You,Under My Name

Chapter 322: 322

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Jin Xintong's eyes turned to Lu Shaochen, "although Su Su's death made me heartbroken, you gave her a chance. If you have to blame her life, I don't want you to blame yourself."

The expressionless Lu Shaochen looked out of the window, "I didn't want her to escape successfully. Why should I blame myself?"

Jin Xintong looks at Lu Shaochen with such a gentle look, which is in sharp contrast to Xiao Qian's painting. "In this case, I'm relieved. You know, Shaochen, if I didn't experience today's incident, I really thought you were indifferent to me from the bottom of my heart. The well inspector who sent me to the hospital told me that after I was in a coma, you were so nervous and anxious, I know I'm still very high in your heart. "

Lu Shaochen's meaningless crooked lips, "maybe the well inspector exaggerated his words to comfort you."

“……” Li luoran sighed in his heart.

Lu Shaochen in order to let jinxintong to his heart, even if has been jinxintong see through, still in front of jinxintong camouflage so cold.


Well intentioned Lu Shaochen!

"Ha ha ~" Jin Xintong's knowing smile,

"I know, you don't have to hide it any more."

Lu Shaochen's thin lips opened slightly, but he didn't know what he wanted to say, but he took them back.

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows drooped and his eyes were cold.

Brocade Heart Tong tiny Yang is wearing extremely beautiful face, shallow smile Yan Ran, beautiful Mou contain tears.

Li luoran, standing silently on one side, suddenly feels that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong are standing face-to-face, which is so eye-catching.


Li luoran knows herself well. Although she is a beautiful girl, there is still a gap between her and a perfect man like Lu Shaochen. Jin Xintong is a perfect match for Lu Shaochen. They are a perfect couple

"Qianhua forced you and me to be tied together. Although the means were disgraceful, who said it was not God's arrangement? Maybe Yuelao pities my sincerity to you, and arranges Qianhua to do so in order to lead us? So, Shaochen, even though I know you can't let sister Ranran go, I still cherish this marriage. Everyone has the right to pursue his own happiness. I won't let it go easily. "

Say words, brocade Heart Tong right hand light grasps to Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen is in a trance, until his left hand is caught by Jin Xintong. Considering that Jin Xintong is mourning for Su Su's death, he does not force Jin Xintong's hand away, but looks at Li luoran wrongly.

Li luoran did not open his eyes and pretended to see nothing.

Jin Xintong, "I want to talk to sister Ranran alone, OK?"

Lu Shaochen didn't respond and didn't look at Jin Xintong. He just looked at Li luoran again and walked to the door silently.

The footsteps are getting farther and farther away.

About ten seconds later, the door was closed by Lu Shaochen, leaving only Li luoran and Jin Xintong in the luxurious intensive care unit.

Jin Xintong sat on the edge of the bed, raised her hand to wipe away the tears in her eyes, "see? I just married Shaochen for a few days, and he became more and more intimate with me. I said I would not let go easily, but he didn't object. I held his hand in front of you, and he didn't shake me off. It can be seen that he still loves me. "

Lilo's lips moved.

Just now, Jin Xintong deliberately said those words to Lu Shaochen in front of Li luoran, and deliberately pulled Lu Shaochen's hand to show her. She heard them clearly and saw them clearly. What else can she say?

She lowered her cold eyes, "don't do this meaningless show off, say it, what do you want to do with Shaochen?"

"All right!" Jin Xintong sighed and stood up, bored to pick up a green apple in the fruit plate,

"you don't like me, and you don't like people to talk in a roundabout way, so I'll tell you straight away. It was pure Su Su Su's personal will to shoot you at the beginning. Now that she's dead, all the gratitude and resentment between us will be cleared. I don't want to fight with you any more. Let's make peace."


Why does Li luoran think this word is satirized by Jin Xintong?

"I know you are a person with principles. Now that you are Xiao Qianhua's wife, you will deliberately distance yourself from Shaochen and never lose your ties with him. As long as you give me enough time, the relationship between Shaochen and me will become stronger and stronger. I believe that as long as I give birth to his child, his heart will return to me as before, and you will be better for him It doesn't matter. " As he spoke, he stroked his stomach with his little hand. His expression was so warm and enjoyable.

Li Shaochen, as far as you know, didn't react to his child

If Lu Shaochen can make Jin Xintong pregnant with a child, why did Jin Xintong spend so much trouble?

"Ah? It can't be true! You don't even know that? " Jin Xintong looks surprised,

"Shaochen never told you that his physiology has returned to normal long ago?"

In the eyes of Lori.

"Well, to be honest, on the wedding night when Shaochen and Shaochen entered the bridal chamber, I was quite surprised when Shaochen pressed down on me. I thought he was just like other bridegroom to the bride. Unexpectedly, he really..." Jin Xintong was so shy that her cheeks became scarlet,"The next day, I specially asked the doctor about this. The doctor told me that there are indeed some men who only have physiological reactions to a very few heterosexuals. After this kind of men have had many intimate relationships with the women who can cause their reactions, this function gradually becomes normal, just like normal men, they will react to heterosexual girls."

Oh, my God!

In fact, Li luoran also heard the doctor say so.

She didn't mean to ask the doctor this question, but was poisoned by Jin Xintong. When she went to the hospital for a urine test, she mistakenly went into the andrology department. She heard a doctor telling a man about it.

Therefore, even if Jin Xintong doesn't say these words, Li luoran doubts whether Lu Shaochen has become normal

"Now I know how powerful Shaochen is. He doesn't rest all night. I can't bear it. Is she so fierce when she is with you?"

Jin Xin Tong's voice is clear to spread in the opposite.

Li luoran was shocked.

All right!

It's nothing!

Since Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong are legal husband and wife, how can they not have intimate contact?

What's more, Jin Xintong is so beautiful and enchanting. As long as it's a man, it's impossible not to breed that kind of idea for her

But why does Li luoran feel lost and miserable when he is doing psychological construction like this?

"I remember when I was with Shaochen, we used to kiss and try to have each other just like normal men and women, but it didn't work. Shaochen always blamed himself. I told him that as long as I was with him, as long as I could spend my life with him, I didn't care that we had no husband and wife in our life. That's what I said from my heart." Jin Xintong's eyes are empty, and her thoughts go back to the past,

"although the Platonic love is very beautiful, it's a pity that the two people who really love each other can't have each other in their lives. Li luoran, I have to thank you. You cured Shaochen, and you made us become true lovers after so many twists and turns."

Li luoran's heart seemed to be pricked by countless poisonous needles one after another, and she looked at Jin Xintong in pain,

"I remember very clearly that last year, in order to frame me, you pretended to be pushed into Shaochen's car by me, and the child in your stomach was not saved, and you lost your fertility forever."

"Really?" Jin Xintong looks up,

"my child hasn't been preserved. Who told you that I will lose my fertility forever?"

Li luoran sneered and said nothing.

Jin Xintong pretended to be a sudden realization, "Oh! I remember. It's the doctor who did the injury identification for me. Her name is Liu yue'e, right? "


That made Li luoran remember deeply. Even now, Li luoran can clearly remember the name of Jin Xintong's doctor in charge.

"Don't be naive, Li luoran. Do you really think I'm as brittle as glass? I lose my fertility after one abortion? At the beginning, I lied to you, deliberately let Doctor Liu exaggerate my injury, otherwise how can I make Shaochen hate you, how can I make Shaochen feel ashamed to me? "

Jin Xintong's voice is clear.

Li luoran was shocked.

Although she never believed Jin Xintong's words, she had a strong feeling that what Jin Xintong said was true.

Therefore, jinxintong did not lose the fertility function at all!

And now Lu Shaochen and to her, night and night with Jin Xintong crazy endlessly!

Thinking of this, Li luoran can't help presenting sweet pictures of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong in her mind. This is clearly her own imagination, but it's like the pictures of high-definition movies.

"Although Shaochen is indifferent to me on the surface, he is very enthusiastic and wild on the bed. I think it won't be long before I will be pregnant with his child. I will not only give birth to one child for him, but also give birth to his child one by one until I can't get pregnant. At that time, Shaochen will get tired of me and our many children every day, and he will be happy Remember the ex-wife who helped him heal his function? "

Brocade Heart Tong hands can't help caressing his flat stomach, such as in show off.

Li Luo ran Ming knows that Jin Xin Tong is maliciously stimulating himself, but he is still uncontrollably sad.

However, she looked up at her delicate face and said, "I can make peace with you. As long as Shaochen is happy with you, I can even draw a clear line with him and never see him again. The premise is that you must return the moon to me."

"No way!"

Jin Xintong resolutely vetoed it,

"Shaochen always thinks that Mingyue is our child. How can a mother give her child to others in this world? Shaochen is a smart man. If I do that, Shaochen will doubt that if the truth comes out, my image in his heart will plummet. "

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"What will happen is your business, not mine." Li luoran's eyes are full of determination,

"I only have this one condition. If you can do it, you and I will never cross the river from now on; otherwise, even if I do everything, I will take back my son, and you will bear the consequences at that time!"Fall this words, head also don't return of walk out of the ward.

Jin Xintong looks at Li luoran's figure in a trance. When Li luoran goes out of the door, she takes a long breath of relief and sits on the sickbed.


the moment she walked out of the ward, Li luoran's mind was empty. She walked mechanically through the corridor of the ward like a puppet.

"How are you thinking?" The sound of magnetism came from the side of the body.

Lu Shaochen's voice!

She will never forget his voice.

Li luoran stopped, but didn't look at Lu Shaochen. He just stood at the end of the corridor with the cold wind howling, "what's the matter?"

Leaning against the wall, Lu Shaochen said, "I told you that day that I would be my secret wife."


Li luoran seems to have a heavy object falling in her heart. She still doesn't look at Lu Shaochen. Instead, she looks at the sea blue glass in front of her in a trance. "Listen to Jin Xintong say that you are a normal man now."

Lu Shaochen, "well."


Understatement and affirmation.

Sure enough!

Everything will change!

Li luoran said weakly, "more than once, I've heard that you men are animals that think with your lower body. If any woman can give you happiness in your lower body, you will be determined to give it to any woman. Now I suddenly wonder, in the past, you were so fond of me and so obedient. Is it because I'm the only one who can give you that kind of happiness? ”

Lu Shaochen's eyes were deep.

Why did she say such dirty things?

What's the matter with this girl today?!

"Now I know the answer." Li luoran pretended to smile freely,

"so, I also give you the answer you want, I will not be your secret wife, not now, never, never!"

Step back into the elevator.

Lu Shaochen's extremely handsome face was confused, "why? What do you know? "

Li luoran didn't look at Lu Shaochen from the beginning to the end. "Treat your Xiaojin well. She can give you whatever I can give you."

Lu Shaochen, "what?"

At this time, the elevator door opened and Li luoran stepped in without looking back.

Lu Shaochen strode to catch up with him. Before he went to the door of the elevator, Li luoran pressed the key to close the door. He watched Li luoran with a cold face cut off from his sight by the cold elevator door.


Lu Shaochen kicked the elevator door heavily.

What happened today?

Why is everyone so abnormal?!


standing in the corner of the elevator, Li luoran looks at her figure reflected on the golden elevator wall, but what she sees in her mind is the sweet and touching pictures of Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen in bed

She doesn't care about Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong's intimate relationship.

Since Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong are officially married and live under the same roof every day for a long time, it is impossible to say that accidents will never happen.

Just like her and Xiao Qian's painting, if Xiao Qian's painting blindly demands, over time, she can't guarantee that she can refuse forever.

Li luoran had thought of everything.

She thought that if Lu Shaochen still loved her as before, even if what happened to Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong, she would make up with Lu Shaochen as well after the truth came out.

However, what makes Li luoran sad and unacceptable is that Lu Shaochen took the initiative to sleep with Jin Xintong on the night of his marriage, and he was so crazy and enthusiastic about Jin Xintong every night

Does Lu Shaochen really love her?

What was she in the past?

Is it Lu Shaochen's true love or the tool he used to vent his needs?

Is the Platonic love between Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong true love?

Lu Shaochen's true love is only Jin Xintong, right?


Around around, she was just a tool to help Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong remove the obstacles?!

"Little sister, do you use tissue?"

A tissue is handed to liluoran.

Li luoran found that her face was full of tears. She didn't know when a little girl came into the elevator. This paper towel was delivered by the little girl.

Li luoran choked and said, "thank you ~"

while wiping his tears with a paper towel, he put on a mask and walked out of the hospital.

Li luoran is used to walking when he is in a bad mood.

The hospital is more than six kilometers away from the residence "Jiangnan Yipin" painted by Xiao Qian. She goes back step by step.

After walking for such a long time, her feet were numb, but her mood didn't get any better. Everything around her became trance, and the sweet entanglement of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong would appear in front of her every moment.Lu Shaochen!

Lu Shaochen!

Lu Shaochen!

Why do you read the name all the time like you have a pair of lips in her ear?

She wanted to escape far away, but the voice chased her like a magic spell, which made her think of Lu Shaochen all the time.

Li luoran walks into the villa in a trance.

Every room in the villa has lights on, and the light and shadow are shining everywhere, but there is no Xiao Qian's figure.

Lilo has gone upstairs.

All the rooms on the second floor were also lighted, quiet, empty and brightly lit, which made them very cold.

Li luoran was very tired. She left her handbag on the sofa and washed her face with cold water. Without taking a bath, she went to her bedroom.

The door of the bedroom was open. She pushed the door and walked in. The next second, she saw Xiao Qian's painting --

exactly speaking, Xiao Qian's painting without clothes!

To be more exact, Xiao Qian didn't wear any clothes.

His suit, shirt, shoes and underwear are piled up at his feet like a hill. If this is not the home of Xiao Qian's painting and the color of the suit on the ground is white, Li luoran can't tell whether he is Xiao Qian's painting or Lu Shaochen.

Xiao Qian's painting, standing barefoot on the carpet, looks at Li luoran for a moment. The light in the wedding room is bright, which makes his perfect lines and all the details very clear.

Li luoran stayed in front of the door because of the shocking scenery.

It took at least three seconds for liloran's trembling lips to utter intermittent syllables, "you You are in my room What for? You Why not How do you dress? "

The man's light brown lips slowly opened, "wife, from tonight on, we will sleep together."


Li luoran was "clattering" in her heart, and the comb that she had held in her hand fell to the ground.

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