Mister Demon Hunter

Mister Demon Hunter

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Mister Demon Hunter

Review: 8.6/10 from 7 ratings

This story depicts the life of our protagonist after he manages to leave Earth for another world.

Follow his adventures as he can finally be the person he always wanted to be but was unable to and had to hold back because of the morals, the advanced security and the legal system that Earth had to offer.

He is, from the start, a manipulator and cold person with almost no morals. But he can always go lower, and with the powers he can get from this medieval and fantasy-filled world, he is going to become a threat in the shadows, not known to the ordinary person but only to the highest authority there is while living a secret, 'normal' life.

He mostly enjoys being the wild card, an unknown entity, unknown when he will strike, one that enjoys playing a lot of tricks on their enemies, one that cannot have their moves read by anyone and he will help or destroy the plans of both the "good" or "bad" people just for the fun of it.

But that's not all for this story. There are still a lot of mysteries he has to uncover, one being his father's side of the family that managed to get to this world and also a particular deity that has taken an interest in our protagonist.


Side note from the author

This is the first book that I am trying to write. I have had this idea for a long time but didn't have the courage to write it.

English is not my first language, so if you notice any grammatical, punctuation or any other kind of mistake, please leave a comment.

The LitRPG tag is here because the world does have a system but not quite the same as other novels. The system here just gives small helper skills, and there are no levels, so you cannot get overpowered. The system itself is better explained inside the story, but again, there are only helper skills with some better skills garnered through hard work (and gods), so if you do not enjoy this kind of thing, then at least you have been warned early.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who decided to give my novel a read, and I encourage everyone to comment on how I can improve my storytelling. It's going to be a bumpy road, but I will give it my all. Hope that both you, the readers, and I will have a fun time. 

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