Madame Kismet’s Beginner’s Guide To Being Reborn As A Villainess

Madame Kismet’s Beginner’s Guide To Being Reborn As A Villainess

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Madame Kismet’s Beginner’s Guide To Being Reborn As A Villainess

Review: 7.6/10 from 11 ratings

In general, becoming rebirthed at any age (be it a child, a teen or even an adult) is too much trouble. As this often means relearning everything about a life while also living it. If your body does not come with an auto-function or, at the very least, a diary that chronicles the life of your body, then you better pray you had made use of the basic education provided for you in this plane of existence.

Amongst the most challenging people to be reborn or transmigrated into a woman has it hard. Arguably, this is because social structures surrounding women are far more complicated than those of the opposite gender. Historically, the limitations of women are institutional and, in the most uncomfortable of circumstances, religious in nature. So, pray for a gender-bend if you happen to be born female presenting or with female sexual organs in this life.

Yet, to live is to live. Living people need to live. It seems a shame to waste another chance at life or a new experience in another world. So, this is a piece dedicated to providing you, dear reader, a simple and easy to understand guide to how to live a meaningful and, hopefully, safe life in the event you are reborn as a woman in an alternative world.

The goal of this ‘book’ is to present recommendations based on observation taken form a variety of media exploring the sub-genre. With an emphasis on the phenomenon of “Reborn as a Villainess”, we hope that you never have to use what it’s in the ‘book’ and, instead, live fruitfully on Earth.

Still, on the off chance that it does happen in the future, reading this will not hurt, yeah?



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