Supreme Warlock: Oathbreaker

Supreme Warlock: Oathbreaker

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Supreme Warlock: Oathbreaker

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The silence of genesis that once blessed all beings, screamed as it betrayed its sole purpose.

The echo of destruction that was once suppressed into a thin string, now thickened and hold all beings tightly in the throes of death.

The oldened, once primordial heaven has long vanished. What was once the strongest beings in the universe, turned into a shell of its former state.

Lucas Aillard, the Count of Aillard house. Famed from his atrocities and evil deeds, he was known as a scum human and despicable demon. In his time of living, all beings wailed in helplessness.

All people — whether noble or peasant hated him to the deepest ends. However... in trepidation and fear over the power and authority he held, the only thing they could do was curse and despise him silently.

Perhaps the mighty Velsefar had heard their cries, in a day later after a riot of rebellious peasants in his domain, Lucas Aillard died from mysterious circumstances.

In some time later, Lucas woke up... this time in a different place. A place in where soulcraft, magical beings and nightmare beasts exist. Using all his experience and wits from his previous life, he would once again seek for the goal he had always wanted to achieve — Immortality.


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