The Tower of Sin Campaign (D&D)

The Tower of Sin Campaign (D&D)

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Genre :

Action, Adventure, LitRPG



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The Tower of Sin Campaign (D&D)

Review: 9.3/10 from 6 ratings

Long ago, there was once a man who looked up at the heavens. He saw that it was beautiful, but it was so far away. So he devised a plan, to reach the home of the gods and become one of them.

He began to build a tower. Each floor he created were so vast, it became entire worlds of their own. He continued for one thousand more.

No one so far has surpassed the 940th floor, for it is when the players then challenge the floor masters themselves.

Curious creatures they are, taking shape in so many forms with so many personalities. One that all know, is known as the Tower Master, the floor master of floor zero, which is the Tutorial floor.

Floor master themselves govern the floors they take care of. Many think they were Climbers who predate the creation of the System, before the Architect disappeared. Others think they were placed by the Architect himself to protect his creations.

Nonetheless, the Tower of Sin, which no one seems to know where it got that name, connects many worlds. It pierces worlds and universes, bringing all toward a single path, towards the heavens.
A plot heavy system homebrew D&D campaign
Chapters will be released after each (private) session. The system (pertaining to the game elements) is homebrew.

Chapter List


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