You,Under My Name

Chapter 402: 402

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"I understand your intention. You think that if we continue to fight, we will lose each other." Lu Shaochen put his hands on the steering wheel and looked at Xiao Qian's painting outside the car coldly,

"some revenge can not be avenged, some revenge must be avenged! At the beginning, Xiao Qianhua poisoned you and Mingyue in order to break us up. Now, he has played a graceful attention. The people he moved are the most important people in my life. If I don't pay him back, if I don't let him remember this lesson, he will think I'm Lu Shaochen's bully. Next time, he will hurt who I care about? "

All right!

It seems that Lu Shaochen is determined to avenge Lu Wanyue.

Li luoran knew that even she could not change what Lu Shaochen was determined to do. All she could do was ask, "well, how do you decide to revenge Xiao Qianhua?"

"I think..." Lu Shaochen said half of what he said, but because he was worried, he took it back. He just looked at Xiao Qianhua and Xiao Qianying outside the car and said,

"you will know the answer soon."

Li luoran still wants to ask.

Lu Shaochen interrupted her, "I'm not going to the cast today, but if you want me to send you, I can send you myself now."


To put it bluntly, I don't want to ask Li luoran to get off the bus? Need to be so euphemistic?

"Ha ha..." Li luoran did not smile,

"thank you! However, I don't need to trouble Mr. Lu's driver. I can drive myself. "

Lu Shaochen hooked his lips and said, "well."

Li luoran shook his head and got out of the car in a hurry.

At this time, Xiao Qianying was still supporting Xiao Qianying and standing under the steps. His nosebleed had stopped. Although Lu Shaochen's fistprint was left on his face, it was still beautiful.

Li luoran glanced at Xiao Qianhua lightly, but he didn't talk to him. He turned and walked to his parking place.

"What did you say to Lu Shaochen?" Xiao Qian quickly moved forward.

Li luoran stopped, but didn't turn around. Her thin figure turned her back to Xiao Qianhua and said, "just chat."

Xiao Qian painted, "I saw you outside the car and he is very close, you seem to be hugging or kissing."

“……” I can't help dying.

She has been keeping a distance with Lu Shaochen, OK?

With which eye did Xiao Qian see Lu Shaochen and him embracing and kissing?

Li luoran turned his head and looked at Lu Shaochen's car. When he saw it, he immediately understood what it was - the window glass of Lu Shaochen's car had been treated with anti peep coating. Although the people in the car could clearly see everything outside, the people outside could not see the scene in the car at all.

Therefore, Xiao Qian just guessed that Li luoran and Lu Shaochen were very close in the car!

Li luoran disdained to explain, just said with a smile, "Xiao Qianhua, I told you very clearly as soon as I came back yesterday afternoon. It's none of your business what I do with Lu Shaochen."

Xiao Qianhua's expression was slightly puffed, "so, you are really with him..."

"What's true and false, what's false and true! You'd better take care of yourself first! " Li luoran forcefully interrupts Xiao Qianhua's voice and looks back haughtily,

"to be honest, I admire you. You carry the pot for the people you love, and you don't care what the consequences will be for yourself. This time, you completely angered Lu Shaochen. You can do it yourself!"

Fall this words, in Xiao Qian painting Zheng Leng eyes in the car.


Because he was delayed by Lu Shaochen and Xiao Qian's painting, Li luoran was nearly half an hour late.

When Li luoran arrived at the shooting base, the crew were gathering in the studio to shoot a match between wangzimo and fengqiantai. Li luoran stood quietly outside the circle, trying not to disturb anyone.

Lu Wanyue saw Li luoran early. She came to Li luoran quietly, "how did you come?"

Li luoran shrugged, "something unexpected happened."

Lu Wanyue is not good at keeping secrets. Therefore, Li luoran did not say that Lu Shaochen fought with Xiao Qianhua for Lu Wanyue.

"Well." Lu Wanyue grabs Li luoran's clothes,

"come here, I have something to ask you."

Seeing that Lu Wanyue's cheeks were red and her eyes were dodging, Li Luo noticed that she had something private, so she left the studio with Lu Wanyue and came to the "imperial palace" where there was no one around.

"That You said, "will I be pregnant?" Lu Wanyue lowered her head slightly.

"Poof That's it Li luoran couldn't help laughing,

"aren't you very open? I've never seen you blush when you talked about this topic before. Why are you pinching now? "

Lu Wanyue pursed her lips discontentedly, "you know what a fart! Before, I just said that I didn't really do it with anyone. Now it's really happened with Qian, of course it's different... "

All right!

It turns out that Lu Wanyue is cheap when she teases others. Once this kind of thing really falls on her, it will be different!

Li luoran said with a smile, "there are many factors that affect this kind of thing. First of all, it depends on whether you have taken protective measures.""Cut!" Lu Wanyue rolled her eyes,

"it's the first time for me and Qian Zhen to do this kind of thing. Who would take that kind of condom with him? What's more, when it happened so suddenly, what's the protective measures."

"Well." Li luoran nodded,

"then, did he have that In you... " Li luoran didn't know how to describe it.

Lu Wanyue was confused. "What's inside but not inside? Are you going in? Don't you talk nonsense?! If he doesn't go in, doesn't that mean we haven't done anything? "

"I don't mean that I mean, did he finally Cough! Cough! I mean, I don't know how to say it! You know that Liluoran's forehead exuded a thin layer of sweat.

"What can I understand when you talk like that?"

Lu Wanyue is more anxious than Li luoran,

"what's the matter with you! It's just the two of us here. I even ask you about such a secret. What can't you say to me? "

“……” Li luoran took a deep breath,

"didn't you do it three times that night? Men always end up like that It's like a fountain coming out Do you understand? "

Lu Wanyue, "shoot?"

"Cough, cough! That's it... " Li luoran raised her hand to wipe a cold sweat. A person of her character is really not suitable to talk about men, she continued,

"so, I mean, is there a word you said in qianshe In you? "

Lu Wanyue nodded.

Li luoran stretched out three fingers, "three times?"

Lu Wanyue blushed even more, "yes..."

Li luoran said, "have you ever calculated whether that day is your safety period?"

Lu Wanyue shook her head. "I don't think it's safe. That's why I asked you."

"Well, I see!" Li luoran immediately concluded,

"in this way, you have a very high probability of pregnancy."

"My God, his uncle!" Lu Wanyue stamped her feet in collapse,

"I don't want to have a baby the first time I experience this kind of thing, and I don't want to have an abortion! Feng Qianji has no conscience. Doesn't he have any common sense? He doesn't want to be responsible to me. Why is he in it? Is he trying to kill me? "

“……” Li luoran patted Lu Wanyue on the back,

"calm down! Calm down! I just said that you are very likely to be pregnant, but I didn't say that you will be pregnant. Do you know how many girls want to be pregnant and still can't? "

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At this point, Li luoran couldn't help thinking of herself.

A year ago, she had an abortion due to an accident. Although the physical examination showed that her reproductive function was normal, Lu Shaochen, who wanted to have a child, always worked hard for her in the following year, but she never won the prize.

Li luoran quickly pulled his mind back to reality and continued,

"in fact, I think it's a good thing if you are pregnant with a weak child. In that case, you only need to use this child to tie him tightly, and he will never escape."

“……” Lu Wanyue's eyes brightened.

Why didn't she think of this operation before?

Li luoran found that after the rain and the wind, Lu Wanyue's attention focused on Feng qianshe. Maybe Lu Wanyue never thought that the three masked people had hurt her. Although Lu Wanyue also knew that the three masked people were ordered by Jin Xintong, Lu Wanyue never mentioned that she wanted to revenge Jin Xintong.

Of course, Li luoran would not stir up the flames and mention this topic with Lu Wanyue.

According to Li luoran's mind, she sincerely hopes that this matter will stop here.

However, in this matter, Li luoran is just an outsider after all.

This is the enmity between Lu Shaochen, Xiao Qianhua, Jin Xintong and Lu Wanyue. They are the people who lead the future of this matter. This matter is not controlled by Li luoran at all.

The time of the day passes quickly.

Because Lu Wanyue sticks to Li luoran all the time, and Feng qianshe is hiding from Li luoran. Therefore, Feng qianshe doesn't get close to Li luoran. After the scene is over, Lu Wanyue drives away and Li luoran gets on the car. She is starting the car. Feng qianshe doesn't know where she is coming from. She opens her door and gets into the seat behind her.

"Tell me, are you still my friend?"

The first sentence of the wind is to ask.

Li luoran was very surprised.

It's not because Feng Qianji asked, but because of her expression and tone. It's rare for Li luoran that Feng Qianji was so serious.

"Of course." Li luoran smiles.

"Well, today I'll have a few words with you as a friend!" "I don't like Lu Wanyue, and she and I will never have a result. If you still treat me as a friend, don't pit me with her. Otherwise, I will break up with you!"

Li luoran was stunned. In the next second, he was staring at the dignified face of the wind and began to laugh,"Ha ha, shallow, you don't want to tease me, just tease me. There's no need to pretend to be so serious. Let's put on such a bad face to make fun of it. Ha ha ha, seriously, you're not suitable for a straight face. Your appearance is not like your style at all. Darling, don't tease me, just laugh..."

The right hand kneaded the soft, hairy blonde hair of the wind.

However, Feng's serious expression didn't ease, but her eyes were colder and more dignified.

Li luoran was really frightened by the appearance of Feng qianshe. She trembled slightly. It was at this moment that she suddenly realized that Feng qianshe didn't mean to joke with her.


Li luoran recalled the time when he was with Feng qianshe. Feng qianshe always had a playful face with her. No matter how angry she was, Li luoran could easily muddle through by putting a smiling face in front of him, so that Li luoran felt that Feng qianshe had no temper. Even this time, Feng qianshe really lost her temper, and she mistakenly thought that Feng qianshe was teasing her 。

What Li luoran doesn't know is that Feng qianshe is not without temper, but she is never willing to be angry with her.

This time, Li luoran completely touched the bottom line of the wind.

"I said, I will wait for you all my life. When you are my lucky, I am grateful to God. If I can't wait for you, it's my life, and I'm willing to accept it This is not a joke, but a principle I will stick to all my life. You are the only girl who walks into my heart and the only girl I really love. I don't mind if you treat me as a friend, but I will never allow you to be my matchmaker and push me to other women. This is my bottom line! "

Looking at Li luoran for a moment, the wind can't help holding her face,

"girl, maybe in your eyes, my love for you is very humble, but you know, as long as I can love you well, I'd rather be humble."

Then he opened the door and got out of the car.


The door was pushed open and closed.

The figure of fengqianshe gradually goes away. In a twinkling of an eye, there is only the empty seat left in front of Li luoran's eyes. Fengqianshe's hand has already moved away from her face, but his warmth still remains on her face. His words seem to reverberate in her ears. She seems to turn into a sculpture and lie on the seat like this. She can't think of what to do next.

A moment, tears suddenly pour.


On the way home, Li luoran kept thinking about the wind.

As a matter of fact, Li luoran never ignored the wind.

The position of Feng Qian in Li luoran's heart is far more important than that of ordinary friends.

But Li luoran has never associated fengqianshe with "lovers". Li luoran tends to classify fengqianshe as "relatives". It can also be said that Li luoran treats fengqianshe as his brother. Therefore, even in many cases, it is unnecessary to avoid the suspicion of men and women with fengqianshe, just like Lu Shaochen to Lu Wanyue.

Li Wanyue thought that her life would be better if she could put her love together.

Li luoran didn't expect that Feng qianzhen's obsession with her was so deep that it didn't help that she wanted Feng qianzhen to put down her love for her time and again

Li luoran returned to Jiangnan.

Put the car into garage 36. As soon as the front foot came out of the garage, he saw a red Lamborghini coming out of the nearby garage 37. The driver in the car immediately stepped on the brake when he saw Li luoran.

The car stops. A moment later, Jin Xintong in a white dress comes down from the car.

Looking at Jin Xintong, Li luoran has such a momentary absence.

Jinxintong is too beautiful. It's hard for such a woman not to be noticeable. Today, she is wearing a dazzling white skirt, which is decorated with hundreds of broken diamonds. She is bathed in the afternoon sunset with crystal shoes, shining and beautiful.

"What a coincidence! I thought that I would not see you today. I didn't expect that you would come back as soon as I was leaving, and even the parking garage was so close to me. Li luoran, is this our destiny? "

While speaking, Jin Xintong is getting closer to Li luoran.

Li luoran said, "you and Xiao Qianhua have just had an accident, and now you come to his home alone to find him. Aren't you afraid that Lu Shaochen doubts you?"

"Shaochen won't doubt me."

Jin Xin Tong confidently raised the beautiful face,

"Shao Chen arranged Alan in your home, one is to protect the moon, and the second is to arrange Alan to your family eye. Alan certainly will tell me the news of my coming here today, but I am looking at my son's cover. I think my son is wrong." What would Shaochen doubt about me? "

Li luoran was speechless.

"Alas! It's good to have a man who loves him with all his heart. This time, although I didn't ask Qianhua to help me to answer the blame, he took the initiative to recite all my black pot and said my good words to Shaochen. Now I cherish him more and more. " Jin Xintong's tone is lazy, like showing off.

Li Luo said with a smile, "if you really cherish him, you should not harm him.""Ah?" Jin Xintong pretends to be surprised, "what did I do to him?"

Li luoran said bluntly, "for you, Xiao Qianhua takes all the responsibility on himself. Lu Shaochen believes that he did harm to Lu Wanyue, and Lu Shaochen will certainly retaliate against Xiao Qianhua."

Jin Xintong is slightly stunned, and then laughs pointlessly, "Shaochen, Mingyue and you are still poisoned. How dare Shaochen revenge Qianhua? He just talks about it."

"Is it?"

Li luoran sneered,

"you don't know Lu Shaochen well. If he says that, just say it? When didn't he do what he said? "

“……” Jin Xintong felt uneasy, but on the surface she didn't care about it.

"I can't help it when things go like this. In other words, even if Shaochen really wants to revenge Qianhua, what can he do to him? Let's go one step and say one step. "

With that, he turned and walked back.

"Well, you can't help it. You really don't care about yourself, ha..." Li luoran looks at Jin Xintong's elegant figure sarcastically, and she thinks of Bai Qingwan. At the beginning, Bai Qingwan always wore a trademark white pearl skirt, like a pure white lotus. It's also such a skirt. Wearing Jin Xintong is another elegant and elegant style.

"don't say that you have done too much to Lu Wanyue, with your mind, you can't miss it When you come to xiaoqianhua, you will carry the pot for you afterwards. As you know, Lu Wanyue loves her so much that she will retaliate against xiaoqianhua. That's tantamount to hatred for xiaoqianhua and Lu Shaochen. "

"Yes, I have."

Jin Xintong is outspoken. The next second, she turns sarcastically,

"but I just want to revenge Lu Wanyue. Even if I hate Xiao Qianhua and Lu Shaochen, it's between me and them. Does it have anything to do with you?"

Li luoran just thought this was ridiculous, "Xiao Qianhua is my husband now, Lu Shaochen is my son's biological father, how can it have nothing to do with me?"

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