You,Under My Name

Chapter 305: 305

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Unable to bear the excessive pain, Su Su fainted again. This time, the Falcon could not wake her up with cold water.

"Forget it, let her sleep." Lu Shaochen threw the bloody finger into the pig cage and said to the Falcon faintly,

"stop the bleeding and bandage the wound for her. After she wakes up, you should feed her hot soup and rice to keep her warm as much as possible."


The Falcon looked confused. "Mr. Lu, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Li luoran was also confused.

Does Lu Shaochen feel that he is too cruel to Su Su, and now he has a conscience to make up for it?

Lu Shaochen, with a thin and cool complexion, said, "it's only after he's well fed that he has the strength to continue to suffer."

“……” The Falcon's mouth is wide enough to fit an egg.

Lu Shaochen walked out of the garage without looking back.

Falcon hastily followed Lu Shaochen's order to bandage Su Su to stop bleeding.

Li luoran silently looks at this scene. The scene of Lu Shaochen pulling out Su Su's finger is shocking. Although Li luoran is worried about it, she can't help sympathizing with Su Su, but she doesn't think Lu Shaochen has done too much.

Evil should be rewarded.

Compared with the fact that Su Su tried to kill the star and her, what is pulling her finger?

"She shed a lot of blood. Will she bleed to death?" Li luoran couldn't help asking.

Falcon concentration for Su Su to deal with the wound, the head does not lift, "will not."


In addition to the light of the two words, there is no other words.

Li luoran wanted to continue to ask about other things. He remembered that every time he came to the pig cage, he was always accompanied by Chu Xingchen, and Chu Xingchen was always full of eloquence and witty words. He couldn't help feeling sad in his heart and took back the rest of the words without any trace. He turned and walked out of the garage.

Lu Shaochen is sitting in the courtyard under the weeping willows.

The night was dreary, and the dim light outlined his lonely figure.

Lu Shaochen is a person who is used to hiding negative emotions in his heart and digesting them silently when there is no one. After Chu Xingchen's accident, Li luoran can hardly see how sad Lu Shaochen is on the surface, but she can feel it from Lu Shaochen's abnormal behavior -

Lu Shaochen has become less talkative and often locks himself up in his cabin and stands in Chu Xingchen's ward alone Is a whole day, cruel pull out Su Su's fingers

Li luoran didn't know what Lu Shaochen would be feeling at this time.

Will he feel better after taking revenge on Su Su? Or more sad?

Lu Shaochen walked slowly behind you like she did? Pull out her fingers one by one? Skin her whole body? And feed her to the dog before she breathes? "

Lu Shaochen's tall figure turned his back on her,

"if she refuses to admit the person who ordered her, I will continue in this order."

“……” Li luoran just felt numb when she thought about it. She stood a step away from Lu Shaochen and looked at him in a trance,

"I remember that after Bai Qingwan killed Su Yan, you helped me catch Bai Qingwan and put him in the pig cage. You told me that Bai Qingwan was worthy of dying. You didn't mind me killing her personally, but you advised me not to do that, because once I killed someone, I would not do that for the rest of my life Ann, now I want to say the same thing to you

Lu Shaochen, "perhaps, tormenting her will leave an indelible shadow in my life, but I still want to do so, I am not only for myself, but also for you and the stars."

Li luoran didn't know how to persuade him.

She knows more than anyone the feelings of the people she cares about after being killed. If Bai Qingwan was forced to die in Yingye, Li luoran would do anything cruel to Bai Qingwan.

That kind of heartache, that kind of hate to cut enemies into pieces, people who have never experienced it can never understand.

"Tell me, what did you do with Xiao Qianhua?" Lu Shaochen asked suddenly.

Li luoran thought of his promise to Xiao Qianhua, but he could only pretend to be stupid, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Lu Shaochen suddenly turned back, and his cold eyes were like a flash of lightning to Li luoran's soul.

"you know Su Su. That day Su Su Su shot you and the stars. After you woke up in the hospital, you never told me that she was the one who shot you and that you were protecting her."

Li luoran's body trembled.

Lu Shaochen continued, "according to my investigation, after your accident, the first person who rushed to the hospital to see you was Xiao Qianhua. Before your accident, Xiao Qianhua had been advocating Bai Qingwan. After your accident, his attitude towards Bai Qingwan changed 180 degrees, which not only helped you to make Bai Qingwan lose her reputation, but also exposed the truth of her killing Su Yan. This is really a coincidence?"

Liluoran's lips trembled, and he didn't know what to say.

Lu Shaochen's eyes were so deep that she was afraid that her little secret would be perceived by him and bowed her head with a guilty heart."At first, when Xiao Qianhua did that, I thought he liked you. After you were hurt, he tried his best to help you. Tonight, when I caught Su Su in the hospital, took off her mask and saw her face, I realized that the truth was not as simple as I thought..." Lu Shaochen pinches Li luoran's chin and gently raises her small face, which makes Li luoran look into his eyes as a last resort.

"you help Su Su keep a secret, and Xiao Qianhua helps you expose Bai Qingwan. This is your deal?"

Li luoran did not know how to answer, but kept silent in pain.

Lu Shaochen said, "no, Xiao Qian's painting has nothing to do with Su Su. Why should Xiao Qian's painting do this for Su Su? The person Xiao Qian wants to protect is not Su Su, but Xiao Jin. "

Oh, my God!

Li luoran's fingertips trembled as if a thunder burst in his ear.

In any case, she did not expect that Lu Shaochen's reasoning ability was so terrible. After he caught Su Su, Su Su didn't say a word at all, so he reasoned out most of the truth


The cool and watery voice and the warm breath of lips fluttered on liluoran's face,

"what did you do with Xiao Qianhua? What secret are you hiding for Xiaojin? "

At the moment, Lu Shaochen's voice is so painful, his eyes are so sad, and Li luoran, who is looking at him, suddenly feels hysterical love.

I really want to tell Lu Shaochen the truth.

I want to tell him that Su Su is instructed by Jin Xintong.

I want to tell him that Lu Mingyue is their son.

But she can't!

She promised Xiao Qianhua to keep it a secret.

If she says it, she doesn't know what terrible things Xiao Qianhua will do

Therefore, knowing how painful Lu Shaochen is to continue to be concealed, knowing that her continued concealment will make Lu Shaochen misunderstand, she still said with a smile,

"sorry, I can't say..." The corners of the mouth are smiling with tears in their eyes.

At the moment when the voice fell, she felt Lu Shaochen's fingers shaking violently.

"Ah ~" Lu Shaochen laughs. He always hides his emotions deeply. Even though he is suffering in his heart, he is indifferent and meaningless on the surface.

"the star likes you very much. He is willing to protect you. How about you? For your own benefit, you can help Xiao Qianhua protect the murderer who killed the stars. "

Let go of Li luoran's chin, turn around and walk forward without looking back.

Lilo stands where he is.

There is still the warmth of his fingers on his chin, and his figure has gone away. The cold wind is blowing his black hair. Looking at such a lonely and painful man, Li luoran suddenly feels very sad and tears are flowing down like crazy


Li luoran didn't know how he went back to the room.

Walking up the fantastic revolving stairs, Lu Shaochen is standing in front of the French window with his back to her. He hears Li luoran's footsteps. Instead of saying hello to Li luoran as before, he still looks out at the endless night, like a cold sculpture.

Li luoran took a bath silently and lay on the big double bed alone.

The next day, after Li luoran got up, Lu Shaochen was still standing in front of the French window. He was still wearing yesterday's black suit. He was still motionless. He stood so motionless all night

Li luoran felt so guilty that he couldn't tell Lu Shaochen the truth, so he didn't have the courage to say hello to him, so he could only walk silently behind him.

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After Li luoran sent Mingyue to the kindergarten, he went back to the house.

As soon as he drove to the yard, he saw Lu Shaochen walking towards Su Su's garage. Li luoran drove to the garage in a hurry.

At this time, Lu Shaochen just walked outside the garage. He looked at Li luoran unexpectedly. His thin lips opened slightly, but he wanted to say nothing.

Li Luo ran said with a smile, "which finger do you want to pull out today? Don't you mind if I watch the war? "

Lu Shaochen turned his lips and walked back to the garage.

Li luoran also followed in.

Su Su woke up long ago. Her hands were still tightly tied to the railings of the pig cage. Su Su, who was just caught yesterday, was still obstinately and arrogantly teasing Lu Shaochen. Now when she saw Lu Shaochen coming in, her expression was as frightened and twisted as if she had seen a flood of beasts.

"Mr. Lu, you want me to take good care of her food, but she is scared. She won't drink or eat. I think she wants to starve before she is tortured to death by you."

"She thinks too much." Lu Shaochen's ink eyebrows are cold.

"I will strip all her fingers and every inch of her skin before she dies on hunger strike."

"Wu --" Su Su's voice uttered a painful chant.

“……” Lu Shaochen's green and ink like eyes showed a trace of satisfaction when he heard the voice. He picked up the pliers that he used to clamp Su Su's fingers yesterday and squatted outside the pig cage,"Say, what's the second finger you want to lose?"

"Hiss..." Su Su took a deep, trembling breath. If she thought Lu Shaochen was just scaring her before pulling out her finger yesterday, now she is sure that Lu Shaochen will be serious.

She closed her eyes in despair,

"please, kill me."

"Now you know how to beg for mercy?"

Lu Shaochen sneered,

"after being pulled out of a finger, do you really think I will be kind enough to make you die?"

Su Su's whole body was trembling, and a line of tears fell from the closed right eye.




In order to achieve the best deterrent effect, Lu Shaochen opened and closed Su Su's ear three times in a row with a pair of pliers,

"now it's too late to tell who is the person who is directing you."

Even though extremely afraid, but Su Su tightly closed his lips, did not make a sound.

She will never betray Xintong. Even if she has tasted all the pain in the world, she will never let go.

"Very good ~" Leng Mou looked at Su Su's face twisted by fear, and Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face had no sympathy,

"to tell you the truth, in fact, I'm also very tangled. On the one hand, I hope you can tell me who the culprit is. On the other hand, I hope you don't say it, because as long as you don't say it, I can continue to torture you, don't you? Do you have a problem? "

"Wu -- Wu --"

Lu Shaochen didn't say that. Fortunately, after Lu Shaochen said such shocking words, Su Su lost control and cried out.

This is exactly what Lu Shaochen wants.

Like a cold-blooded animal, he seems to know nothing about pity. This time, the cold pincers hold Su Su's thumb -

it's the thickest, largest and most painful thumb!

The pliers tightened inch by inch.

Su Su felt as if her heart had been clamped inch by inch by the pliers, and her cry was more miserable and fierce.

Lu Shaochen deliberately wanted her to suffer, so he slowed down the pace, instead of pulling her thumb off directly, he slowly increased her strength, and the pain became more and more severe for Su Su

"Don't torture her. I'm the one who ordered her."

A gentle voice came out of the garage.

The next second, Jin Xintong walked into the garage slowly with slender jade legs.

Although her voice was not high, it seemed that a thunder burst in Lu Shaochen's ear. His powerful right hand could not hold a forceps weighing only one jin. The forceps fell off and hit him heavily on his feet.

He didn't seem to feel the pain, but he was staring at the goddess in her eyes.

"Sister Xintong, I won't tell the truth. How can you admit it on your own initiative?" Su Su was shocked.

Li luoran was also stunned.

She thinks that even if Su Su is arrested, Jin Xintong will put all the responsibility on Su Su. She never thought that Jin Xintong would take the initiative to confess everything.

Yan brocade has never cheated me, how can I treat you as my sister

"Sister Xintong, you are so stupid..." Su Su's tears flow more turbulent.

Jin Xintong stops a step away from Lu Shaochen,

"let Su Su go first, I'll tell you the truth."

Lu Shaochen's heart seemed to be filled with a huge piece of ice, unable to say a word for a long time.

It's not that he didn't think that it had something to do with Jin Xintong, but he never thought that Su Su was ordered to commit the murder by Jin Xintong

In his mind, Xiaojin is kind and perfect, just like a holy goddess.

At the moment when Jin Xintong said the first sentence, Lu Shaochen felt that the image of goddess in his mind collapsed in an instant, followed by shock and hatred

"Well, I know your mood is very complicated. I thought that you would react like this when you know the truth. I'd better tell you the truth first." Jin Xintong breathes a sigh of relief. She raises her finger to the East,

"four years ago, after I was humiliated by Aunt an in Lu house, I jumped into the river outside. I didn't drown. I floated far in the water until I reached the suburb. Cui Jun, who lives in the suburb, saved me."

Lu Shaochen stood up slowly.

Cui Jun -

Lu Shaochen knows the name.

Lu Shaochen, Gao jinxintong, looks up slightly to see him,

"when I wake up, I don't remember anything. Cui Jun lied to me that he was my husband. He said that when I was washing clothes by the river, I accidentally fell into the river. My memory is blank. I don't know who I am, where I came from, and who I once loved and hated Of course I believed him, and then Ha ha Then I became Cui Jun's wife. I did everything between a wife and a husband. I warmed the bed for him and gave birth to a baby for him... "Lu Shaochen's body trembled.

Even the sharp eyes of the cold-blooded Falcon showed hatred.

Jinxintong is a unique beautiful girl. Almost every man will fall in love with her at first sight. Jinxintong is not only the goddess in Lu Shaochen's heart, but also the goddess in Chu Xingchen's and Falcon's heart. How can Falcon not hate her when she learns that her goddess has been cheated and abused by a dirty man!

"On Wednesday a year ago, I went to the supermarket not far from home to buy daily necessities. Nothing unusual happened that day. Unlike in the TV show, my head was not knocked down, I was not suddenly frightened, and I didn't suddenly faint. I was walking home with my shopping bag as usual. I suddenly remembered everything in the past I remember that my name is not Xiao Li, my real name is Jin Xintong, and I also think of you... " There were tears in Jin Xintong's eyes.

"at that moment, I felt like I had a dream and a long nightmare when I lived with Cui Jun for three years. However, the scene before I jumped into the river was just like yesterday. My love for you was still so deep and strong. At that moment, I hated Cui Jun for cheating me and he didn't save me in time Back to you, I hate that he has defiled my innocence and made me play like a plaything for three years. I hate myself. I hate that I've been sleeping with other men for three years and I'm not worthy of you any more. "

As if back to just restore the memory of that moment, Jin Xin Tong pain closed his eyes, crystal clear tears spread in the face of the most beautiful flow.

Lu Shaochen's eyes are deep and full of emotions.

The Falcon gnashed its teeth in hatred.

Su Su tears in silence.

Li luoran shook his head helplessly.

Although Jin Xintong let Su Su kill Cui Jun and their children, but Li luoran to Jin Xintong was cheated by Cui Jun, it is from the heart of sympathy.

Some people do evil, just like Bai Qingwan, intentionally for their own interests.

But some people are forced to do evil, just like Jin Xintong. This is why Li luoran, though he hates Jin Xintong, can never think of revenge by all means just like Bai Qingwan.

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