Yu XinYue

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 Part 1

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In the outer range of the dark forest, a group of young people clad in red robes full of injuries were fighting with a Qi Gathering stage level 8 demon beast. The demon beast’s body was as big as a boulder that was covered with black spikes. Its four limbs were thick and strong like a house pillar, while its claws were sharper than a blade.

With a head covered in long fur, the demon beast roared before spitting out a black liquid towards one of the young people. 


With that shout, the group of those young people moved towards a different direction, dodging the black liquid. The moment the black liquid touched the ground, a sizzling sound was heard while a rotten smell floated in the air. The black liquid was a poison attack, one of the horn leopard skills.

Looking at those annoying flies that managed to dodge its attack, the horn leopard leapt towards a girl with the lowest cultivation. Caught off guard by the sudden move made by the horn leopard, that girl was stunned and rooted to her place without moving.

The horn leopard raises its right front paw and aims towards the girl’s head with its sharp glistening claws. If this attack landed on that girl, it would leave her with half of her life if not cut off her head instantly.

“ShiMei!” A young man rushed towards the girl and covered her body with his own while his back facing the horn leopard’s claw. 


Before the horn leopard’s claw touched that young man’s back, it landed on a transparent golden shield. The young man and the girl’s body flew from the impact and landed on the ground a hundred meter away from the horn leopard with a loud thud. 

Cough! The young man coughed a mouthful of blood from the impact, while the girl was unconscious. 

Roarrr!! The horn leopard let out an angry roar when its attack missed. 

Not letting the prey catch their breath, the horn leopard’s body shook and its mouth bulged. The group of the young peoples looked at the horn leopard preparing its attack with eyes widened full with horror. 

Their bodies shook while their faces ashen. They will die here. Even their ShiXiong with the highest cultivation amongst them couldn’t win against the horn leopard. If they knew that they would end up in this situation, they wouldn’t accept this mission even though the rewards were tempting. 

A few seconds felt like forever passed before the horn leopard was ready with its attack. A split second before the horn leopard opened its mouth and threw the poisonous liquid, lightning fell from the sky and hit the horn leopard’s head directly.

Crack! Boom!

The ground shook from the lightning’s impact and the horn leopard roared with pain. The poisonous liquid attack failed and ended up hurting the horn leopard itself, while the lightning strike dealt a heavy damage to the horn leopard.

Before the horn leopard recovered from the lightning strike, a flash of young man clad in white robes passed in front of the injured young man and the unconcious girl. Holding onto a longsword, the young man in white robe thrust his sword towards the center of the horn leopard’s eyebrows.

The longsword glows with blue color while the crackling of thunder is heard from it before the longsword stabs into the horn leopard easily.


The horn leopard’s eyes filled with hatred and indignation before it slowly dimmed and the horn leopard’s body fell to the ground with a loud sound.

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The young man pulled his longsword with a smooth movement and placed it back into the scabbard. Turning around, the young man’s sharp eyes looked at the group of people before he opened his lips and said with a stern tone, “What are Qi Gathering disciples doing in this place? Didn't you know that this place was near the middle layer of the dark forest?”

The injured young man stood up while holding onto his chest and walked towards the young man in white robe. “Thank you ShiXiong for saving our lives. This is our fault for taking a mission above our abilities.” The injured young man said with cupped fist while bowing.

“Thank you ShiXiong for saving our lives.” The rest of the group said with cupped fist while bowing. Their faces were filled with gratitude and relief. 

“Go back and treat the injured.” The young man in white robes said without any emotions.

“Yes, ShiXiong.” The group of people in red robes were leaving the place while supporting each other. 

“Wait. Take back your items.” The young man in white said while pointing at the horn leopard’s body.

Those people were stunned when they heard it. Usually, the loot goes to whoever kills the demon beast. They never thought that Liu ShiXiong would let them take the loot.

Looking at those ShiDi and ShiMei dumbfounded faces, Liu Feng turned around and walked into the middle layer of the dark forest, not caring about them anymore.

“Thank you, ShiXiong.”


Yu XinYue finally reached the place with lesser trees and vegetation. Looks like she almost reached the border of this forest. Looking at the moss growing on the tree, she nodded. She walked in the right direction. Spending her time hiking and camping with her colleague was not without any merit. At least she could pick up a few survival skills from her colleague.

She picked a lot of medicinal herbs that she knew along the way and those weird looking plants and herbs before keeping it in her space. This is her occupational disease, every time she saw medicinal plants or herbs, she couldn’t help but gather it.

This habit was starting since she learned medical knowledge from her master and worsened when she was going to college. Her master was a grandmaster acknowledged by the international foundation as one of the best in eastern medical knowledge.

Learning for more than ten years, she finally mastered her master’s skills and knowledge. Unfortunately she died before she could send her research journal to her master. Letting out a long sigh, she threw her regret in her heart to the back of her mind. Since she doesn’t know if she could go back to her world or not, it’s better to stop thinking about it for now.

Yu XinYue walked for another two hours before she finally saw a dirt road that appeared because it was trampled by people. Her steps become lighter when her mood is lifted. Forgetting about the black figure from yesterday, she hummed tones while walking on the dirt road.



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