You,Under My Name

Chapter 311: 311

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Li luoran and Lu Shaochen left the Civil Affairs Bureau together, holding the divorce certificate tightly in their hands.

Today is a rare good weather, the sun is very bright, Li luoran only think the sun is too dazzling, always make her unconsciously want to cry.

Lu Shaochen came by car himself.

On the return trip, Lu Shaochen also drove himself.

Since the divorce, Lu Shaochen didn't say another word. He was as silent and afraid as Chu Xingchen after the accident. There was a certain emotion in his deep eyes, and no one could see him.

Back to the land house.

When Li luoran was packing, she found that since she lived in the Lu house, almost everything she had bought for her was bought by Lu Shaochen, and there were very few things that really belonged to her.

Lu Shaochen would give her gifts every three or five days. There were so many gold and silver jewelry that her two drawers were full. She only took two of them away -

they were two rings.

One ring was forcibly given to her by Lu Shaochen before they got married. When Lu Shaochen gave her the ring, she asked her to promise never to take it off. The second ring was given to her by Lu Shaochen after they got married

When Li luoran looked at the two rings, he remembered the past, and tears fell down again.

Only when she came out of the bedroom did she wipe away all the tears from the surface of the suitcase.

The living room smelled of smoke.

Lu Shaochen was standing in front of the glass, smoking. There was a layer of haze in front of his eyes like a black gem. He didn't know whether it was tears or smoke.

This is the first time Li luoran saw Lu Shaochen smoking in the living room.

Hearing the movement of Li luoran, Lu Shaochen turned and looked at her. His thin lips moved slightly. He didn't know what he wanted to say, but he took it back. He just strode to Li luoran's side and grabbed the suitcase with his right hand.

Li luoran said with a smile, "I'll just go by myself. I don't need to send it."

Lu Shaochen voice slightly hoarse, "I send you."

I want to smile at her just like I used to face her, but my smile turns into bitterness when I raise my mouth.

Li luoran suddenly felt a pain that she couldn't breathe. She forced herself to stop crying. She lowered her head and walked downstairs before Lu Shaochen.

Lilo got caught in the car.

The car slowly drove out of the yard and went farther and farther. Lilo looked at the familiar yard through the rearview mirror. As soon as she left, maybe she would never come back

Along the way, Li luoran, sitting in the passenger seat, peeped at Lu Shaochen more than once.

In the past, she always believed that no one or anything could separate her from Lu Shaochen. She would go to the end of her life with Lu Shaochen. So when he was with her, she didn't cherish him much and seldom paid attention to him as much as now.

The red light came on and the car stopped at the intersection.

But Li Shaochen and Lu always hope to stay at the red light

And the green light will still be on.

God never does what people want.

Lu Shaochen drives very slowly. When he slows down to the back, someone always honks his horn to urge him. Li luoran knows that he also wants to spend more time with her.

The destination is a community more than ten blocks away from Luzhai.

Li luoran did not know that Lu Shaochen would send her here in advance.

She didn't know where she was going. She only knew that she was leaving the land house. She had no plans for the future.

Li luoran is familiar with this community.

A year ago, when she and Lu Shaochen quarreled fiercely, she moved out alone for a period of time. At that time, she lived in a house in this community.

Li luoran looks at this familiar community, full of memories.

Lu Shaochen handed her a bunch of keys.

Li luoran rolled his lips, "I don't want your things. Forget it, I'll rent as before."

"This house belongs to you." Lu Shaochen stares at her, her voice is more hoarse than before,

"when I bought this apartment, I filled in your name in the owner column. I wanted to take this apartment as our wedding room, but unfortunately, we never had a chance to hold a wedding."

Liluoran's fingertips trembled.

Lu Shaochen forced a smile at the corner of his mouth, "even if you do me a favor and live here, I may feel less guilty for you for the rest of my life."

Li luoran wanted to tell Lu Shaochen that he had never let her down and didn't need to feel guilty, but her voice was so blocked that she couldn't say a word.

He took the key from Lu Shaochen's hand, but when he wanted to get off the bus, Lu Shaochen held her hand tightly. She couldn't pull it out. She was sweating. Lu Shaochen didn't speak, but his eyes were tearful. He held on to her tightly. His hand trembled so much that his fingers were deep into Li luoran's skin. Li luoran didn't feel any pain.

"Lu Shaochen ~" Li luoran called his name in a trembling voice, with tears in his eyes and a smile around his mouth,

"see the truth, we are over."As the voice dropped, she saw Lu Shaochen's Adam's apple sliding obviously, and the hand holding her hand also lost its strength.

Li luoran took the opportunity to break free, pushed the door open and got out of the car.

She didn't know how she took the trunk out of the trunk. When she walked into the elevator, she couldn't bear it any more. She squatted in the corner of the elevator and cried.


the room is spotless.

Li luoran didn't know. Lu Shaochen took this place as his wedding room with Li luoran, and sent someone to clean it twice a week.

After putting down the suitcase, Li luoran can't lift any more strength. She sits on the carpet in front of the door, like a robot doll with exhausted power. Her heart seems to have been hollowed out, and her mind is empty, just like that day when Jin Xintong threatened her to leave Lu Shaochen, she has no emotion.

The phone rings again and again.

I do not know how many times, she was aware of the numb fingers trembling in the pocket of the mobile phone out.

It's Jiang Xiaojing.

She picked it up.

After talking with Jiang Xiaojing, he sat in front of the door and started to stay.

She didn't lock the door.

I don't know how long I saw the scene of "pushing the bag off the door" in front of me.

"My God? What's the matter? You are stronger than Xiaoqiang who can't fight! How can despair become such a virtue? " Jiang Xiaojing didn't care to pick up his newly bought handbag, so he came to help Li luoran, and said,

"it must be the white eyed wolf Lu Shaochen who bullied you, right? How else would you come here alone with your suitcase? He's having an affair, isn't he? He and Jin Xin Tong that fox spirit old love rekindled, isn't it? "

Listening to Jiang Xiaojing's words, Li luoran seems to have been cut a gap in his heart, crying like a child.


JIANG Xiaojing accompanies Li luoran all day.

In order to distract Li luoran, in the afternoon, she is forced to take her to shopping malls and amusement parks to do roller coasters. Li luoran is calm on the surface, but he is still out of his mind.

Li luoran is a person who attaches great importance to feelings. Many years ago, after breaking up with Jinqian, Li luoran cut her wrist and committed suicide. Jiang Xiaojing, fearing that the tragedy would happen again, insists on staying and living with Li luoran, and insists on sleeping in the same bed with Li luoran. Even when Li luoran goes to the bathroom, she has to wait outside the bathroom and knock on the door every ten seconds to talk to Li luoran.

After experiencing many joys and sorrows, Li luoran knows that after suffering from the tragedy that he is unable to change, how sad it will not help. He would rather go ahead calmly.

But she can't.

The separation from Lu Shaochen seemed to cut a deep wound in her heart. The wound was bleeding and she could not ignore it.

The next morning, Shu Xinshuang called Li luoran.

Li luoran said, "sorry, Xinshuang, I still can't go to the cast today. Please ask Mr. Wang for a few days' leave for me."

"I didn't call you because you were not in the cast. I heard about you and Shaochen." Shu Xinshuang's voice is obviously worried.

"as a spectator, I can see the truth clearly. Shaochen loves you very much. If he doesn't have no choice, he will never give up on you."

Li luoran's strong smile, "I know..."

Shuxinshuang, "Well! Have you figured out how to counter attack? "

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Counter attack?

Li luoran was shocked.

Shu Xinshuang over there, while eating breakfast, said with high morale, "in my world view, there has never been the concept of" losing ". I will return what others have calculated me, and I will snatch back what others have snatched from me. Have you ever thought about how to snatch Shaochen back?"

Li luoran, "..."

Now Li luoran, Lu Shaochen and Lu Mingyue are all poisoned. Jin Xintong has the initiative. Li luoran has never thought about how to fight back.

Shu Xinshuang clenched her small fist, "a win or lose doesn't mean anything. Don't forget, Shaochen has no physiological reaction to jinxintong. Even if jinxintong marries him, Shaochen won't marry her. When you take Shaochen back, Shaochen is still clean."

"Yes Li luoran is full of positive energy.

"Well, remember, you're not fighting alone. When you figure out how to fight back, I'll spare no effort to help. It's not that I don't like Xiaojin. I just think about Shaochen wholeheartedly. I don't want him to be a monk for a lifetime with a woman who has no physiological reaction."

"Poof -" even in such a state of mind, Li luoran was amused by Shu Xinshuang and couldn't help laughing.

Shu Xinshuang hangs up.

Seeing that before answering the phone, Li luoran turned into a smiling face. Jiang Xiaojing couldn't believe his eyes, "right? Who just called you? It's not your shrink, is itLi luoran raised her hand to wipe away the tears in her eyes, and pulled her lips with evil spirit. "How can a psychologist tell jokes?"

Jiang Xiaojing, "..."

When they were talking, Li luoran's ring rang again.

This time it was a strange number.

"My car is just under your house. I'll go upstairs to see you or you'll come down to see me." The cool and magnetic sound made Li luoran think of Lu Shaochen.

When I think of Lu Shaochen, I feel both excited and sad.

She tried to keep calm. "We're over. What's the point of meeting now?"

“……” There was silence for a long time, and then he said, "I'm Xiao Qianhua."

Li luoran's face suddenly became very bad, and his tone also cooled down, "what do we have to meet?"

Xiao Qianhua said, "don't forget our agreement. We will soon be husband and wife. What's wrong with Meeting before we get married?"


Li luoran felt that her head was big. She didn't want to say a word more, so she hung up in anger.

However, after calming down for a while, she thought that Xiao Qianhua would never give up and would come to her home. However, she really didn't want Xiao Qianhua to enter her and Lu Shaochen's "marriage room", so she kicked the door open and walked downstairs with Jiang Xiaojing.

When Li luoran came out of the corridor, Xiao Qianhua was also coming out of his black Rolls Royce welcome. He obviously wanted to go to Li luoran's house.

See Li luoran, his mouth light hook, and low body into the car and opened the door of the middle row seat.

Li luoran got into the car.

Jiang Xiaojing also followed him to the car.

Xiao Qianhua waved his hand, "you are not allowed to get on the bus."

Li luoran said, "she's my best friend. She knows all my secrets. We don't have to talk behind her back."

“……” Xiao Qian took a meaningful look at Jiang Xiaojing, but he didn't stop him. He let Jiang Xiaojing get on the car.

Lu Shaochen and Xiao are going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificate

I had expected that Jin Xintong would cook cooked rice with Lu Shaochen's raw rice as soon as possible, but when I heard Xiao Qianhua tell me this fact, Li luoran felt a great pain in his heart.

Think of the scene that he and Lu Shaochen get the marriage certificate again, what kind of scene will he and Jin Xintong get the marriage certificate?

Xiao Qianhua said, "Xiaojin and Lu Shaochen's wedding will be held the day after tomorrow. Xiaojin asks that our wedding and their wedding be held on the same day. She also asks us to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a license now. In this way, we may meet them in the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Li luoran is heartbroken and indifferent on the surface. "Jin Xintong just wants to humiliate me. Has she ever thought that it's not only me that she hurts, but also Lu Shaochen?"

Xiao Qianhua shakes her head. "It's her dream to enter the marriage palace with Lu Shaochen. Now she is completely dazzled by joy. How can she think of so much?"

"This is..." Li luoran pulled his lips sarcastically,

"you have always been obedient to her, so is the purpose of your coming here to take me to the Civil Affairs Bureau?"


Xiao Qianhua's answer is very firm,

"I'm not as complacent as Xiaojin, my mind is still clear, and I'm a victim like you, so I don't want you to meet Lu Shaochen in the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Li luoran was relieved.

When she thought of her separation from Lu Shaochen yesterday, she felt as sad as if she had cut off a piece of her heart. She didn't dare to imagine the result of meeting Lu Shaochen again. She would rather escape

But Xiao Jin promised to hold a wedding with you two days later

Liluoran's fingertips trembled.

Jiang Xiaojing can't bear it any longer, "do you have any conscience? Do you know how much psychological trauma you caused to Ranran by forcing her to break up with Lu Shaochen by such despicable means? What's the difference between rushing her to get married and driving her to death? Are you and Jin Xintong's consciences eaten by dogs? "

"Be careful what you say!" Xiao Qian painted black face.

"Ah -"

JIANG Xiaojing screamed with fright.

Xiao Qian's frowning and cold eyes are so sinister that they are as terrible as Satan.

Take a deep breath of Xiao Qianhua, "I admit that I have done a dirty job in this matter. You can scold me at will, but don't insult Xiaojin."

Oh, my God!

At this moment, Jiang Xiaojing realized that Xiao Qian was not angry because he was scolded, but because of Jin Xintong

"Ha ha ~" Jiang Xiaojing smiles,

"you are such a poor spoony. Your beloved Xiaojin is going to marry someone else. Are you happy in your heart?"

Xiao Qian slightly frowned, "she got the final happiness, I am happy for her, of course, very cool."Jiang Xiaojing said, "OK, you 6..."

Xiao Qianhua has no intention to quarrel with Jiang Xiaojing. His eyes turn to Li luoran, "I know you are very reluctant, you want to say no, but you have no choice."

Li Ran does not sneer.

Although the wedding came as fast as death, Li luoran was psychologically prepared to come sooner or later.

Xiao Qian painted, "let's go."

Li luoran, "where are you going?"

Xiao Qian painted, "choose wedding dress, take wedding photos."

Li luoran laughs, "no need."

"Oh?" Xiao Qian's face was as like as two peas in Lu Shaochen's face. "

," although we are reluctant to marry in this marriage, we will be very much in the mood for the wedding, and we will be able to come to the media and journalists. Wedding photos are necessary.

as like as two peas, Lu Shaochen and I did not have a wedding ceremony, but we had taken a couple of wedding photos a year ago. You are the same as Lu Shaochen. No one can tell who you are and who he is. I will look for the source pieces of those wedding photos that Lu Shannen wants us to take, and how much you want to wash, as well as our wedding photo.

"Poof -" Jiang Xiaojing, who couldn't help laughing, gave Li luoran a thumbs up.

Xiao Qian's painting fell into deep silence.

although Lu Shaochen didn't want to be aggrieved at the wedding ceremony, we still didn't want to show our weakness? Lu Shaochen always owes you a wedding. Do you want to help Lu Shaochen realize his dream through our wedding? "

Li luoran shrugs pointlessly, "anyway, you are also forced, you just need to help jinxintong finish the wedding. What do you care about whose wedding photos are hanging on the wedding?"

Xiao Qian's paintings are speechless.

Xiao Qianhua is still in a daze, and Li luoran has just got out of the car.

"Wait a minute." Xiao Qianhua poked his head out of the car window. Although his voice was not high, it was very recognizable and clearly spread to Li luoran's ears.

"Xiaojin said that our marriage should be known all over the world. I will hold a press conference to publicize the news of our marriage. I hope you can also tweet."

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