You,Under My Name

Chapter 323: 323

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Xiao Qianhua, who has long legs and big steps, comes to Li luoran in two steps. Li luoran subconsciously steps back, but is surrounded by Xiao Qianhua and hugs him in his arms.

"Let go of me!" Li luoran's confused struggle.

However, instead of listening to her, Xiao Qianhua held her down and strode to the wedding bed.

"Don't touch me!"

"Let go!"

"Let go!"

"Let go..."

Li luoran struggles with his life, beating his two little fists in Xiao Qianhua's arms like raindrops.

But it didn't work. The more powerful a man was, the tighter her arms were, and the harder she was breathing.


Li luoran is thrown on the bed. The violent vibration makes her mind blank. She hasn't recovered. Xiao Qianhua's strong body is like a hill pressing towards her.

the strange.

Li luoran bit his teeth to death and refused to let him succeed.

Liluoran's lips overflow with blood, and the smell of blood spreads in Xiao Qian's paintings.

There are two scarlet spots in Xiao Qian's beautiful dark eyes, as if two groups of flames were burning in the clear night sky, bloodthirsty, terrifying and charming

His hands passed along Lilo's enchanting waistline.

The next second, he bent over to attack Li luoran.


Li luoran suddenly let out a scream, she can't take care of anything, grabbed the lamp on the bedside table, and hit Xiao Qianhua with the greatest strength.


The lamp bulb of the desk lamp was smashed.

Li luoran hears Xiao Qianhua make a dull cry. He stares at Li luoran with round eyes for about two seconds. Then he lies on Li luoran.

The red blood flowed down on Xiao Qian's head and made the clothes in Li luoran's arms red.

"You Are you ok... "

"Xiao Qian! Are you ok? "

"Hey, wake up!"

Li luoran is also flustered. She shakes Xiao Qian's painting hard, but Xiao Qian's painting, which has been knocked out, can't be shaken up at all.

Li luoran, who was flustered, dropped the lamp and hit 120 for the first time.

After the phone call, Li luoran arranges his clothes in a hurry, and presses Xiao Qianhua's head with a cold towel to stop bleeding.

The ambulance arrived at the scene soon.

First, Li luoran kept pressing on Xiao Qianhua's wound; second, Li luoran was also afraid that moving the injured would lead to faster blood circulation and more bleeding, so he still kept Xiao Qianhua's position when he fainted and did not dress him.

"I'll go!"

Seeing this scene, the medical staff was also shocked. He was stunned at the door for two seconds before he came in again.

Fortunately, both medical staff are male.

After dressing Xiao Qianhua in an emergency, they put Xiao Qianhua on a stretcher and asked Li luoran to help cover Xiao Qianhua's body with a sheet.

Li luoran got on the car with them.

"Mr. Xiao's head was suddenly hit with high intensity before he fell into a coma. According to my experience, the result of being beaten would not be very good. Mr. Xiao's brain concussion was mild, and if it was serious, he might be paralyzed, or even become a vegetable, and he would never wake up again." The male medical staff sitting beside the spring bed in the ambulance with Li luoran looked at Li luoran carefully.

Li luoran just looked at Xiao Qian's painting.

She never regretted beating Xiao Qianhua.

If the time can be reversed, she will still try her best to stop Xiao Qianhua from attacking her. And even if this kind of thing is put in court, she is innocent - women are treated equally when they are forced to hold and their lives are threatened. Therefore, women can take all defensive measures at this time. There is no saying that they are too defensive!

"Miss Li, may I ask you a question?" The medical staff asked carefully.

Li luoran nodded.

Medical staff, "ha ha, the wedding of you and Mr. Xiao has been a storm all over the city. I also pay attention to your wedding. I feel that you are very loving together. I don't quite understand. Isn't it normal to be sweet between husband and wife? Why does Mr. Xiao use strong? And I was knocked unconscious by you... "

Li luoran thought that the scene of the accident was too eye-catching, and outsiders immediately guessed what happened after seeing it.

Li luoran, whose cheeks were slightly hot, said, "I don't know why Xiao Qianhua did it. If you want to know the reason, you can ask him when he wakes up."

Medical staff, "..."

Sure enough!

99.9% of the appearances in the entertainment circle are for people to see. Xiao Qian's painting and Li luoran's wedding, which was hyped by the media, are boasting all over the world about the love between Xiao Qian's painting and Li luoran. It seems that the truth may be completely opposite to what people see!Alas!

Stars are liars!

These days, they, the common people, should pay close attention to their lives and stop chasing stars!


it's already eleven o'clock in the night.

In the corridor of the hospital, Li luoran stood alone in the corner of the dim light, her long eyelashes casting a regular fan-shaped silhouette on her face.


Four years ago, she was cheated by Su Yan and Bai Qingwan. After giving birth to her child, she knew the truth and nearly died in a car accident. She lay in the hospital for more than a month. Later, whenever she smelled the water in the hospital, she would feel a deep fear.

Li luoran's least favorite place is the hospital!

However, Li luoran always had to come to the hospital because of various reasons. Only today, Li luoran came to the hospital twice.

"Miss Li, Mr. Xiao is awake. He wants to see you, so I'll help you get there."

I don't know when the little nurse came to Li luoran.

Li luoran enters the ward.

At this time, Xiao Qianhua was lying quietly in the hospital bed. He was wearing the Blue Plaid clothes issued by the hospital. The doctor shaved his hair in order to bandage him. Most people need hair to set off their looks. Whether men or women, as long as a few people have shaved their heads, they still look good, and Xiao Qianhua is one of the few people -

even Li Luo ran had a very amazing feeling when he saw the shaved head of Xiao Qian's painting.

"Don't ask me how bad I was beaten by you?" Xiao Qian opened his mouth first.

Li luoran shook his head, and there was no expression on his delicate face.

“……” Xiao Qianhua smiles awkwardly,

"among the people whose heads were broken by desk lamps, I am lucky. Although I lost a lot of blood and also caused concussion, I should pay attention to rest and recover in three days."

Li luoran pulled his lips indifferently. "I really regret that I didn't start again."

Xiao Qian's painting, "..."

Li luoran stopped two meters away from the hospital bed and kept a long distance from Xiao Qianhua. "Seriously, what you did was beyond my expectation. You said before that you would give me seven days to think about it. Now it's only four days later. You are a man who keeps your promise. Why do you suddenly break your promise?"

Xiao Qian eyebrows, "too long did not sleep a woman, can not help, and I do not want to derail, so can only move strong, not?"

Liluoran's disdainful lips.

She believes it!

Xiao Qianhua takes a deep breath. "Xiaojin killed her daughter in order to get back together with Lu Shaochen. Today, her sister who she cared most died because of her. She was very sad. Today, she was crying when she was alone in the ward with me. When you and Lu Shaochen went to see her, she wiped away her tears immediately. It didn't matter. She didn't want Lu Shaochen to feel indebted She doesn't want you to see her

After hearing this, Li luoran had a bad feeling in his heart.

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Li luoran knows that Jin Xintong is also a person who attaches great importance to feelings, love and friendship -

otherwise, Jin Xintong can't be so stubborn to Lu Shaochen, or tell Lu Shaochen the truth and kneel down to Lu Shaochen in order to save Su Su. After Su Su Su's death, Jin Xintong is in a coma

But when Li luoran goes to the ward to see Jin Xintong, Jin Xintong doesn't show any more pain. He has been smiling with pride. Until now, Li luoran knows that Jin Xintong doesn't really come out of Su Su's death. She's just proud and strong. She doesn't want Li luoran to see her pain.

Xiao Qianhua said, "Xiaojin is also a miserable person. Like you, she has never received maternal love. She has done everything for Lu Shaochen. Now she has nothing but Lu Shaochen. I can't let you go with Lu Shaochen again. I want you to give birth to my child as soon as possible."

Sure enough!

After all, it's for jinxintong!

In addition to Jin Xintong, who can make Xiao Qianhua who keeps his promise turn back?

"Ah ~" Li luoran helplessly spread out her hands,

"it's true that no matter how rational and intelligent people are, they will be stupid because of the people they care about. Xiao Qianhua, don't you think that if a woman is not willing to do this, even if you force her to have your child, she will do it?"

Xiao Qian couldn't help but be stunned.

He didn't really think that much.

Li luoran raised his face with pride, "what kind of person do you think I am?"

Xiao Qianhua was surprised that Li luoran would ask this question. He confessed, "you are a proud girl, indifferent on the outside, but your heart is very kind, you have principles, and you will be desperate for the people you care about."

Li luoran, "want to hear a story?"

Xiao Qian's painting, which does not understand what Li luoran wants to say, is "good..."

Li luoran took a deep breath. "You were there when Bai Qingwan killed Su Yan, and then I called the police. But with your help, the police couldn't find any evidence against Bai Qingwan. They could only hastily conclude the case and say that Su Yan was not killed but died by accident. I was very angry, angry and unwilling. I vowed to avenge Su Yan. I even wanted to find a chance to meet Bai Qingwan Face, stab her heart like she killed Su Yan. ""Is it?" Xiao Qianhua laughs,

"just think about it. Even if you really ask Bai Qingwan in front of you, you can't do that. I think people are always accurate. Indifference is just your surface. In fact, your heart is a weak girl, and you don't even dare to kill small animals."

Li luoran sneered, "I forgot that it was a few days after su Yan's death. Shaochen was tied to the pig cage in order to catch Bai Qingwan. At that time, Shaochen and Xingchen were present. I picked up a knife. At that time, Shaochen and Xingchen didn't expect that I would do it. Even I didn't expect that I would be so cruel. But the moment I picked up the knife, I was like a different person. I didn't care about all the consequences It seems that the whole person is completely driven by hatred, so I take my hand and stab Bai Qingwan with all my strength. "

Xiao Qian's eyes turned into shock.

Li luoran lightly pursed her lips, "Bai Qingwan dodged the knife in time, otherwise that day was her death, and everything later would not happen again. After that, I tried to poison Bai Qingwan, but Gu Mingzhu drank the poisonous water I prepared for Bai Qingwan in an emergency... "

It is clear that those things have passed for a long time. Li luoran can remember them as vividly as they happened yesterday.

Xiao Qian was surprised and couldn't say a word.

Li luoran raised her eyebrows coldly and arrogantly, "so ah, Xiao Qianhua, I'm not the kind of woman you think I am. I'm not a weak girl. There's a cold-blooded killer in my heart. I'm never soft hearted to my enemies."

Xiao Qian's face is full of shock and confusion.

Li luoran winked at him with a smile, "don't be stupid again. This time, I just hit you with a desk lamp, and then I will hide a knife in places you can't imagine. If you dare to move against me, I'll stick it into your heart just like Bai Qingwan."

"Remember, don't blame me for not warning you in advance."

Fall this words, elegant turn around, walk to the ward with proud steps.

Xiao Qianhua stares at her back. The moment she goes out of the door, Xiao Qianhua's trance eyes turn into fun -

he asks him what kind of woman she thinks she is and tells him stories. The ultimate goal is to intimidate him!

Tut tut!

Rose with thorns, interesting!


when Li luoran returned to Jiangnan Yipin, it was almost early in the morning.

The pile of clothes painted by Xiao Qian was still piled on the carpet in her bedroom. She picked them up and threw them all into Xiao Qian's bedroom. Then she went to the kitchen to get a fruit knife and put it under the mattress.

She is not threatening Xiao Qianhua.

She is a person with a clear love hate relationship. At the beginning, she also hated Bai Qingwan to the core, and then she got out of control and wanted to kill Bai Qingwan. Although Xiao Qianhua was in collusion with Jin Xintong, the person who poisoned her, Lu Shaochen and Lu Mingyue was Jin Xintong, and Xiao Qianhua was just carrying the pot for Jin Xintong -

in the final analysis, Xiao Qianhua was just a chess piece used by Jin Xintong, Although Li luoran doesn't like Xiao Qian's painting, she doesn't like Bai Qingwan to hate her teeth. She never wants to harm Xiao Qian's painting.

But this does not mean that Li luoran will be bullied by Xiao Qianhua.

She will stand up for her rights.

Friends come with good wine, jackals come with shotguns.

Xiao Chih's painting will be friendly to her even if she dares to invade her


Li luoran is lying on the bed.

As soon as my mind came out of the incident that I was almost invaded by Xiao Qian's painting, I immediately thought of Lu Shaochen again. In my mind, I quickly came up with pictures of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong's intimate love.

Lu Shaochen is really good at something.

Li luoran has seen from magazines that ordinary men only have two or three times a week, while Lu Shaochen can have it every day, and he can stay up all night, and he is still full of energy the next day.

Looking back on the time when she was with Lu Shaochen, in the early morning when most people had fallen into a deep sleep, Lu Shaochen was talking to her.

Now Lu Shaochen must be talking to jinxintong

Li luoran tried to command himself not to think again. However, his brain didn't listen to his command and kept thinking about it.

It's another sleepless night.

Knowing that the alarm clock rings at 6:30 in the morning, Li luoran still keeps his eyes open.

After washing and changing clothes, I unexpectedly found Xiao Qianhua sitting on the sofa on the first floor when I went down the revolving stairs. His shaved head was very eye-catching because of his shining head.

Although Xiaoran didn't want to know when he was going home.

Xiao Qianhua seemed to know what she was thinking. She said faintly, "I don't want to be alone in the hospital. Soon after you left, I asked the nurse to send me back."

Li luoran's lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

"Don't ask me why?" Xiao Qian's eyebrows stare at her in silence.

Li luoran was still silent.Xiao Qianhua, "no matter how indifferent you are to me, in my opinion, the first month after marriage is honeymoon, I don't want to be separated from you."

Li luoran, "ha ha ~"

quickened his pace and walked towards the door.

"Liluoran!" Xiao Qianhua raised his voice,

"the medical staff said that when he arrived at the scene, you were pressing my wound with a cold towel to prevent me from bleeding too much. Can I understand that you really care about me from the bottom of your heart?"

Li luoran, who suddenly stopped, seemed to hear a big joke. She looked back with a smile. "I've heard that although most of the actresses who have been with you are for your money, there are still some actresses who really love you. They are really infatuated with you. After all, you have the same body and face as Shaochen. Just these two are enough to make most actresses happy The child is crazy about you. "

Xiao Qian said, "please pay attention to your words. In the future, try to say that Lu Shaochen has the same body and face as me."

"It doesn't matter!"

Li luoran rolled his lips,

"for me, the body and appearance are not important, but the soul. You can imitate Shaochen's appearance and appearance. You can never imitate his soul."


Do you want to be so ungrateful?!

Is it good that Xiao Qianhua was born like this? When did he imitate Lu Shaochen?!

Why did he imitate Lu Shaochen?!

Xiao Qianhua is a little dizzy because of the sudden rise of blood pressure and the recurrence of concussion.

Li luoran smiles with pride and brilliance, "so ah, Xiao Qianhua, I don't care about you at all. I just help you stop bleeding out of my own instinct, not to mention a person. Even if the injured animal is a dog or a kitten, I will do the same. Do you understand?"

Voice down, swagger out of the door, leaving only a face of embarrassed Xiao Qianhua trembling sitting on the sofa.

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