Mystery Solver

Mystery Solver

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Mystery Solver

Review: 9.1/10 from 15 ratings

Arthur Fernandes gets transmigration to a different world. This new world is similar to his old world. In this new world, his dream is to become the best Mystery Solver. But, reality slapped at his face, when he found out that he didn't have that much talent in Mystery Solving. Facing this hard truth he was about to give up on his dream, but finally, his golden finger arrived. Now, with his golden finger, he wanted to be the best mystery solver. But, he didn't know that in this world, many mysteries are unknown to anyone and those mysteries were connected to the supernatural world. Now, with his golden finger, can he become the best mystery solver, even when he has to face the unknown supernatural world? Or does he has to give up on solving the mystery, facing this supernatural world?

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