautiful girl with red eyes.

Or Lu Shaochen's cold temperament. Lu Shaochen's silent look at Su Su made Su Su feel more guilty and flustered.

She tried to keep her composure, laughing more sarcastically. "I'm ready. Shoot!"

Is she wrong?

Why does she seem to see Lu Shaochen's smile at this moment?

The smile was so deep and evil, but it was like a flash in the pan. In a flash, it disappeared without a trace. Su Su only saw that his thin lips were slightly open, and there were teasing syllables between his teeth,

"is that what you want?"


Su Su looks confused.

The beautiful eyes of a man with a jade like face, red, black and white, are so cold and deep,

"you try every means to provoke me to shoot?"

Su Su's body trembled deeply. She felt as if she had been thrown into the mixture of ice and water. She only felt that she was very cold.


She doesn't want to betray jinxintong. She would rather take all the responsibilities by herself. So, at the moment when she was caught by Lu Shaochen, she made the decision to die.

She has heard of Lu Shaochen's means of tormenting his enemies. He has many ways to pry open a person's mouth. She doesn't know if she can avoid being beaten by Lu Shaochen, but as long as she dies, she will never do so."I know what you're thinking." Lu Shaochen's eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts,

"I have heard some rumors from the outside world about my treatment of my enemies. Some people say that I am like a devil, and some even say that I feed my enemies to dogs. I can tell you that those rumors are sensational, and I have never done anything about them."

Su Su as like as two peas in the picture, but Lu Shaochen is not like Xiao Qian's painting.

Lu Shaochen sneered, "but after the star was killed, I stood in front of the hospital bed for 24 hours in a row. In the dead of night, I looked at his face and vowed silently that I would catch the killer who shot him and the culprit who ordered the killer, and feed them to the dog before they swallow their last bite."

Oh, my God!

Thinking of the terrible scene, Su Su trembled. She was obviously flustered. "I know you are a good citizen who abides by the law. You can't do that."

"Is it?" Lu Shaochen's expression is even colder,

"you will know the answer soon, because I will practice it on you."

Su Su, who has always been fearless, has almost stopped breathing.

Lu Shaochen mercilessly broke Su Su's body and made her turn 180 degrees in situ. In this way, Su Su happened to face the hospital bed.

Seeing the scene on the hospital bed, Su Su seemed to be strangled by someone, and her mind was blank.

Where is Chu Xingchen lying on the bed?

There was no one on the bed, only a doll as big as a real person was lying there quietly. At the moment, the doll was full of bullet holes, and a face was broken by bullets, but still smiling brightly.

"The stars didn't wake up. I spread false news on purpose to lead you out of the hole."

Lu Shaochen hit Su Su on the head with the handle of his gun. Su Su snored and fainted.

The Falcon, who had been standing nearby, came slowly to Lu Shaochen, "Mr. Lu, what should I do with her? Will you give her to the police? "

Lu Shaochen shook his head, "find a few people, carry her to the car to the house."

“……” The Falcon panicked, "Mr. Lu, can't those words you just said be true? Are you really going to do those terrible things to her? "

"Terrible?" Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face has no expression,

"the life and death of the star is still uncertain, and Ranran almost died under her gun. Compared with what this woman has done to the star and Ranran, I can't pay back too much."

"This..." The Falcon sighed, "it's true, but don't you think it's bloody, core and twisted? It's better to shoot her. "

Lu Shaochen, "find someone and do as I tell you."

Drop this, turn around and walk out of the ward.


it's already one o'clock in the morning. Lu Mingyue has already gone to bed, but Li luoran is still standing alone in the middle of the living room on the second floor.

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In order to take care of Lu Mingyue, Li luoran accompanies Lu Shaochen in the hospital to pick up the children in the kindergarten at about 5 pm. Although she leaves the hospital, Li luoran's heart never leaves mdash;

she is always thinking about whether Lu Shaochen has successfully led the snake out of the hole; if Lu Shaochen leads the snake out of the hole, will he be in danger.

This is the sound of heavy footsteps outside the door.

She ran to the door in a hurry and pulled the door open. When she saw Lu Shaochen walking upstairs along the white jade revolving stairs, her mood suddenly relaxed a lot,

"how are things going? Do you have anything to do

Lu Shaochen, do you want to ask the killer now


Li luoran was scared into a cold sweat by this word, but Lu Shaochen didn't give her time to ask questions, so she had already turned around and left downstairs.

Li luoran catches up with Lu Shaochen in a hurry and takes his arm.

Lu Shaochen didn't push her away or alienate her, but Li luoran could feel the difference between Lu Shaochen and the past;

Once upon a time, as long as Li luoran came close to Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen would hold her waist intimately. But now, he just keeps the posture of being held by Li luoran and walking forward with a steady pace. Without saying a word, there is no expression on his face

Li luoran knew that Lu Shaochen's expression was the same when he was with other people, otherwise others would not call him "Gao Leng iceberg man". However, Li luoran was very uncomfortable when he faced Li luoran with such an expression.

It's still the garage.

Since Bai Qingwan was put there, the garage seems to have become Lu Shaochen's prison for "Prisoners".

It's the same pig cage.

At the moment, Su Su was being locked in the pig cage, her hands were tied firmly on the fence of the pig cage with ropes, and the right eye, which was not covered by the eye mask, was closed tightly, and she was lying on the pig cage limply, obviously in a coma.

The Falcon, dressed in black, guards the side of the pig cage. His thick black hair covers nearly two-thirds of his face, while he stands in the shadow. If he does not look carefully, it is difficult to detect his existence.As soon as Lu Shaochen walked into the garage, he didn't have the temperature order, "wake her up."

Falcon did not reply, but obediently raised the bucket beside the pig cage, full of a bucket of cold water to Su Su.

"Ah, mdash; mdash;

with a scream, Su Su instantly regained consciousness.

She looked at the scene in front of her through a thick layer of water mist, and found that Li luoran was standing in front of her, first stunned, then sarcastically hooked her lips,

"I didn't expect you to live so well, that shot didn't hurt you at all? I thought that even if you didn't die, you would lie in the hospital for a few days. "

Li luoran looked indifferent. Like Lu Shaochen, he didn't say a word. He just stared at Su Su's face for a moment.

At the moment when Su Su shot Chu Xingchen, her face was deeply imprinted in her mind like a brand. These days, as soon as she closed her eyes, her mind showed that Su Su Su's attitude of indifference, playfulness and playfulness when she killed an ant

"Oh, how interesting. Are you all dumb?" Su Su looked up at her pretty face and continued to sneer,

"Lu Shaochen, you are so nice to Li Luo. You always want to be courteous to her. After you catch me, you can't forget to call her. What? Are you really going to do what you said to me in front of her? Your little wife is very delicate. She certainly can't see blood. You'll make her have nightmares by doing that. "

Lu Shaochen's lips were closed and his face was expressionless.

Li luoran's lips were closed and his face was expressionless.

The Falcon's lips were closed and his face was expressionless.

"Don't be like that, will you? You want to scare people to death?" Su Su shook his head,

"well, I'm going to die anyway. I'll be scared to death anyway, no matter how I die, right?"

"Yes." Lu Shaochen opened his mouth.

Su Su was surprised that Lu Shaochen was the first to speak.

What surprised him even more was that Lu Shaochen not only opened his mouth, but also walked to the position that was too close to the pig cage. He squatted down slowly and looked at her right hand with a smile.

"let's start with the hand you used to shoot people, saying, which finger do you want to lose first?"


Su Su couldn't laugh any more. Even though she tried to pretend not to be afraid, there was still a trace of panic in her right eye.


She is not afraid of death.

But she was afraid of pain since she was a child.

In particular, Lu Shaochen's words about pulling out her fingers and peeling off her skin made her scalp numb when she heard them.

Li luoran was also shocked.

No matter how terrible Lu Shaochen is spread by the outside world, Li luoran has never seen Lu Shaochen do anything cruel since he knew him.

Li luoran always thought that Lu Shaochen was a good law-abiding citizen.

Would he really do such a terrible thing to his enemy?

When Li luoran was absent-minded, he saw Lu Shaochen waving his hand to the Falcon. The next second, the Falcon handed Lu Shaochen a forceps.

Lu Shaochen shakes his pincers in front of Su Su. "I also like humorous people. I like people to laugh at me. When the stars are good, his mouth is very poor and he won't be idle for a second. I've never been bored. You can also laugh, but every word you say makes me want to make you never say a word again."

Su Su's only eye was staring at the cold tongs, and her wet face was full of fear.

She did not believe that Lu Shaochen would really treat her, but now, looking at Lu Shaochen's actions, she felt more and more that Lu Shaochen was playing real!

The expressionless Lu Shaochen said, "don't you know how to laugh? Why is there no more talk now? Give you another chance to say, which finger do you want to lose first! "

The more you talk about it later, the more pressing the air conditioning is.

Su Su was more and more flustered, but she refused to bow her head. "I don't believe you will do this. If you do this to me in front of Li luoran, Li luoran will feel terrible about you. She will hate you and dislike you!"

Lu Shaochen fixed his eyes, "is that right?"

"Of course!" Although Su Su said it like he was full of confidence, he still looked to Li luoran for proof.

Li luoran still looks at her coldly as before, and now Li luoran's cold expression also tells Su Su that Li luoran doesn't care how Lu Shaochen treats Su Su Su.


After experiencing so many twists and turns, Li luoran has deeply realized that he must never be soft hearted to those who are like poisonous snakes. Otherwise, this kind of poisonous snake will be like the fable of the farmer and the snake, and will bite back on those who are soft hearted.

Su Su just killed Cui Jun, but she didn't even hesitate to kill Cui Jun's innocent daughter, and she didn't have to shoot Chu Xingchen and Li luoran, but she did

Su Su is a pretty girl, but she is a murderer, even more vicious than Bai Qingwan.Therefore, no matter how Lu Shaochen treated Su Su, Li luoran would not have thought too much of it.

"Ah, mdash; mdash;

the sudden abnormality made Su Su scream.

Because Lu Shaochen had pressed the pliers on her fingers, the hardness and coldness of the steel produced an invisible sense of fear, which made Su Su sweat.

"Since you don't want to make a choice, it's up to me." Lu Shaochen opened his thin lips, and his voice was calm, like a cold-blooded killer.

"Ah, don't..."

Lu Shaochen's handsome face was cold. He thought that Chu Xingchen would never wake up and that Li luoran was almost killed by the one eyed woman in front of him. He would not be soft hearted at all.

"Who is the one who gives you the last chance to direct you?" Lu Shaochen spilled cold syllables between his lips and teeth.

Su Su's voice became more and more miserable, trembling and powerless, but she refused to admit it.


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