Game of Appearances

Game of Appearances

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Game of Appearances

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After a momentary inspiration, while watching a teen movie of dubious quality, a group of friends come up with the idea of putting the premise of that story into practice. That is, betting that with the power of love one of them could be able to cajole the asocial nerd on duty.
The one chosen for this mission is Leyre, a popular girl that doesn't seem to have any difficulty making friends and who lends herself to this pantomime without giving the matter too much thought.
Now, what if neither romance nor gambling money is Leyre's primary motivation? What if, far from trying to seduce her target, her plan begins by teaming up with the nerd to swindle her friends out of money?
Though, of course, when it comes to playing the motivation game, she might not be the only one with a hidden agenda...

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