A Deity’s Journey

Chapter 4: Chapter 1.2

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The stranger approached me and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Like a wolf just bit me. I've got holes in my arm right now."

The stranger sighed and said, "You’re lucky. I just happened to be walking by this area. Kids shouldn’t be in the tower."

I trained my eyes on him, and the first thing I noticed was his pointy ears.

An elf? Am I dreaming? I have never seen one of those before.

"For the last time. I am not a kid. "

"Well, judging by your situation, you’re not a man either."

I slowly got myself to my feet and replied, "Are all elves this rude?"

Keeping quiet, the person poured a green liquid like substance on my wounds and then placed it on the floor besides him.

The stranger then wrapped white bandages around my injured arm while saying, "That’s high elf to you and some of us are."

I grunted in pain as he tightened the bandages.

"What’s the difference?" If you don’t mind me asking, this is just my first time encountering a high elf or any elf in general."

"There are two different types of elves: the high elf and the dark elf. We have access to the Great Alder Tree while the dark elves don’t. Consider us descendants of one of the many deities."

I looked at my freshly wrapped arm and replied, "Thank you for the assist and what’s your name?"

The stranger fixed his wooden bow on his back and said, "It’s Draven Vidella."

Hmm, a high elf named Draven. How interesting.

I would say Draven is roughly 5’10, average build, with long jet-black hair, which he kept in a ponytail, and blue eyes. His skin is pale, and around his neck hangs a necklace with a tree symbol on it.

Draven stretched out his right hand to shake mine while I replied, "It’s Dante Fullbringer."

"Well Dante, it’s a pleasure to meet you even though you were almost basically wolf chow."

"I think my punches were wearing the wolf down."

Draven laughed and replied, "Were you planning on punching the other wolves as well?"

I squinted my eyes at him, "I didn’t know you only assisted me just so you could poke fun at my expense. If that’s the case, then throw me back to the wolves, literally."

"I didn’t know humans were so sensitive."

"High elves are just annoying."

"If my younger sister Emra heard that, she'd probably blow a fuse," Draven slapped his leg and laughed again. She isn’t the fondest of humans. "

I leaned my back against a tree and asked, "What’s a high elf even doing here, of all places? Do you seek a path to riches or Godhood as well?"

I just figured that it would be good experience and training. Why are you here? Are you seeking Godhood? "

"That’s the only reason why someone like me would be drawn to this place. Becoming a God is the only path to my goal."

Draven looked around the area and replied, "I see humans are still obsessed with that goal. Ever since the towers started appearing and the

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first one was captured by Gatlin the Great, turning into something peak human, everyone has sought after that power. "

"Gatlin the Great? If that rumor is true about him still being alive, then it would make him at least 107 years old."

Draven flashed a smile and replied, "I would know it’s true because I witnessed his greatness. After all, I am 200 years old."

I choked on my own saliva when I heard that, then shuttered out, "T-two hun-dred years old?"

"Yes, high elves, and just elves in general, have a very long-life span."

After coughing a few times, I replied, "You’re basically two elderly people combined."

A howl filled the air as Draven was about to reply. The wolves are back.

"Ok, Dante, this is where we make a break for it in the opposite direction."

I broke out into a full sprint, "You don’t have to tell me twice."

Draven easily caught up to me even though I had a head start, as he turned his head to face me. I saw a smug look on his face.

I complained, "The only reason you caught up to me is due to the fact that you had 200 years to train, and I am only 18."

“Only 18? My little sister can easily keep up with me and she’s only 19.”

I jumped into the air to avoid a tree root while still running and said, "Only 19? I'm not sure how you elves reproduce."

Draven did the same and replied, "Like any human would. By the way, if you're thinking about reproducing with my little sister, I’ll pierce your scrotum with one of my arrows."

A deadpan expression crept up on my face, "I don’t even know what she looks like."

The sounds of howling were getting closer; it was like they were surrounding us. Draven stopped dead in his tracks and pulled his bow.

He pointed it upwards, then released the arrow.

"Multiple and Scatter."

As the arrow reached a certain height in the air, it split into roughly 300 arrows and flew downwards into the surrounding areas at full speed. There was a lot of whimpering as the wolves who were hidden while stalking us got pierced by the arrows.

"That should keep them off our trails for now."

I observed the bow and asked, "Do you perform magic?"

Draven fixed the bow on his back and said, "All elves possess the ability to perform magic. Did you not know that?"

In a sarcastic tone of voice, "Well yes, obviously that's why I asked."

"I am surprised that humans don't teach their own about the history of why only certain races can use magic."

Well, magic isn't a big topic among us, if I think about it. Magic can only be used by those of certain bloodlines or those who capture towers.

That's what I heard anyway.

I looked up at the artificial light source that was starting to set and said, "I think you should give me a history lesson a little bit later." "The whatever it's called is about to call out for the day."

Draven replied, "I believe it's called an artificial sun and it was a gift from the Deity known as Helios." All the towers have the exact same light source. Also, you can correct, we should set up camp soon."

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