You,Under My Name

Chapter 324: 324

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Li luoran came to the crew.

Instead of gathering at the "imperial palace" as before to wait for wangzimo to arrange work, we are doing a general cleaning.

Every three days, the crew will hold a general cleaning, but in the past, it was the first time for the whole crew to go out like this.

At this time, Qin Weijie was cleaning the wooden window of the "imperial study". Li luoran came to her and said, "what's the matter?"

Qin Weijie, "Zhan Wangbei will be replaced."

Li luoran looks confused.

Zhan Wangbei is a very powerful veteran actor. He was very popular more than ten years ago. Now, after getting angry, Zhan Wangbei was invited by wangzimo to play male No. 3 in the sequel of the queen of demons. In the past, because Li luoran often didn't come to the production team, the production team could only shoot scenes unrelated to Li luoran first. Li luoran heard that Zhan Wangbei's plays were almost the same, leaving only Li luoran A couple of rival plays.

Why did the crew change Zhan Wangbei?

Qin Weijie put his lips close to Li luoran's ear, and his voice was very low. "I also heard what Xinshuang said. It's not easy to replace Zhan Wangbei. He's not only an important investor in our production group, but also a person Mr. Wang is afraid of. No, this person said that he would replace Zhan Wangbei. Mr. Wang, who is very proud in our production group, doesn't dare to fart, and let all the staff put him away The crew cleaned up to welcome him. "

Is there such a thing?

Li luoran always thought that the sequel to the queen of demons was invested by wangzimo alone. Until this moment, Li luoran realized that there were other investors behind the scenes.

Li luoran, who was aroused by curiosity,

"do you know who this man is? What does an investor want to do with our crew? "

Qin Weijie disdained, "I'm also very puzzled that the person who can be an investor for Mr. Wang must be super rich. I think this rich man is full of food. He's come to our drama group for entertainment."

Li luoran, "..."

Qin Weijie shook his head. "Even Mr. Wang didn't dare to say no to him. What can we do for these people below? Alas! Don't underestimate this male No. 3. How many movie actors perform well, just because a supporting role with no acting skills is mixed in it, which makes a dead mouse destroy the whole pot. I think the sequel of Queen of demons must die in the hands of this investor. "

It's not just Qin Weijie who complains.

When Li luoran and Qin Weijie were cleaning the windows together, they sometimes heard other members of the crew murmur in a low voice. Only because Wang Zimo was sitting not far away chatting with people on his mobile phone did they dare not speak out.


All of a sudden, a big hand slapped liluoran on the shoulder.

"Ah -"

the shrieking Li luoran's legs softened and almost fell off the windowsill. Fortunately, her powerful hand held her at the right time.

"What are you so excited about? It's me

Li luoran, who was almost scared out of heart disease, was not angry. He came out when he had nothing to do. On the contrary, the frightening wind shallowly attacked him.

Li luoran, whose heart was still pounding, glared at him, "what are you doing?"

Feng Qianwei's evil face approached her more and more, furtively sticking her lips to her ear, "Mr. Zhan Wangbei is the elder I admire very much. I always regard him as my industry benchmark. I didn't expect that even he would encounter shallow rules. I'm very angry."

All right!

In fact, Li luoran was also very angry.

Most of the people in the cast are very angry.

Who of her age did not grow up watching Zhan Wangbei's films?

There are too many people with money in the entertainment circle nowadays. Many star actors only need to make themselves beautiful and expressionless when they are filming. Few people are really down-to-earth in filming. Zhan Wangbei is one of the few people who are down-to-earth in filming.

Zhan Wangbei was treated unfairly enough to arouse people's indignation, OK?

"No matter who the investor is, the labor and capital are at odds with him. When he comes, the labor and capital immediately tear their face with him and drive him out. If he doesn't roll, the labor and capital will roll. I have discussed with Xinshuang and Wanyue, and they will stand on my side."

Li luoran was shocked. "What do you mean? What do you mean that Xinshuang and Wanyue will be on your side? "

"Feng Qianji is proud to pick eyebrows," if that investor must replace Mr. Zhan, I quit the cast, Xinshuang and Wanyue also quit together


Li luoran can't help but scream again. She excitedly grabs Feng qianshe's collar,

"are you crazy, qianshe? You're rebellious. Now it's known all over the world that you and Xinshuang play in the sequel. If all three of you quit, how can you make this movie? "

Wind shallow blue eyes shallow squint, "wangzimo so flattering, let wangzimo pat."

Li luoran, "..."

The wind lightly broke off Li luoran's hand and said, "I hope you will join us. At that time, we will revolt together."Li luoran shook his head.

"Alas Feng Qianyi patted Li luoran on the shoulder with profound meaning,

"you can go along with Wang Zimo. That investor can make Wang Zimo flatter him. He must have a great future. When we are gone, you can flatter him with Wang Zimo."

What's so special!

Li luoran was almost furious.

And the wind shallow to her wink a smile, turn around and go.

“……” Liluoran left the rag in frustration.

She doesn't want to stand in the same line with Feng Qian and Shu Xinshuang, but how can she fight against Wang Zimo when Wang Zimo is so good to her?

Li luoran tangled, the end of the video call wangzimo came to her.

Wang Zimo opened his mouth first, "what does the wind look for you for?"

Li luoran, sitting on the windowsill with arms and legs in his arms, "nothing." Although she does not support fengqianshe's "rebellion", she will not betray fengqianshe.

Wang Zimo smiles, "he wants to draw you up against the new man who replaces Zhan Wangbei?"

“……” If Li luoran was struck by lightning, he almost fell from the windowsill.

Qin Weijie on one side was also scared.

I really doubt that Wang Zimo heard what Feng Qianji said to Li luoran, but at that time Wang Zimo was 30 meters away, and Feng Qianji pressed his voice so low. Can't wang Zimo follow the wind?

"Fengqian is always smart. In my opinion, he is as transparent as glass and as naive as a baby." The handsome man, with a pair of emerald eyes, looked at fengqianhe in the distance,

"he was very dissatisfied with my agreement that the investor should replace Zhan Wangbei. He found Shu Xinshuang and Lu Wanyue one after another, and finally found you. He wanted to win over you and fight against that investor together."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran and Qin Weijie look at each other in panic.

Although Wang Zimo has been chatting with people in the distance, others' actions have not escaped his eyes. He knows what everyone is thinking and doing.

What a terrible existence Mr. Wang is?!

It took Li luoran a long time to calm down. She looked at Wang Zimo anxiously. "Although shallow Chen is simple, he is very stubborn. He can't stand some bad atmosphere. Even if Zhan is not his idol, he can't tolerate Zhan being kicked out of the cast so unfairly."

Wang Zimo's eyes fell back to Li luoran's face from Feng Qianwei, "what about you? What do you think of it? "

Li luoran lowered his eyelashes. "As early as before I entered the performing arts circle, I heard that there were many rules in this circle that I couldn't see the sun. That's why I was very tangled when you asked me to make a film at the beginning. But after I entered your production group, I found that this production group was very different. It was very clean. Every actor who entered the production group was your best choice, he said We don't need backstage. Everyone focuses on acting. There are no shallow rules I've heard of in this group. You're very different. You're as clean as this group. "



Wang Zimo likes Li luoran very much and uses this word to describe him.

"But it refreshes my understanding of you."

Li luoran fiddled with her fingers at a loss,

"I didn't expect that you would be so unfair to the actors you personally selected under the pressure of investors. Now the whole drama group is questioning you. When sister Qin told me that this investor would destroy the whole movie, I was still skeptical. Now I completely believe it."

Wang Zimo nodded, his eyes lost focus, "although he has never made a play, I think he will play better than Zhan Wangbei."


Will a person who has never made a play perform better than Mr. Zhan Wangbei?

Do you want to flatter that investor like this?

Even if you want to flatter others, you should say these words in front of him, let him hear it?!

Li luoran looks down at Wang Zimo.

“……” Wang Zimo's mouth lightly hooked, "do you know? This man has a big shelf. In the past, many troupes paid him a lot of money to show his face in their plays, but he was mercilessly rejected. Now, we should all be glad that he would come to our troupe to play male No. 3. "

Why is Li luoran more and more unable to understand?

Even if the big stars don't want to ask any drama crew to show his face? What face is so valuable?!

Wang Zimo saw what she was thinking from Li luoran's eyes. He said with a smile, "if you have any questions, please wait for him to come and ask him personally."

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Wang Zimo turned and left.


Li luoran quickly stopped him,

"he decided to rebel when the investor came. What would you do then?"

Wang Zimo looks back and smiles, "he doesn't dare."

Li luoran said, "there is no such thing in the world that the goods dare not do."Hope son Mo meaningful squeeze an eye, "this time, I lend him ten courage, he also dare not."

With that, he left calmly.

Li luoran was still uneasy.

The more powerful people are, the more conceited they are. Li luoran fully understands Wang Zimo's self-confidence, but Wang Zimo really underestimates Feng Qianyi. I'm afraid this "rebellion" is inevitable


the whole crew has been busy for a whole hour.

The whole shooting base is totally new.

About half an hour later, Wang Zimo received a phone call, and he immediately asked the important actors and staff of the crew to gather outside the palace gate.

At the moment, about fifty people stood neatly outside the grand palace gate.

Wang Zimo stands in the center of the front row, Li luoran, Feng Qianyi, Shu Xinshuang and Lu Wanyue stand on his right hand, director Song Yi, Qin Weijie and another important person in charge stand on his left hand, and more than 40 other people stand in the back row.

When the golden Weihang came slowly, everyone except wangzimo looked straight -


This is the famous special edition of Weihang in the luxury car magazine. The frame of the whole car is made of pure gold, and even the wheels are made of pure gold. It is said that every kilometer the car travels, the gold value consumed by grinding is more than 100000 US dollars.

What's more shocking is that vehicles are not allowed to enter the shooting base. Even Wang Zimo, the chief boss of the film crew, always parks his car in the parking lot outside the base and walks in on foot, but this golden car actually comes in so openly.

"Special! It must not be a good bird to show off so much wealth. "

A look of dislike of the wind shallow, has been ready to wait for the investor out of the car and he showdown.


The golden door bounces open automatically.

A foot step out of the car, and then a straight long leg, judging from this, the man's body should be very good.

The wind rolled up her sleeves and stepped forward, her ice blue eyes full of hostility.

However, when the man got out of the car and his handsome face was completely reflected in Feng qianshe's eyes, Feng qianshe suddenly looked like she had been fed a mouthful of Xiang, and her expression twisted sharply, "special, is there any mistake, godfather?"

Shu Xinshuang and Lu Wanyue are also confused.

Li luoran couldn't believe his eyes.

Lu Shaochen!

Why him?!

"God, it's Xiao Qian's painting! What the hell

"Scared the baby to death! Xiao Qianhua is the boss behind the scenes of the sequel to the imperial concubine of the golden age. A few days ago, our crew announced that they were against him. Why did he come to our crew to play male number three

"For Ranran, he is Ranran's husband now."

"You know, don't beep. He's not Xiao Qian's painting."

"Ah?! Who is he? "

"Didn't you read the grapevine? On the wedding day of Ranran and Xiao Qianhua, another super big man's wedding was held in zhijinfang. He was the groom in that wedding. "

"My God, he's legendary Mr. Lu

The crowd was restless.

Lu Shaochen came to Fengqian in people's strange eyes, "listen to Zimo say that someone wants to rebel and impeach me? Is that the case

“……” Feng Qianji swallowed his saliva, then forced out a smile,

"ha ha, godfather, what are you saying? It's too late for me to welcome you. How can I impeach you? "

Busy holding Lu Shaochen's hand, "ha ha, godfather, welcome, warm welcome, Hello! What's the matter with you? Don't you welcome Mr. Lu? "

Let go of Lu Shaochen's hand and take the lead in clapping enthusiastically.

Others applauded.

Shu Xin shook her head.

Wang Zimo is secretive and looks at Li luoran, "how about it?"

Li luoran shrugged.

All right!

It's not conceited.

If he had known that Lu Shaochen was the replacement of Zhan Wangbei, Li luoran would have believed that he had ten courage to lend fengqianhe, and he would never dare to rebel!

After the applause stopped, Wang Zimo introduced Lu Shaochen.

What Wang Zimo said is very simple.

It didn't say that Lu Shaochen was the chief executive of more than a dozen big companies or how rich he was, but simply said, "Lu Shaochen, Xiaomeng is a new one. From now on, he will be a member of our crew. I hope you will take care of him."

Everyone knows it.

Who in Jiangcheng does not know the name of Lu Shaochen?

Although Lu Shaochen is famous, he is very low-key. He never appears in public, so he is passed on like a legend. Few people have seen his true face.

As usual when new people join the cast, Wang Zimo will arrange an audition for Lu Shaochen.

When Lu Shaochen and song wangzi decided to choose a new director, it was different.No one complained any more.

At the moment when Lu Shaochen appeared, people who were dissatisfied with wangzimo immediately fell into peace.

In the past few years, many troupes wanted to invite Lu Shaochen to be a guest. Some even offered him a sky high price of 50 million yuan per second for his appearance. Some of the top three interview shows in China paid him a lot of money to participate in the interview, but Lu Shaochen resolutely refused.

Lu Shaochen will become the focus of attention no matter he participates in any film or program. His role as No.3 in the sequel of "the queen of demons" will make the film's influence unprecedented!

How many troupes can't ask for it, OK?!

Who can complain?

Lu Shaochen chose a play against Li luoran.

It's a kiss scene, to be exact.

Lu Shaochen recites his lines at an amazing speed. Li luoran has just changed into an ancient costume. Lu Shaochen has already recited his lines.

At night.

Li luoran plays Hua Moli. Standing in the desert, a group of people are mighty, and countless torches, like a long dragon, are pressing closer and closer to her.

Lu Shaochen plays Biluo standing opposite her, "now you have only one choice, kill me, take my body to the emperor, tell him that I forced you away, or you will die."

A bright dagger enters Hua Moli's arms step by step, and the ruby inlaid on the pure gold handle glows in the starlight.

Hua Moli didn't pick up. She looked at Biluo's dreamy face in the bright white moonlight,

"you are so kind as to save me. If I kill you instead, what's the difference between revenge and kindness? The pursuers haven't arrived yet. It's still time for you to get on your horse and run away alone. "

Blue ice soul like black eyes swept a trace of emotion, "since you escaped from the Imperial City, the Emperor himself went out of the city to catch you, very hard to catch you back, you promised not to take the initiative to escape, if he knew you voluntarily and I escaped, you will never have a good end."

Flower Mo from the lips, clear water in the eyes of a firm, "I know, I'm just right and wrong, I never thought to stay in the palace forever, I eventually want to escape."

The pursuit is getting closer.

Flower Mo leave light hand push away blue fall, turn round to face to pursue troops to walk.

Lu Shaochen looked at her thin figure in the cool light, "after you are caught back, I firmly believe that I forcibly robbed you. Maybe the emperor will exempt you from punishment."

Hua Mo Li looks back,

"you and I never know each other, why did you take the risk to save me?"

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