Terraria: The End of Makers of Calamity

Terraria: The End of Makers of Calamity

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Terraria: The End of Makers of Calamity

Review: 8.7/10 from 14 ratings

Two young men from different earths were sent to the world of modded Terraria.

One was sent to be the player, the other, the guide. They would have to survive in a world filled with monsters and gods.

Could they survive til the end, and if they do, what's next? Would they find a way to leave this world or would they stay, choosing not to leave anything behind?
This story is made for fun, don't expect much of a 'plot' since this is an idea that I just had come up with.
I'm using this story as a test run and practice for my writing ability so any criticism is accepted.
Any mistake I got wrong please let me know I attempt to fix it if it's something minor.
Any mistake about the Terraria mods or people personalities I may get wrong think as if it is an AU.
I will try to finish this story [unless you guys absolutely hate it (╥_╥) ]
and my grammar is bad.

1-2 chapter per week(or not if I'm busy)

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