A lost soul’s experience

A lost soul’s experience

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A lost soul’s experience

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When one dies, what do you think will happen? Many people have different answers to this. Some say one will go to different places based on their actions when they lived. Some say that you will reincarnate into a new lifeform based on how you treated others. Generally, in the world one lived in, if they hoed such beliefs, they will be granted passage to the cycle of reincarnation and be placed in another as a sentient being, an animal, and even inanimate an object. But what happens to a mind when it believes in nothing? It holds a sense of morals and decency, but harbors no ideas of afterlife, choosing to think only of a dark abyss with no continuation, what happens then? We shall see it through the lens of one such soul's happenings when they've departed from the realm of the living.

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