Very Lucky?

Chapter 18: 18. I’m more of a dog person.

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The start of the school year was finally here, and Weiqi was nervous and excited as he plucked at the cuff of his jacket.

Shi Huizhong accompanied Weiqi on his way to school and looked at him with pride. The school uniform was handsomely tailored and fit the slender boy well.

Weiqi wore a grey button-down shirt that set off his eyes and donned a lightweight, navy-black, single-breasted jacket with gold edges. The symbol for his department was embroidered in gold on his arm and the back of the jacket.

All the school uniforms were the same except for the symbols representing each department. Weiqi, as a student of the Talisman and Formations department, had a gold talisman as his symbol.

One star underneath the symbol denoted his identity as a first year.

Weiqi adjusted the lapels of his jacket, and he thought it too elaborate.

After he registered for school, he saw the tuition and had a small heart attack. He was thankful yet again for the money given to him by King Yama and vowed to work hard and pay them back.

The school was very prestigious, and the dress code was strictly enforced. He thought the uniform sure matched the extravagant school.

As they arrived in front of the school, Weiqi looked around in wonder. It looked like a typical school scene, with students clustered in groups excitedly talking about their vacation.

"Master Shi, you are also accompanying your young one?" came a voice from behind, and both Weiqi and Huizhong turned around.

The newcomer was Old Man Dong from the convenience store, and next to him was a slightly plump young man with a round face, obsidian eyes, and a sunny smile.

"Old man Dong, you are here as well." Responded Shi Huizhong, and Weiqi bowed politely.

Weiqi recognized this old man as the convenience store owner.

"This is my grandson Hu Weiqi. He will be attending the Talismans and Formations department. "Shi Huizhong announced with pride.

He found that since he adopted Weiqi, his life got a little more pleasant. Having someone who shares some of your likes and enthusiasm makes the day much more enjoyable.

"Ah, what a happy coincidence. This is my Grandson Dong Bin. He is also enrolling in Talismans in Formations. Please look after this irresponsible grandson of mine." Old Man Dong said with a smile, and Dong Bin bowed respectfully, saying, "Please take care of me."

After a polite conversation, Weiqi bade his grandfather goodbye and went off with Dong Bin toward their department.

"Ah, finally. That Old man always nags" Dong Bin turned to Weiqi and smiled. "You can call me Fatty Bin, I only have average talent, but my grandfather pulled so many strings to get me in here. I don't think I can make it. I would really appreciate it if you could take care of me a little and not break this old man's heart."

Weiqi laughed. "You can call me Weiqi. I am learning Talismans for the first time, so I might not be able to take care of you very well. But I can help the best I can."

Dong Bin shook his head, he hoped he could hang on to a thigh, but it seemed like this little master was not that thigh.

But he is happy to make friends, so he continued with casual conversation about his summer vacation.

Slivers of sunlight sliced through the morning clouds, painting the path ahead a beautiful lemony-white color.

There were groups of students heading off in each direction, and the buzzing of conversation could be heard, enveloping the whole campus.

Weiqi and Fatty Bin headed in the direction of their department, cajoling and winding their way through the throng of students when suddenly, a group of people blocked the road ahead.

Weiqi looked up, recognizing Tao Fenhua and Feng Chunhua ahead of the group, and without missing a beat, he stepped to the side swiftly, avoiding them. As plump as he was, Dong Bin was surprisingly swift and followed him, chatting along.

A meeting with Tao Fenhua always turned into a soap opera, and it was too early in the morning to deal with such a fool, so Weiqi was just going to ignore him. But this young master Tao was fond of jumping around and couldn't stand still.

"Hu Weiqi, you thief. Stop right there." Tao Fenhua spat the words through gritted teeth. Frustration and disdain were wrapped up in a ball of fury.

Weiqi turns around with a calm look and sighs. "Fellow classmate. If you're sick, I suggest you go and find the Alchemy and Medicine department. They might have a cure for you." Then points to his arm. "I'm from the Talismans department. Unfortunately, I can't help you."

Stifled giggles could be heard, but no one dared to laugh out loud. This was young master Tao, and his overbearing reputation was widely known.

Some students looked pitifully at Hu Weiqi, thinking that this young boy sure must have a death wish to provoke the Tao family.

And yet, to everyone's surprise, Tao Fenhua clenched his fists and stomped away. Even Tao Fenhua's entourage was surprised, and Feng Chunhua shot an aggrieved look at Weiqi following along.

That situation spread quickly along the campus, and everyone was dying to know who this young man, whom even the Tao family did not dare offend, was.

Of course, the reason Tao Fenhua did not want to get entangled with Hu Weiqi was because of the Gao Legal Firm. Since the time at the police station, not only was he beaten until he couldn't move for a month. All his allowance was confiscated. The reason was that the Gao Legal Firm really pressed charges for slander and the Tao family had to pay a settlement.

Since the Tao family had no proof of theft, they could only swallow this down. And the person responsible for this whole mess ended up being Tao Fenhua. He lost the entire family's favor and hated Hu Weiqi.

That's why he couldn't help but want to splash him with muddy water and let everyone on campus know he was a thief, yet it was still him that was humiliated.

Dong Bin was still laughing. "Ah, Hu Weiqi. I have heard of young master Tao's arrogance, but I can't believe that our Weiqi is even more domineering. From now on, I will be your faithful little brother."

Dong Bin figured that if someone could be so high-handed with Tao Fenhua and the latter didn't react, this Hu Weiqi was not such a simple person. So regardless of whether he is smart or not, he can benefit from hugging this thigh.

Hu Weiqi just laughed and shook his head a this "little" brother that was twice his size.

The campus was designed very pleasingly, in line with the prestigious school.

The library is a big octagonal building in the center, surrounded by 8 buildings.

There are 7 school departments and one building for teachers.

The whole campus was designed like a giant Bagua compass, supposedly created by a very famous Feng Shui master.

Weiqi thought that the master sure knew what he was doing. Ever since entering the campus, the Qi was truly abundant, making his whole body comfortable and relaxed.

Weiqi and Dong Bin finally arrived at their classroom. There were 18 students, and it seemed like everyone in the class knew each other as all were deep in discussion.

Neither Weiqi nor Dong Bin wanted to interrupt, so they didn't introduce themselves and just sat in the two empty seats in the back.

"I hear that Tao Fenhua was so furious that he kicked one of his followers. The latter was aggrieved but could only swallow the complaint down." Weiqi heard one voice whisper.

"Who was the student that angered him? I can't believe he was untouched. What do you think is his background?" another voice piped in.

"I heard Tao Fenhua call that boy Hu Weiqi and accuse him of theft. But who could steal from Tao Fenhua without retaliation from the Tao family? That Hu Weiqi's background must be very powerful. Is he associated with the Ming family or the Zhang Family?" The first voice replied.

"It must be the Zhang family; they are the only ones who go head-to-head with the Tao Family without any consequences." A female voice was heard cut in.

Weiqi was smiling, thinking of the Gao family who restrained the Taos, but the Gao family was tied to the Zhang family, so that girl was partially correct.

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So while the whole class was eating melon, Dong Bin turned to Weiqi. "Ah, Brother Weiqi. It is the first day, and you are famous already. You are really too powerful."

And the powerful Weiqi just shook his head. He wanted to be famous for being a top student, this kind of fame, he really didn't want it, okay?

Suddenly there was a loud cough, and all the students turned to look at the classroom door.

A tall young man with almond-shaped eyes and a warm smile walked in. He wore the same uniform as them, but the extra stars denoted his identity as a senior.

Behind him, an old man in long robes and a stern mouth was observing the class. He then stroked his white beard slowly, and his eyes roamed over the students and paused slightly over Weiqi. Hostility flashed over his face quickly as though it was an illusion, then he continued observing the class.

 "Such rowdy first years," Disapproval laced his words.

 The young man moved forward, and a pleasant voice rang out, "Ok, everyone, settle down. My name is Hao Zihan, and I am the TA for this class. You can call me Senior Brother Hao." He then turned and respectfully continued.

"This is the Teacher for your Fundamental Talisman Defense class, Master Liu Muchen. You can address him as Master Liu or Professor Liu."

Master Liu strode to the front of the class and criticized.

"On your first day, instead of silently waiting for your Teacher, you are busy gossiping away like a couple of housewives. Was there no one to teach you manners at home?" Master Liu's gaze settled on Weiqi again with criticism.

Weiqi was surprised. He and Dong Bin were the only quiet ones in this class of buzzing bees. How did he attract anonymity?

"Welcome to the Fundamental Talisman Defense class. Master Liu is the top expert in Talisman Defense, and we are fortunate to have him teach at our Academy." Hao Zihan announced, then introduced this class and the campus to the students.

"This is your first class, and I hope we can all encourage each other and grow together. I always recommend visiting the library to all new students. The library has many rare books that can help advance your cultivation, and I recommend everyone take advantage of this. No Academy has the extensive library that we do. Other students would kill for the chance you have, so let's not waste this opportunity to learn and grow."

"Senior Brother Hao, what exactly is on the top two floors of the library?" A shy voice rang like a bell.

It was mentioned in the Student Handbook that the library has 8 floors, and the last two floors are restricted and can only be accessed with a special token. Not all teachers can access it if they do not have the token. The permission is given by the Dean, and only select teachers have it.

Hao Zihan shook his head and said cautioned. "You are all first years, and it is not time to learn those secrets yet. But do not try to enter those floors without the token, or else you will be severely harmed."

Then he winked at the girl and joked, hoping to lighten the serious mood. "Curiosity killed the cat. So, cherish cats and stay away from curiosity."

The whole class rang with pleasant laughter.

"I was always more of a dog person," Weiqi murmurs, low enough that even Fatty Bin barely heard it.

"Hu Weiqi, of course, it is you." Liu Muchen's cold voice was laced with displeasure.

"I was just looking for a volunteer, so why don't you come up front so we can demonstrate defensive talismans and formations. Let's check your foundation."

The warm atmosphere froze instantly with the pressure from Master Liu, and even Hao Zihan frowned in confusion.

Master Liu was always a bit strict, but this boy made a low comment that no one would hear unless they had advanced Qi. So other than himself and Master Liu, he doubted anyone else heard.

Also, this class did not have the introduction yet, so how did Professor Liu know the boy's name.

Of course, Liu Muchen knew Hu Weiqi. He is a good friend of the patriarch of the Tao family, Tao Haoran, and he heard the whole story from the patriarch himself.

Liu Muchen saw how his friend suffered from all the restless Qi and was quite disgruntled at the audacity of this boy, deciding to teach him a lesson.

Weiqi is unsure how he managed to irritate this old geezer but walked up front unperturbed.

His Grandpa Shi taught him a lot over the summer break, and he was very confident in his foundation. His talisman should have no trouble in this Fundamental class. He thinks he would do well even in an Intermediate course.

The students around gave Weiqi pitying looks, and Weiqi wanting to break this bleak atmosphere, said. "I volunteer as tribute."

Master Liu glares at him, and the whole class is quiet.

Weiqi is lamenting the lack of common ground. He thought he was funny. It's a shame no one else got the reference.

"Would the demonstration still be valid even if I have a defensive amulet? I cannot remove it." Weiqi announces.

He does not know how it will be judged, but when he mentioned it to his grandpa, the latter just said to reveal it in class so that it is not considered cheating.

"Ah, that actually is best. That way, this Teacher will not have to hold back and worry he will hurt you if your talisman fails." The friendly tone did not match the cold gaze of the Teacher.

Weiqi nodded and started drawing in the air. Little shimmery lines followed obediently along as if mesmerized by the movement of his finger.

The whole class was in awe, but Weiqi was concentrating on the talisman and did not pay attention.

As this was his first class, he didn't bring all the materials for writing talismans, and he didn't want this Teacher to nag at him some more. Over the break, he practiced with his grandpa writing talismans in the air with his Qi, which was very successful.

Master Liu watched through furrowed brows the flowing movement of this boy, and he admitted that Weiqi seemed to have some talent. But his anger was not yet calmed.

With this talent, he could be a good cultivator, the fact that he stooped to stealing made him disdain Weiqi and was more convinced to teach him a lesson.

Once Weiqi finished the talisman, Master Liu had already moved. An oppressive force swept up and hit the Talisman full force.

"Master Liu!" exclaimed Hao Zihan as he hurriedly tried to shield the rest of the students. If this is how oppressive the Qi was for them, he cannot imagine what Weiqi was suffering as the target of such an attack. What was wrong with Master Liu?

The talisman stood for 5 seconds, then cracks appeared in the air, and Weiqi widened his eyes. He could also feel the oppressive Qi and had trouble breathing. Was this Teacher crazy? Was the last thought that went through his head before the talisman broke.

A shattering sound rang out, closely followed by a pained groan, and the thud of a body hitting the floor ended this oppressive attack.

All was quiet in the classroom, and Hao Zihan clutched his chest with one hand and wiped the blood at his mouth with the other. He suffered some internal injuries from protecting the students in that last blast. He could not believe his eyes. What on earth was going on with Master Liu?

He quickly summoned the Healing department and cautiously approached the body on the ground, checking the Qi, hoping no one was dead.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he knew the school would have to be notified, but he didn't even know what sort of explanation to give. He himself was still confused about how such a big accident could happen on the first day of school.

Hao Zihan slowly approached the body on the ground and checked the Qi. He could determine that even though serious injuries were incurred, there was no life-threatening issue. He let out a relieved sigh and nudged the body, calling out, "Master Liu, Master Liu."

Weiqi was standing in the middle of a disaster zone. A small circle around him was intact, but the classroom was in shambles beyond that. Walls were cracked, and desks were turned over.

He patted his chest and softly whispered, "Thank You, Grandma Yue."

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