He Retired As The Hero And Became The Slothful Dungeon Core

He Retired As The Hero And Became The Slothful Dungeon Core

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He Retired As The Hero And Became The Slothful Dungeon Core

Review: 7.9/10 from 12 ratings

The arguably funny version of the main story that takes a more serious approach to the narrative.

The Gullible Narrator: “Ah, hello there, welcome to the incredible and immensely satisfying story of Johann Winchester, narrated by none other than me, The Newbie Narrator.

Read eagerly as he travels the Seven Realms of Azerta to fulfil his destiny as The Hero.

Watch with unparalleled eye drying focus as he slays chaotic evils long thought dead and… Excuse me? What do you mean he’s retired? That can’t be right…

See! right here my agent says that this is the… Epilogue… to that incredible story…
Oh dear…

Well!! Do not fear my eager viewers, for a Hero of Johann’s calibre, I am certain that his retirement will fill that unending thirst for reading material, the one that keeps your bedside light on all night long and your parents wallets filled to the brim with dust and sorrow!

Now, join me as Johann becomes the greatest retired Hero of all time in the… well that’s strange, why is the title blank on my contract? No matter! We shall now embark on this exciting story together!”

Meanwhile… Gabriella Diamond, the notoriously, I mean famously wonderful agent of our talented Newbie Narrator, sits innocently opposite the author whilst he quietly passes her an envelope filled with naught but rainbows and sunshine as they share a completely innocent smile.


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