Obviously, It’s My Child

Obviously, It’s My Child

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Genre :

Fantasy, Romance



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Obviously, It’s My Child

Review: 7.8/10 from 18 ratings

She got hit by the reincarnation truck and was reborn as the eldest daughter of a Baron.

A harmonious family. A lovely little sister. A modest estate.

She planned to live on as an unemployed, freeloading moocher who would never work anymore for the rest of her life.

“How on earth did this happen?”

“You don’t remember?”

“I do. I mean, I just don’t know how exactly it got to this point.”

“…Look who’s talking.”

But she made a mistake with the Duke, who’s part of the three most prestigious families in the Empire.

Well, it’s fine. Things happen. A mistake could just be evened out—there’s nothing to lose.

However, her younger sister got caught up in something dangerous that very day.

“Everybody will die when it becomes known that I saw it. You have to run away, Sister.”

I didn’t run away because of you, got it?

* * *

“No matter how you look at it, he’s obviously my child. Do you think you can fool me by lying like that?”

“Are you saying that I raised my child as my younger sister’s child just to pretend I wasn’t pregnant?”

“I didn’t say that! I’m asking you to admit that he’s my child!”

Five years have passed since then, so isn’t it about time to just let bygones be bygones?

This is madness.

“Still, it’s not like my son is without any fault. Child support will be given just as it should. Come back to the countryside.”

The prospective mother-in-law holds out an envelope.

“I was very curious. Who was the one who took my light blue dress from the Duke’s room?”

The flower of society is talking nonsense.

“A union between Klausener and Aren is too dangerous.”

The Empress is hostile.

All I ever wished to do was to live quietly while making money. But perhaps I’ll have to kill them all to protect my kid.



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